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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Uc admin @javohir18uz_uc 👨💻
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Kanalga #rek deb tashalgan narsalarga men javob bermiman❗️
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
🔱 1v1•2$•@STARK37UC
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
The Jews have Abandoned the Covenant with God and have made themselves children of the devil by their actions. Saint Cyprian of Carthage perfectly explains in his Treatises on the Our Father prayer that the Jews have Abandoned God for the Devil by their numerous sins, after the prophets they had slewn had announced the coming of the Messiah.
"Nor ought we, beloved brethren, only to observe and understand that we should call Him Father who is in heaven; but we add to it, and say our Father, that is, the Father of those who believe— of those who, being sanctified by Him, and restored by the nativity of spiritual grace, have begun to be sons of God. A word this, moreover, which rebukes and condemns the Jews, who not only unbelievingly despised Christ, who had been announced to them by the prophets, and sent first to them, but also cruelly put Him to death; and these cannot now call God their Father, since the Lord confounds and confutes them, saying, You are born of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. For he was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. John 8:44 And by Isaiah the prophet God cries in wrath, I have begotten and brought up children; but they have despised me. The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master's crib; but Israel has not known me, and my people has not understood me. Ah sinful nation, a people laden with sins, a wicked seed, corrupt children! You have forsaken the Lord; you have provoked the Holy One of Israel to anger. Isaiah 1:3 In repudiation of these, we Christians, when we pray, say Our Father; because He has begun to be ours, and has ceased to be the Father of the jews, who have forsaken Him. Nor can a sinful people be a son; but the name of sons is attributed to those to whom remission of sins is granted, and to them immortality is promised anew, in the words of our Lord Himself: Whosoever commits sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abides not in the house for ever, but the son abides ever. John 8:34"
CHURCH FATHERS: Treatise 4 (Cyprian of Carthage)
Featuring the Church Fathers, Catholic Encyclopedia, Summa Theologica and more.
The overhaul on the article on the investigation of St. Kolbe's death has begun, and it will include and expand upon the greater picture of what was going on in occupied Poland
He was very discreet in this regard, but had a true devotion to his mother’s memory, and what Kubizek has stated in his memoirs is very revealing. To me, my religion did not seem to be at all in contradiction to my siding with the principles and ideas promoted by Hitler; he understood that very well, to the extent that one day he told me, “If I had a son, I would have liked him to be like you.” […]"
From "Leon Degrelle in Exile" by José Luís Jerez Riesco
In May 1945 Spanish churches distributed cards of the blessed Virgin Mary asking for prayers for the soul of Adolf Hitler
As late as the end of the nineteenth century, Civiltà Cattolica, the most authoritative Jesuit periodical published in Rome under the direct supervision of the Curia, endorsed the notion that Jews are essentially a race*. Its founding editor, Giuseppe Oreglia SJ, printed an article that was cleared by the Vatican Secretariat of State, in which the notion was given sanction:
"Oh how wrong and deluded are those who think Judaism is just a religion, like Catholicism, Paganism, Protestantism, and not in fact a race, a people, and a nation! For the Jews are not only Jews because of their religion... they are Jews also and especially because of their race." ~ David Cymet, History vs. Apologetics: The Holocaust, the Third Reich, and the Catholic Church.*
Trad Russia strikes again ??️??️⚧️??☪️✡️
"Tell your Lord God in every morning prayer that you want to march bravely, fight and endure out of love for your people and homeland. Whatever this time demands in terms of effort, blood and tears, what the Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht orders you soldiers and what your homeland expects: God himself stands behind all of this with his will and his command. […] The battle in the East and the confrontation with Bolshevik subhumanism are particularly tearing at the German soldier's soul with giant fists. […] Every service is a source of strength for you. You need enthusiasm in order not to let your military service descend into a business-like craft, but to do it for the glory of God and for the high, holy cause of the German fatherland. […] Far from home, the best of our people rest in foreign soil, but every wooden cross that stands on the streets of this war and under which a German soldier slumbers towards resurrection is a wonderful symbol of the highest loyalty.” –Bishop Franz Justus Rarkowski
"I consider it an evident duty of every German, for the sake of the solidarity and unity of the German people, to answer with a cheerful 'Yes' to the Führer's question."
~ Birchall, Frederick T. (19 August 1934). "Nazis See Betrayal in Hostile Ballots in Today's Vote". New York Times. p. 1.
Internet Archive
La Franc-Maçonnerie, Synagogue de Satan : Monsenhor Léon Meurin : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Johann Gabriel Leo Louis Meurin (1825-1895) foi ordenado padre em 1848 e sagrado bispo 20 anos depois.Seu prolongado trabalho missionário na Índia e na...
Monsignor Johann Gabriel Léon Marie Meurin SJ on the Babylonian satanic pagan occult origins of the Jewish Kabbalah in his book "Freemasonry: Synagogue of Satan"
"From the pagan dens this Spirit of evil was able to penetrate, with its criminal doctrine, in the spirit of a certain class of the Jewish people held captive in Babylon. Allied with his new followers, known for tenacity extraordinary of their race, he was able to move the world, and he stirs it again. If the Pharisees did not hesitate to crucify Christ, they will also not hesitate to persecute Christians whose spiritual faith is in direct opposition to their temporal hopes."
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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Uc admin @javohir18uz_uc 👨💻
Reklama narhlari👉 @j18uzreklama
Kanalga #rek deb tashalgan narsalarga men javob bermiman❗️
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
🔱 1v1•2$•@STARK37UC
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago