National Rebirth Party

The official channel of the National Rebirth Party:
PO Box 296, Knottingley, West Yorkshire, WF89EU

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2 months, 1 week ago
The Party needs YOU!

The Party needs YOU!

If you have any of these skills or abilities, and agree with the Nationalist Agenda, then get in touch today on
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2 months, 2 weeks ago

The Party will shortly be producing a video series involving some of our Branch Leaders and Officers, who will talk about themselves, why they are involved with the Party, and what their plans are for the future.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Anyone wishing to join the Party's private social media groups on Facebook or Telegram for members or supporters who wish to engage with activities or events, should contact the Party on

4 months, 2 weeks ago
New Article published on the Party …

New Article published on the Party Website:

Kriss Donald - 20 Years Later

By Martin Grove

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4 months, 2 weeks ago
New Article published on the Party …

New Article published on the Party Website:

Awakening from our first, true, Existential Crisis

By National Rebirth Party

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4 months, 2 weeks ago
New Article published on the Party …

New Article published on the Party website:

The Twenty Demands explained - Demand One

By Alek Yerbury, Party Leader

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4 months, 2 weeks ago

There are things both outside and inside the nationalist movement that needs to be overcome during the path ahead.

By far the biggest obstacle to overcome inside the movement is to get rid of the short-term mindset; the mentality of a protestor.

The belief that, whatever happens, we must act NOW before it is too late, has persistently destroyed campaign after campaign.

The position of our people at the moment is too weak, and too disorganised, to achieve any result other than our own destruction on the offensive. What our people need to do is to focus first on marshalling the forces that they have, and organising them properly. No more loose collectives of individuals. No more leaderless activity. No more uncoordinated anonymous activism.

Either that stops, or our people perish. That's the truth of it.

I know how difficult it is for people who are watching horrors unfold around them, to NOT immediately lash out at the people responsible, and instead to sit, wait, and organise themselves for a stronger offensive tomorrow. It takes a monumental strength of will to do it. But for the sake of our people it must be done.

I am expecting it to take between ten and fifteen years to manoeuvre the Party into a position where it can permanently rectify Britain's problems. For problems that have taken a century to create that is a short space of time.

Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, and nothing permanent is ever done overnight.

4 months, 2 weeks ago
**The National Rebirth Party has been …

The National Rebirth Party has been officially formed

The British people must be offered a genuine third option, a Party that is neither a clone of the Conservatives or Labour, that works for the formation of a true National Community. For the Nationalist Agenda to succeed, we must have three things: A desire for a complete change to a system which is irredeemably corrupt, a sense of solidarity between all of our people, and a belief in our own ability to succeed.

Read about Our Party – Why the Party has been formed

Read Our Twenty Demands – The Nationalist Agenda

We already have the foundations of the Party in place, and have begun the process of forming branches in four counties across England and Scotland.

Visit our website, and contact us to learn more and get involved.

We will begin rolling out general memberships shortly.

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4 months, 3 weeks ago
New Article published on the Party …

New Article published on the Party Website:

A New Approach to Nationalism

By Alek Yerbury, Party Leader

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4 months, 3 weeks ago
New Article published on the Party …

New Article published on the Party Website:

Presenting: A Future for Modern Women on the Right

By Lauren Brookes (Angelcynn Division)

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