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Note by Maxwell AgbeLIFE on Substack
SOLSTICE INVOCATION In this sacred occasion of the winter solstice, we gather to honor the turning of the wheel of the year. As the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky, we seek to connect with the deeper mysteries of the universe and align ourselves…
How important is it to know the gods and goddesses of your ancestral line?
Do you think is even important to honor your ancestors?
Should we demonize them and their spirituality or practices? Can we learn something from them?
Are we ready to heal through the generational traumas and cut cord in order to reestablish a whole new DNA strand? The molecule of life seeks to encourage new programs and expression of the God particle.
What can we do to reinvent ourselves and to establish the Christ nature in our new incarnation? Recall the mistakes of your ancestral line and begin to draw out solutions to change the negative patterns. Go back to the beginning and dive deeper into the ether, ask your guides and masters.
Remember that not everything about your ancestral line is pure so it's important to identify the flaws and offer your love and healings, transmute and cut cord if you want. You have the power to begin afresh and use new materials to recreate your reality for your new gene(ration). Choose!!
A historical epic inspired by true events that took place in The Kingdom of Dahomey, one of the most powerful states of Africa in the 18th and 19th centuries.
A little background of the family ? cutting through the ages and ~~the~~ ancestry DNA flows through
Do not create your own misery by constantly complaining and dwelling on negative thoughts. Instead, cultivate a grateful heart that attracts positivity and miracles. Remember that happiness and unhappiness are subjective and dependent on one's perspective. Recognize that when you place too much importance on external factors, you give them the power to control your emotions. No one has the ability to bring you down or cause you pain unless you allow it. Take charge of your inner dialogue and align your thoughts and words with your goals and aspirations.
Swami Sivananda
Whatever has beginning or end is unreal. That which exists in the past, present and future is real. Brahman only exists in the three periods of time. Hence Brahman alone is real. A real thing only can be eternal, unchanging, beginningless, endless. Anything which is nothing in the beginning and in the end, necessarily does not exist in the middle also.
The reality underlying all names and forms, the primal one from which everything originates is Brahman or the Absolute. Brahman is the ultimate source of all joy and bliss.
Brahman is the inner reality or essence. The five sheaths are the outer husk. The body, the senses, the mind and the intellect are merely the outer covers which conceal the inner permanent Reality. These sheaths are the manifestations of Brahman. They are grounded in Brahman.
Brahman or the Eternal transcends the phenomena. Production and destruction are only phenomena. They are the jugglery of Maya or mind. In reality there is nothing produced or destroyed.
Brahman is infinity. Brahman is eternal. Brahman is Immortality. Infinity must be one. There cannot be two infinities. That which is unchanging, indivisible, non-dual, beginningless, endless, timeless, spaceless, causeless can be infinite. If there are parts in Brahman there will be plurality. There cannot be differences or distinctions in Brahman. Brahman is self-luminous, self-existent, self-contained, self-established, self-revealed. Brahman is birthless and deathless, because He is infinite, bodiless and timeless. Brahman is not a negative blank such as you have in deep dreamless, sound sleep, because He is pure consciousness, knowledge absolute. In Brahman you have perfect awareness, pure intelligence. Brahman or Absolute is Satyasya Satyam. It is the Self of all selves.
The objects seen in the waking state are as real as the objects seen in the dreaming state. All objects are unreal. The witnessing subject only is real and eternal. Life is a waking dream. How can a thing which changes be eternal and real?
The individual souls and the world are all unreal. Nothing save Brahman or the Absolute is eternal.
The mental world is as much objective or unreal as the material. The only reality is Brahman or the Atman. The world vanishes in sleep. The objects of the dream vanish as soon as you wake up. Hence the world of experience and the dream world are unreal. Beyond the three states is the Atman or Brahman. This Brahman is the basis of the three states. It is the silent witness or Sakshi. Brahman alone is Turiya or the fourth state.
Moksha is the Life Eternal. Realisation of the oneness of Self is the high water mark of Perfection. Realise this Brahman through hearing of Srutis (Sravana), reflection (Manana) and constant meditation (Nididhyasana) and attain freedom or the final beatitude.
Realisation of Brahman is regarded as the highest of all knowledge. A strong and wise man who is endowed with the four means only can attain Self-realisation. Rebirth can be stopped only through the realisation of Brahman. He who truly realises his unity with Brahman realises immortality.
Withdraw the senses, look within and search your heart. Dive deep into the deepest recess of your heart through deep meditation on the innermost Self. You will doubtless realise your identity with Brahman and get to the heart of the Infinite joy and bliss.
‘Fake it until you make it’- the societal programming of reverse D11 Anunnaki manipulation behaviour.
We’re starting to see the true reflection of both other people and ourselves as we learn brutal honesty and transparency in times of economic collapse. Honesty is the fundamental principle behind a free will system. If you are hiding something, you’re operating from an anti christ programme.‘Being Nice/charming’ has been used as a negative manipulation tactic specifically by narcissists (called love bombing) to feed off our quantum and spread implants (particularly when physically bonding). Be aware of alien love bites. Look beyond the body and into the soul. Learn to feel encryption. When you oscillate higher, you’ll find it easier to detect ‘actors’ and you won’t draw in these parasites anymore because they know you know and they fear the light that’ll burn them out from being in your field.Techniques will take you so far but authenticity is your true armour of god; your radiant shield of acceptance.
It's true that feeling our feelings often comes with its own complications and swings, especially when we have not been taught how to navigate the pool of our emotions. For instance, it is very easy to express yourself in laughter because it comes with an exciting ripple that strikes a calming effect within your nerves and diaphragm, leading to pure relaxation. But how come the next moment we're completely lost when we are angry and in fright? It tells us that the pool of our emotions and energies within the casual and emotional plane has been altered by a sudden change of mood due to an outside or internal intrusion, possibly because of what someone has done to us, or because we have allowed our unhealed, constipated emotional aspect to react just because we got provoked.
We always have a choice, especially when we're strongly in the flow state and unattached to the desires of the material world. As long as we hold onto human desires or expectations, we'll always encounter unexpected triggers that may catch us off guard. But we always have the power to bring ourselves back when we suddenly find ourselves in the wrong pool of energy - we can always alter the negative waves to establish a healthy relationship with our higher self.
While words don't always carry the ultimate power of experience and expression, we can have profound heightened experiences based on how we relate to our emotions (feelings). Allow how you feel to convey the true essence of creation to you in silence, and you'll always be in a position to alter the entire pool of negativity that seeks to create disharmony in your reality. Even though the science of spoken words is important, learn the science and mechanics behind unspoken words through your emotions (feelings) and you'll always be in a realm of exercising true power to effect changes. The secret of positive change lies in your heightened experiences, thus your emotions - how you feel.
The next time you are speaking without seeing a quick response or manifestation from the etheric realms into the physical, create enough heightened experiences within your internal planes by repeating those mantras. Put it on replay and alter your negative emotions to realign and reconfigure with your creator self. Become the energetic blueprint you seek by acknowledging the flow and forgetting the need for human validation, as their negative pronouncements or declarations can lower your vibrations. Have a tough skin always!
Happy New Month To Everyone
Make this month a memorable one by showing up for those unloved and broken. Offer your kindness and be compassionate.
Pour your soothing balm into the cracks within the fragile heart and help others to smile in this seasonal month.
Be the reason behind the healing of others.
Be the reason behind the smiles and joy of others.
Be the reason behind the laughter of others, and always remember to keep practicing self care and nourishment in order to reflect pure love.
Happy New Month Once Again!!
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