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Last updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago

唯一负责人: @hhhhub
吃瓜中心: @cgzx2

Last updated 4 weeks, 1 day ago


Last updated 5 months ago

4 weeks ago

RCIC 黃先生對少數憂慮不被照顧的申請者的後續建議

4 weeks, 1 day ago


Update on temporary policies affecting international students
IRCC introduced a number of temporary policies affecting international students in 2022 and 2023 and recently provided an update on their status:

  1. The waiver on the 20-hour-per-week limit on the number of hours international students are allowed to work off campus while class is in session was extended to April 30, 2024, only, reflecting that many current students are relying on working more than 20 hours per week to cover their expenses and potentially jeopardizing their studies. We will continue to examine options for this policy in the future, such as expanding off-campus work hours for international students to 30 hours per week while class is in session.
    《《《 這是指,從 2024.04.30 開始,海外留學生的每週工作時數由機會回覆原本的20小時。留意是每週計算,而不是平均計算。

  2. The facilitative measure that has allowed international students to count time spent studying online towards the length of a future post-graduation work permit, as long as it constitutes less than 50% of the program of study, will continue to be in place for students who begin a study program before September 1, 2024. This measure will no longer apply to students who begin a study program on or after that date. Distance learning facilitation measures were first implemented in 2020 in response to travel restrictions during the pandemic, and were reduced in scope in September 2022. At this point, the vast majority of international students are studying in person in Canada.
    《《《 這是指,因疫情而放寬的上課時數計算方法:「只要網課低於整個課程的一般的時候,整個課程的長度都可以反映於 Post-Graduate Work Permit 的長度上」--此計算方法將不會適用於 Post-Graduate Work Permit 的長度內。即是說, 2024.09.01 或以後開學的學生的 Post-Graduate Work Permit 的長度計算,只會包括面授課堂的時間。

  3. In response to labour market disruptions during the pandemic and post-pandemic recovery, a temporary policy was introduced on three occasions to provide an additional 18-month work permit to post-graduation work permit holders as their initial work permit was expiring. Foreign nationals with a post-graduation work permit expiring up to December 31, 2023, remained eligible to apply. However, this temporary policy has not been extended, returning to the long standing policy that an international graduate is eligible for only one post graduation work permit in their lifetime. Those with post graduation work permits expiring in 2024 who haven’t transitioned to permanent residence will need to determine if they are eligible to apply for another type of work permit or if they will need to leave Canada when their status expires.
    《《《 這是指,因疫情而特別容許的從 PGWP 到期時接駁一多18個月,將會回復原有政策。即是說,2023.12.31 以後到期的 PGWP 將不會自動獲得延長。申請者需要申請其他類型的工作簽證。在 HK Pathway 來說,新的畢業生理應符合 OWP 的資格。但請留意: 在加的新畢業生 INLAND APPLY OWP 有時會被錯誤判斷為 PGWP Application. 申請時務必特別註明是 "HK Pathway: SOWP Exempt from LMIA & OAB job category".



Making Canada’s International Student Program sustainable - Canada.ca

Canada values the significant social, cultural and economic benefits that international students bring to Canada. For those benefits to continue and to ensure international students who arrive in Canada are set up for success, we must tackle issues that have…

1 month ago

For those who are waiting for PR and worried about maintaining their current status, from RCIC Alfred Wong

@ “Stream A 及 B 審批無期,影響我後續計劃啊!”
1. 回港的話:
• HK Pathway 的原意是幫助有需要的香港朋友移民加拿大,意味著拿到楓葉咭後,全家會安頓下來。如果你的 “後續計劃” 是回港重拾舊職或事業,賺多幾年錢才回來定居,這純粹是個人需要,我們團隊不予置評,但告誡這小部分朋友,切忌把沮喪發洩在我們團隊身上,因為如遇到這情況,黃先生一定會站在員工一邊
2. 留下的話:
• Stream A — 可經 PGWP 或於 2025.02.07 前經 HK Pathway 3 年 OWP 2.0 版本拿 3 年 OWP
• Stream B — 同樣可以再拿 3 年 OWP,假設你是 1.0 版本下的第 1 批 OWP 持有人,2021 年中抵達,大部分已拿了楓葉咭。如果你延至 2023 年底—2024 年衫才遞交 Stream B 申請,OWP 過期前立刻申請另一張,就可繼續工作至 2027 年中或更長無論如何,你們可以繼續工作,小朋友繼續免費讀中小學

跟據上一段的分析,3 年 OWP 2.0 下,你的合法工作身份可延至 2028 年夏天,怎可能仍未拿到楓葉咭,這提問是否多餘,浪費大家時間呢,也寄語這類朋友不要濫用身邊朋友對你的關心。

2 months, 3 weeks ago
【家和】2024.02.11 (Sun) 急救證書班 (粵語)

【家和】2024.02.11 (Sun) 急救證書班 (粵語)
CPR Standard First Aid Level C + AED Course (Cantonese)
Fee: $125(PR discount) / $135
Registration: https://form.jotform.com/240096139350251

3 months ago
【家和】2024.02.01-29 (Thur) 小童自閉症社交小組

【家和】2024.02.01-29 (Thur) 小童自閉症社交小組
如何與自閉症孩子溝通及相處? 🧐

對象: 3-6 歲有自閉症的兒童
費用: $200/ 5 節
費用符合 OAP 及普遍工時保險補助資格

Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/13mQF7yQuKHDzuAJk0uaON4lcF_sBeDk-SJ1doc74UmU/

3 months ago


Analyst, Group Treasury Product Control

Interested individuals can apply directly at the link below, and send email the referrer at gpau@schulich.yorku.ca.


4 months, 4 weeks ago
【家和】2023.12.05 (Tue) 如何在「萬稅之國」做好財務規劃 - 網上講座 (廣東話)

【家和】2023.12.05 (Tue) 如何在「萬稅之國」做好財務規劃 - 網上講座 (廣東話)
Registration: https://forms.gle/FqMy84K7cBoT6kYy9

5 months ago



评论本台民调 – 加拿大梦

我们Omni2电视台委托民调公司 Leger,於今年10月15日至25日,访问了1千5百多位移民, 针对他们所关注问题进行线上调查,结果显示,急剧增加的生活成本,正阻碍着移民在加拿大实现梦想的脚步, 其中58%的受访者说, 加拿大梦真的是一场梦, 4成2的人每天辛苦的工作, 只求收支平衡。移民离加拿大梦越来越远, 原因有哪些? 又会引发哪些问题? 我们今天就邀请提供移民心理辅导及安置服务的家和总干事黄晓莹博士, 和大家一起关注。

5 months ago

【家和】12 月份活動

5 months ago
【家和】安省保險網上講座(粵語) 2023.11.29 @ 10-11am EDT

【家和】安省保險網上講座(粵語) 2023.11.29 @ 10-11am EDT

報名: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxbjyyLcnEAXWWk7BtzcUDGLqRo4i9NibXo5zEmyewWIih5g/viewform

We recommend to visit

Last updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago

唯一负责人: @hhhhub
吃瓜中心: @cgzx2

Last updated 4 weeks, 1 day ago


Last updated 5 months ago