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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Last updated 5 months ago
The OFFICIAL Telegram Channel of Simon Parkes.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Globalism v. Globalization - by SL Kanthan
Four Philosophies of Geopolitics - by SL Kanthan
Neoliberalism - The Hidden Cancer of Economics
????Remigration starting?
? The mood is changing in Austria and Germany. #Remigration became popular in 2024. The change of power in Syria is the reason for numerous measures to stop illegal migration.
❗️But that alone is not enough.
1. Right-wingers must now go one step further. Replacement migration itself must be criticized.
2. We must hold all of the latecomers & fakers accountable.
✈️ They want to dump their diversity-stocks & buy into #remigration. That's okay if the really mean it. Now is the time to push the overton window furhter to the right!
? English channel ____? Support my work
“La tradizione è una scelta, un mormorio dei tempi antichi e del futuro. Essa mi dice chi io sono. Essa mi dice che io sono di qualche parte. Io sono del paese dell’albero e della foresta, della quercia e del cinghiale, della vigna e dei tetti a punta, della chanson de geste e dei racconti delle fate, del solstizio d’inverno e del San Giovanni d’estate, dei bambini biondi e degli sguardi chiari, dell’azione ostinata e dei sogni folli, delle conquiste e della saggezza. Ecco perché sono un cuore ribelle. Ribelle per fedeltà.” Dominique Venner
Our latest titles on JULIUS EVOLA and RICHARD HUNT have just been sent to the printer and will arrive here next week. The number of copies available will be limited and to avoid disappointment you are advised to place your orders as early as possible. Thank you.
L'Échelle de Jacob: Influence et persuasion
We hebben nog nooit zo'n economische oorlog als deze gezien - Frontnieuws
Quelles sont les marges de manœuvre de Trump ?
La marge de manœuvre de Trump est beaucoup plus étroite qu’il n’y paraît dans un pays où la corruption, les conflits d’intérêt et le chantage sont fréquemment observés dans la vie politique.
Au sein de son propre camp, le futur président n’a pas que des amis et ses majorités à la chambre et au Sénat sont insuffisantes pour lui assurer la certitude de pouvoir gouverner sans entrave.
Meilleur code promo 𝟏𝐊𝐑𝐀
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Last updated 5 months ago
The OFFICIAL Telegram Channel of Simon Parkes.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago