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Melon Sandbox Official Telegram channel

Telegram Bot: @melon_playground_telegrambot
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Play: @hamster_kombat_boT

Last updated 2 days, 18 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 days, 16 hours ago

HaCk3D? Pokras Lampas

Last updated 22 hours ago

2 weeks, 1 day ago

Hey guys!

We see a lot of you giving feedback and complaints about the in game workshop moderation team. We see them, don't feel like your reports get ignored. But instead of fixing individual problems, we decided to tackle the big issue itself.

From now on, mods/saves will be approved differently, so if any of your work was rejected, but you feel like it was following all the rules perfectly fine and was good, send again and they will be reviewed again

This is new for the team too, so it's a bit of a learning curve, but with your understanding and help, we are trying to make it better. So send your mods again and let's fill our workshop with your awesome works! 💘

1 month ago

Hi guys!
A couple of month ago, we launched our biggest feature yet, the in game workshop! It’s a huge platform where everyone can share their mods/saves. BUT it’s not just that. We were hiding a small secret from you. 😄

Every Mel you earn from your sold mods/saves, can later on be exchanged for real life money🎉. Yes, you can make an income by selling your works! We were testing it all this time to make sure it works and finally we are ready to share it!

How can you do it? Very easy to be honest. Just go to this website, fill all the needed information and that’s it!
Just heads up: you have to have a minimum amount of Mels to exchange, so tread lightly!

Start creating and having even more fun! ⭐️

1 month, 2 weeks ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago
**Melon/dead** ***🍉***

Melon/dead 🍉

Author: @Usem_mp

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Hello! 🥳
I'm glad to inform you that we have started a new recruitment for game testers. Leave your form at the link below and maybe you will become a new tester. 😎
The rules of the form are described in its description:

Recruitment for testers will last for a week so that everyone can submit their form. Have a nice day/night 😍

Google Docs

Testers Form Melon SandBox

Form requirements: 1: You must be at least 14 years old 2: You must be level 15 on the server 3: You must be experienced and competent

Hello! ***🥳***
2 months, 3 weeks ago
***🍉*** **melon in space**

🍉 melon in space

author: @Diftitan

2 months, 3 weeks ago

🅾️Send your work to our bot - " @Melon_playground_telegrambot ". we will post quality works in the channel.

2 months, 4 weeks ago
2 months, 4 weeks ago
Melon Sandbox Official
We recommend to visit

Community chat:

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Play: @hamster_kombat_boT

Last updated 2 days, 18 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 days, 16 hours ago

HaCk3D? Pokras Lampas

Last updated 22 hours ago