NSDAP Loved Christ II

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hace 6 meses, 4 semanas


hace 7 meses, 1 semana
NSDAP Loved Christ II
hace 7 meses, 1 semana
German nuns awarded the Military Merit …

German nuns awarded the Military Merit Cross for helping German civilians in the criminal RAF and USAF raids

hace 7 meses, 1 semana
NSDAP Loved Christ II
hace 7 meses, 1 semana
National Socialist Germany has nothing to …

National Socialist Germany has nothing to do with this international incitement to hatred. The German people want to live in and be respected by their environment. Only the violation of these evident rights of an honor-loving people can be the cause of enmity. Thus, our struggle is not directed against the Slavic peoples dominated and oppressed by Bolshevism, but against the world revolution carried out by the Comintern. Germany is not the enemy of the Slavs, but an implacable and irreconcilable enemy of the Jews and the communism they brought to the world.

- Rudolf Hess, 1937 speech.

hace 7 meses, 1 semana
NSDAP Loved Christ II
hace 7 meses, 1 semana
NSDAP Loved Christ II
hace 9 meses, 3 semanas
**The Führer enforced mandatory confession** **during …

The Führer enforced mandatory confession during the interwar period
Wehrmacht Gen. Reinecke: “...The way it is with the troops—if the commander wants the people to go to Church, then they go to Church, whether they feel that way or not, and if he says: I don’t want them to go to church, they don’t go. That’s how it is, for all practical purposes.

THE FUHRER: “According to my experience it isn’t always like that, though. He (the commander) says, “You don’t need to go to Church.” But he has them line up, and whoever doesn’t go to church has to peel potatoes or clean latrines, while those who go to church are free afterward.

Bormann: “I’ve already spoken with Goebbels about this field of active propaganda. He will support it extensively.

THE FUHRER: “It just has to work. That’s quite clear!”

Source: “Hitler and his generals: military conferences1942-1945, p. 394-395

hace 1 año, 1 mes
NSDAP Loved Christ II
hace 1 año, 1 mes
**NSDAP discredits Mohammed and Buddha**.

NSDAP discredits Mohammed and Buddha.

"Christ is not a religion starter like Buddha and Mohamed. Christ is the way, the truth and the life. This is the claim to totality of Christianity that paganism never will be able to destroy."Source:
Page 16 of Paul Massler's book "War Jesus Jude?"

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Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago

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