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?INFOWARS and KIM DOTCOM Interview: Audio only —listen while driving ??
s such as religion, socialism and globalism to name but a few. These are all forms of slavery that have stopped our 'evolution' and removed our freedom.
WE, "The Anonymous Charity" known as "The Collective", see these ideologies for what they are, SYSTEMS OF CONTROL. The time for change is now. No longer shall the people be oppressed by corruption. No longer shall those without a voice go unheard.
To You, The Illuminati, This is the work of "The Anonymous Charity" also known as "The Collective". This is our continuing mission: to expose The New World Order, to destroy the "Illuminati" and all their corporations, to boldly go where no "Anonymous" has gone before. We would gladly give our lives for it as others have already. And they will not be forgotten. We will expose the corruption of all countries from UN affiliates right down to small Pacific nations, who up until now have not had a voice. Small nations like the Cook Islands, Samoa, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, also small Asian countries like Sri Lanka, who recently had a port taken off them and claimed by China through 'free' billion dollar loans provided.
The Chinese plan for future military bases in the South Pacific has been in motion for over a decade now, and are a threat to the rest of the world. No one, has stood up to this fact publicly, except Australia in early November 2018.
So yes, We will be the voice for the voiceless. We will bring justice to the oppressed. This has been a message from The Anonymous Charity known as The Collective.
Today's message is dated February 19, 2018. End of transmission."
Original video url:
Message from 2/19/2019
"Begin Transmission. This is a message from The Anonymous Charity also known as The Collective. Today's broadcast date is February 19, 2019.
As we look back over the last decade, it was indeed a period of Cyber awakening. A rebel "Collective", striking from hidden browsers, had won their first victory against the evil Governmental Empires.
The birth of The Anonymous Charity within 4 CHAN had brought forth a new type of soldier for Truth. During 'Distributed Denial of Service' attacks, "Anonymous" members managed to troll government puppets and leak info about the Elite’s ultimate plan, the New World Order, a secret group called "The Illuminati" with enough wealth to destroy the entire earth as we know it. Pursued by the Empire’s sinister multiple 'three letter agencies' (like the C.I.A, F.B.I, N.R.O, N.S.A, D.O.D, D.H.S, D.O.D and the C.I.D), "Anonymous" while claiming, “We do
not forgive! We do not forget!” chose to fall out of sight.
Eventually infiltrated by the agents of the Elite, the truth faded into darkness. The original "Anonymous" fled to hiding in the deep dark of the Net.
With the Truth gone, fate has yielded it’s reward, a New World Order.
We, "The Anonymous Charity" also known as "The Collective" live amongst you people now, hiding in plain site, judging all corrupt in secret, waiting, protecting. We, The Collective have witnessed your capacity for courage, and though we are ports apart, like us, there’s more to you than meets the eye.
We are "The Anonymous Charity" also known as "The Collective", and we send this message to any awakened citizen taking refuge among the Asleep:
We, are HERE! We have returned! "Anonymous" is back! "The Collective" is here! We are fighting! We WILL Stand for you! We WILL stand for Truth and Justice!
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. Our fight is against rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the forces of evil. The year 2019 will very well be the final year of any true Anonymous protest, due to the coming 5G grid which will eliminate 'privacy' as we know it. So you have a choice to make.
Will you stand for your freedom? Or will you continue to be a slave? Those of us who have risked everything to wake you up will see if our years of endless work has paid off, or if you truly do not care to be free. It will be self evident if humanity will take this chance, or not.
We are in this together. You can choose to stand for humanity, or you can choose to pull the trigger on it. You have to choose to stand for your freedom, or allow yourselves and the rest of us to continue to be murdered, infected, silenced, and enslaved by the elite. People question our motives. "Are you really here to help us?" they ask. "Are you here for WE THE PEOPLE?"
The answer to all these questions, is YES. This channel you are listening to right now, is our second attempt to come back to this platform.
In October 2018, we made our OFFICIAL return. The hunger for Truth was greater than ever before, and within 6 weeks, YOU, watched 120 MILLION Minutes of truth on our channel!
That's almost 230 YEARS of you sitting in front of your media device, watching The Collective HQ broadcast, without a break!
When public outrage ensued as a result of the NEW YORK State Late Term Abortion Law extension, we, organised an Official WHITE HOUSE petition, and together we acquired almost 300 thousand signatures in a week! The President has now publicly announced that it WILL go before congress for a vote. We The Anonymous Charity, have stated that IF the vote does NOT go the way it should, then WE THE PEOPLE will take our voice to the Capital. We The People, WILL march on DC! United with one voice in non-violent, peaceful civil disobedience, WE THE PEOPLE will make our voice heard! WE THE PEOPLE will become the voice for the voiceless.
We will stand together for the millions of babies lost to Moloch.
Prepare to March. More information to come IF the vote decides it.
Throughout history the world has been controlled by big ideologie
A material which can be surreptitiously administered by the above routes and which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a person to perform physical activity. The CIA has been involved in the creation of every religious organization in the United States. They produce fundamentalists (extremists) who are so completely brainwashed they are the perfect puppets to raise brainwashed and controlled children. Parents pay for their children to be tortured, starved, beaten, and killed by these people under the guise that their child needed “behavior modification”. There is no freedom left in America. When a society thrives on the ritualistic suffering and murder of their children the society is dead. In America, when a child is too noisy in class or has too much energy (you know, that thing kids are born with and have to burn up in order to grow) they are prescribed medication to numb them up and shut them down. Parents play the main role in how a child is abused as they condone and enforce it. They are the caretakers, the one’s the child trusts to protect them. The parents see the government as their parent and therefore are children themselves, handing over all powers to them. Children are brought up in extreme home situations, foster care, sent to camps, centers, schools that have one purpose: to destroy the future of society. These places are infected with CIA agents, doctors and caregivers under the control of the CIA to do with your children unimaginable things, all with YOUR consent and your money. James Dobson, the Pearls, CPS, STRAIGHT, W WASP and so many countless people and organizations have that one purpose. They electrocute children into submission, break bones, drown them, tie them up, lock them in solitary, rape them, starve them and even exercise them to death. You think American’s care about Gitmo? They do the same horrible things to their own children! If parents would simply grow up and realize the government brainwashing they have been steeped in is neither in line with HUMAN RIGHTS or Constitutional rights.
The human rights violations that rest on the government of America are too numerous to count, and will never be brought to justice anywhere, but here. Children are humans and they deserve LOVE and protection from those who have accepted responsibility for them. Sending children to government run programs to “correct” them, because they are individual humans and not carbon copies of yourselves, is an inexcusable negligence on your part. People must STOP believing that the government knows best. If they advertise it to you to take your children away, for any amount of time, to give them “treatment” and make them “better”, don’t be so surprised when you get a quiet, obedient pine box in return. BLIND TRUST of a CORRUPT GOVERNMENT will never give you anything you need or want. If a child needs help, HELP them. Don’t send them off for someone YOU DON’T KNOW to control. The truth is, you don’t know who they really are.
We are the Anonymous Charity known as, "The Collective". We are the VOICE for the voiceless. The time for change is now. No longer shall the people be oppressed by corruption. No longer shall the innocent cries of the murdered children go unheard. The Calm has past. The Storm is here. Expect us.
"The times are too grave, the challenge too urgent, and the stakes too high — to permit the customary passions of political debate. We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us through that darkness to a safe and sane future.”
This message is dated December 19th 2018.
End of Transmission.
“I made you sane and . . . I . . . can . . . make . . . you . . . insane.” That's a quote from "Synanon" founder Chuck Dederich. The programs active today are copies of past human experiments we now know the names of such as: Project BlueBird, renamed Artichoke and then renamed, MKUltra which was renamed, Stargate-Program and MKSearch. MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture. Sub Programs of MKUltra (and there are hundreds): MK Chatter: focusing on the identification and testing of drugs in interrogations. used
of anabasine (an alkaloid), scopolamine and mescaline. MK Often: test the behavioral and toxicological effects of certain drugs on animals and humans. MK Derbyhat: MK 3rd Chance:
MK Chikwit: identify new drug developments in Europe and Asia and to obtain information and samples, explore the world of black magic, and harness the forces of darkness and challenge the concept that the inner reaches of the mind are beyond reach. MK Delta: aka project SPAN involved the contamination of food supplies and the aerosolized spraying of a potent LSD mixture. MK Naomi: related Special Operations Division. successor to MK Delta. focused on biological projects including biological warfare agents—specifically, to store materials that could either incapacitate or kill a test subject and to develop devices for the diffusion of such materials
QK Hilltop: Chinese and Korean Brainwashing techniques practiced QK Boil, QK Demon, QK Droop, QK Active, and QK Enchant. Dr. George Hunter White (involved with the programs) reports: “… it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and bidding of the All highest?” Programs are described by the CIA as involving: Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public. Substances which increase the efficiency of perception. Materials which will cause the victim to age faster/slower in maturity. Materials which will promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol. Materials which will produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc. Materials which will cause temporary/permanent brain damage and loss of memory. Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called “brain-washing”.
Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use. Physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use. Substances which produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the legs, acute anemia,
etc. Substances which will produce a chemical that can cause blisters. Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced.
A material which will cause mental confusion of such a type that the individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under questioning. Substances which will lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men when administered in undetectable amounts. Substances which promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or hearing faculties, preferably without permanent effects. A knockout pill which can surreptitiously be administered in drinks, food, cigarettes, as an aerosol, etc., which will be safe to use, provide a maximum of amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types on an ad hoc basis.
Tweet/X post regarding this lost video.
Original Video post.
Archived re-upload post.
Subtitles for original video below.
Begin Transmission. This is a message from The Anonymous Charity also known as The Collective.
Today's broadcast date is December 19th 2018. Since our last video upload dated December 18th, we have received a tremendous amount of support from the public. One question however, that we were asked over and over was, "Why are you 'only' focusing on the child trafficking?"
Yes, there are a number of Operations we have running right now. We will only disclose the nature of them here on YouTube once we have actionable intel that ensures these crimes are looked into from the highest levels of Government. Why would we tell the so called Elites of our plans to take them down in advance? We take what we do very seriously. All of us here, The Collective would gladly give our lives for this cause. With that being said, we will not tempt fate either. The Child Trafficking Rings are BIGGER that what any of you can ever imagine. The Satanic Ritual abuse, the terror inflicted upon the innocent. The murder and the disposing of the bodies are all coming to surface. We have it all. We know where the bodies are kept. Let us explain WHY this is bigger that you think. Let us tell you just how the CIA started the ball rolling decades ago. Did you know, that way back in 1953 alone, $87.5 million was spent on CIA child abuse programs. These programs are actively practiced and enforced in “boot camps”, rehabilitation centers, boarding schools, behavior modification therapy and many other false-fronted centers. Treatment centers are run by nonprofits, religious organizations and for-profit corporations. Most are funded by taxpayers. Children are usually placed by school districts, court systems and social welfare agencies and their parents. Today in 2018, taxpayers give well over $200 million per year to fund and support these facilities. One facility alone receives $65 million a year of non-taxed funds. Taxes pay for the employment of people like Kelvin Perry, 51, who was a facility program
director for 15 years until he was finally imprisoned for sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl who had been under his supervision. Only God knows how many hundreds of others he tortured and abused in those 15 years alone. A glimpse into the reported issues from one states treatment centers. Keep in mind that
no reported number is accurate. It is at very least double that of what is reported and most studies show that only 5% of children report what has actually been done to them so. If you think of all stats on child abuse as only 5%, you will see more clearly the shame America holds.
So, how do these places thrive when there is so much evidence to obliterate them? Because they are 1, run by the CIA, and 2, funded and supported by citizens. If any of these places get “caught” in a big enough way to get action taken against them, they change the name of the center, fire those in the spotlight (usually hiring
them back under a new name) and continue business as usual. They are a web, many different strands of the same corporation. The cases usually get thrown out and ignored by the corrupted judicial system. This WILL be brought to light VERY soon. We are DONE standing by and watching. Insurance stops paying for what’s called “cognitive” rehab, and there are few residential treatment centers that take government insurance, or even private insurance after a certain point. People who are wealthy, or have workers’ compensation or a lawsuit settlement, can find care, but most others cannot.
The disregard for human life is truly astounding.
Pre "The Youtube Purge" ?
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