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Last updated 4 weeks, 1 day ago
#IQ_500 ? Some students in class: - I watch English movies in English! (Men inglizcha kinolarni ingliz tilida ko‘raman) - Wow! ? ⭐️ My English
? Some students in class:
- I watch English movies in English!
(Men inglizcha kinolarni ingliz tilida ko‘raman)
- Wow! ?
⭐️ My English
Hozirda ko‘p o‘quvchilar shoshqaloq va sabrsiz bo‘lib qolgan. To‘g‘ri, raqobat kuchli. Tezroq yuqori natijalarga erishish kerak. Chunki qo‘shni mahalladagi So‘taqo‘zi 15 yoshida IELTS 8.0 oldi. Siz bo‘lsa haliyam "My naym iz" deb yuribsiz. ?
Lekin bir narsani tushunib oling, iltimos. Ilm olish bir stakan suv ichishdek oson emas. Ko‘p vaqt talab qiladi. O‘sha IELTS 8.0 olgan tanishingiz tishi chiqqandan beri ingliz tili o‘qiydi. Siz ikki oy kursga borib, nega men inglizcha gapirolmayapman, deb siqilib yuribsiz.
☝️?Ilmni olgandan keyin uning miyaga singishi ham bor. Mana shu jarayon uzoqroq vaqt va ko‘proq matonat talab qiladi.
Xullas, davom eting. Qattiq mehnat oxirida shirin mevasini beradi, in shaa Alloh.
⭐️ My English
This 2023 year is gonna be remembered as a "NINERS' YEAR".
? The 6th niner is already aboard.
What the fantastic!
According to IDP officials, this niner (a lady) preferred to stay incognito.
Getting 9.0 is just like biting the pistachio as I mentioned earlier.
⭐️ My English
Don't just be "ho‘kiz", my friends! ?
Study more. Try to spend your valuable time on more important things than just surfing the Net.
BAND 6 ANSWER ⤵️ Grammatical/Lexical Differences: 1. The language is simpler ("I think it is important"). 2. Repetition of phrases ("shows these meals"). 3. Less varied vocabulary. Argumentative Differences: 1. Direct and straightforward. 2. Uses a…
BAND 6 ANSWER ⤵️*Grammatical/Lexical Differences:*1. The language is simpler ("I think it is important").
2. Repetition of phrases ("shows these meals").
3. Less varied vocabulary.
Argumentative Differences:1. Direct and straightforward.
2. Uses a basic explanation to justify the importance of food in festivals.
BAND 7 ANSWER ⤵️*Grammatical/Lexical Differences:*1. Introduction of more sophisticated language ("I think it's essential").
2. Improved structuring ("showcasing them" instead of "showing it").
3. Better word choice ("enjoyable meals" over "nice meals").
Argumentative Differences:1. More concise and clearer in argument structure.
2. More emphasis on the representation of traditions.
BAND 8 ANSWER ⤵️*Grammatical/Lexical Differences:*1. Sophisticated introduction ("I believe it's crucial for countries").
2. Uses richer vocabulary like "tell a story" and "represent our traditions".
3. The addition of context ("By having them at festivals").
Argumentative Differences:1. Expands the idea by mentioning how foods tell a story about a country's culture and history.
2. Makes the explanation more contextual by adding implications for both locals and visitors.
BAND 9 ANSWER ⤵️*Grammatical/Lexical Differences:*1. High-level vocabulary and phrasing ("embodiment of the nation's cultural heritage").
2. Uses varied sentence structures and more complex language forms.
3. The introduction of evocative expressions ("testament to our rich traditions").
Argumentative Differences:1. Provides depth to the topic by focusing on the dual role of food - as a culinary delight and as a cultural symbol.
2. The answer captures a holistic view of the role of food in festivals, covering its impact on both local residents and tourists, and how it promotes cultural understanding.
As we move from Band 6 to Band 9, there's a clear progression in the sophistication of language, the depth of the argument, and the ability to articulate ideas in a clear and engaging manner.
Send this video to your friend who repeatedly says "beautiful" to everything. ?
Community chat:
Last updated 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 6 months ago
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Last updated 4 weeks, 1 day ago