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@robloxfrontupdates » BREAKING NEWS: ROBLOX FRONT has just DEPLOYED in support of George Washington's Birthday on Brookhaven. ⭐️ Get vetted today:
Yesterday: NoW tHaT pAtEl is In PaTrIoT FrOnT iS dOnE!
Today: Patriot Front is carrying out multiple organized actions around the nation.
Patriot Front is the future, the multiracial big tent conservative movement has one foot in the grave, it will die with the gullible boomers who make up its base.
The youth don’t want more empty promises, they want action. They don’t want to fight for GDP they don’t want to fight for Israel, they want to fight for their people.
George Lincoln Rockwell’s fatal flaw was his inability to prepare a successor.
National Alliance also had this issue.
The Order tried to be militant without having sufficient support from the general public to be protected by it.
The 90s militia movement was a bunch of people thinking the end was coming and they would be able to hide innawoods. Ultimately it was a huge grift. Because they tried to hide in the woods they had no public outreach/public support when the government hammer came down.
The skinhead movement became too niche to ever influence the average person. Taking on an antisocial appearance and attitude did not help. Its influence was massive and respectable but mostly limited to a certain kind of person.
The alt-right of the Trump era was too decentralized and tried to form a coalition and instead of succeeding it ended up demoralizing people and generating historic levels of infighting while producing no tangible results except getting Trump elected.
Pf seems to have a hierarchy and system for preparing men to be leaders.
It does not break the law and take men out of the fight by having them commit serious felonies. Its image is not anti-social. Clean cut, fit White men, often engaged in pro-social work like disaster relief is something White people of every class and from every walk of life can get behind.
Rather than hide from the public they go to the heart of cities and seek to make themselves known to the public. This makes slandering them and pretending they’re a violent militia much harder.
Unlike the alt-right of 2016, it is not an amorphous mob of unvetted and often unstable people with radically different visions for the future and tactics and aesthetics. It is made up of highly vetted men with a common uniform and a common goal and set of standards and tactics.
We owe much to the men and movements which came before us. Nationalism is after all, not a blind impulse that seeks to destroy everything that came before like communism, neither is it a regressive cult that seeks to retain everything from the past, including the errors and injustices our forefathers did not foresee.
Nationalism is about preserving those things which were good and made our people strong, while doing away with that which does not serve our people any longer.
From my limited perspective it seems that Patriot Front has done a good job of learning from the mistakes of past movements. Its growth has been steady throughout the years and its influence seems to be permeating the mainstream.
My constant prayer is that after so many years of struggle, the lessons of the past will culminate in this movement and that it will be the vehicle for change our people need.
This is who I believe we should be cheering for and putting our faith in.
Sent to me from a member of Patriot Front:
“Today is Thomas Rousseau's 26th birthday, beginning his 8th year as a leader and organizer of American nationalism.
I’ve worked alongside Thomas since the early stages of Patriot Front, more than half a decade.
Despite unrelenting attacks from opponents and criticism from would-be allies, this man has spent his entire adult life with a single-minded and unrivaled focus.
Here’s to the young man with an unrelenting work ethic and neverending optimism for the future of our people.
Here’s to the young man who has changed what it means to be an American for many of us, and is sure to alter its future.
Hail Columbia.”
The time for reaction passes once one becomes aware of a problem. A reaction should be a momentary thing, like an expression of shock or disgust across one's face before they set their expression in stone and go about fixing the problem. The time for reaction to the rotten state of our world has long since passed and now it's time to start building the counter to the poison of this world. In that spirit and with that knowledge in mind, you need to start focusing your talents (whatever those might be) on your place in the community that's already here, and the world we all want to see.
Whatever it is that animates your muscle with natural, flowing movements and gets you active without even needing to think about it is your natural place. For me, this is in crafts. I'm a blacksmith by passion and nature and even when I knew nothing, I knew enough naturally to set about making knives and gate handles. I'm more learned now and can actually make something that looks like something, whereas before I was beating metal and wondering why it looked so ugly.
This war of ours isn't strictly personal. Of course you and I as individuals are affected by the poison of our enemy's sting, but so too is every other White person in this world. Our families, friends, our communities, the budding beginnings of the new kingdoms and chiefdoms suffer from not only our enemy but our own lack of response.
Of course that isn't to discredit those that already took it upon themselves to act rather than simply react, quite the opposite in fact. They ought to act as touchstones for us who are alive and active now to look back on and take inspiration from. But we need to do better than them. So much better.
In this spirit we need to stop thinking solely as individuals ("How does this affect me, personally?") and start thinking about our people, our communities, and building those communities. We need to build up our people, rather than tear them down. We need to start thinking about how to inspire other White folk, how to knock them out of their stupors and bring them into awareness so that they can reap the benefits of a community they help to create.
Stop giving energy to the rotten, to the degenerate, and to the poisonous. Your thoughts, if they are filled with poison, will create poison through your hands and tongue and face. By spreading poison, you sicken your people, and you bring them down rather than build them up.
Your thoughts, if they are filled with virtue, will if you have the mind to act upon your virtue and your search for rightness create beautiful things and inspire the people who look at you and see you striving for beauty and goodness rather than spreading further sorrow and poison.
Control your mind, temper your thoughts, act with goodness and bravery, and start acting rather than just reacting. Your people need you.
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