家和 Community Family Services of Ontario Telegram Channel
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Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago


周一 - 周五 发视频教程 周六 - 周末 发电子书教程


聊天群: t.me/+F_Gq4SGhsyAxOTNh

文字版教程:https://t.me/yanzhex 全部放到这个频道了


Last updated 2 months ago

联系管理员: @losmyanger @dibaihaowan
狼友内部讨论群: https://t.me/+QINz1zuTRj0yMDk1
中圈频道: @modugmdjjzy 大圈频道: @mdgmddaquan 魔都群一键添加:https://t.me/addlist/yE30JrGJX8M4NDg9

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

1 week, 2 days ago
【UNI-Commons x 家和】 2025.02.21 (Fri) 基本生命支援術證書課程 …

【UNI-Commons x 家和】 2025.02.21 (Fri) 基本生命支援術證書課程 (廣東話)
費用: $80 (PR 及 公約難民 免稅)
* 適用於醫護專業人員,如護理人員、護士、急診醫師、消防員、急救員、牙醫、醫療保健提供者等、及1年有效期將屆滿的證書持有人
查詢 Inquiry: 416-979-8299
報名: https://form.jotform.com/241496941016256

1 week, 2 days ago
【家和】 2025.03.08 (Sat) 德國小鎮農務市場&夜遊亮燈小鎮之旅 (國、粵、英語 )

【家和】 2025.03.08 (Sat) 德國小鎮農務市場&夜遊亮燈小鎮之旅 (國、粵、英語 )
查詢: 416-979-8299 Ext. 238 / [email protected]
報名: https://forms.gle/MQ181PjGwwcqdY5U9

2 weeks, 2 days ago

In November, she sought help from a cybersecurity company.

An investigation by CyberAGroup found that the website was registered in Singapore or Malaysia and hosted on servers in Kenya, and traced the geolocation of the scammers to Nigeria.

It turned out that the white man in the photo that purported to be Molitor actually belonged to Liberal MP Jonathan Wilkinson, who is currently the federal minister of energy and natural resources. The investigation also discovered that the group was not only involved in the immigration business, but likely linked to some fake bank sites and crypto sites.

“The immigration (scam) issue is an interesting one in that they can redirect people and basically get these poor folks that are looking to immigrate to Canada to shell out thousands of dollars,” said CyberAGroup founder Ryan Zorn, a retired intelligence officer with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

“These folks maybe don’t have a command of the English language or internet savviness, and they’re abusing them. And so now it’s become a financial thing and it’s going to become more and more of that as we move forward. The scammers are seeing the financial benefit of hijacking these (legit) accounts.”

And like other internet frauds and online identity thefts, it’s almost impossible for Canadian authorities to pursue the perpetrators because most are located abroad and beyond Canadian authorities’ jurisdictions, so it’s “buyer beware,” he said.

“As soon as you start dealing with all these cross-border legal issues from countries that are much more permissive when it comes to these types of activities, most legal remedies are nonexistent,” said Zorn.

“The scammers know this. Even if the bad actors happen to be in Canada, the anonymity of the internet to conduct their activities makes it hard to identify and prosecute. So it’s a game of Whack-a-mole.”

Since its inception in 2021, the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants said it has received 682 reports of “unauthorized practitioners.” Between March 2024 and January, the regulator has shut down more than 5,000 web pages and social media pages advertising these practitioners through a series of enforcement blitzes.

“Fraudulent use of licensee information is both illegal and unacceptable,” said Stefan Lach, a spokesperson for the college. “We are actively working to combat (unauthorized practitioners) through enforcement, licensing, and public awareness campaigns, in collaboration with our federal law enforcement partners.”

Meanwhile, the concerns over their identities being stolen for frauds have prompted some licensed consultants to post a disclaimer page on their own websites about any affiliation with the individual agents or companies who have claimed to represent them.

“This is the best I can do to protect myself and others,” said Gatineau-based consultant Steven Johnston, who has been in practice since 2009 and whose name has been used by unauthorized agents, including one in Tunisia.

“I find it sad that people are scammed using my credentials even though I’m not responsible. They are using my reputation and credibility as a licensed consultant to scam people out of hundreds and thousands of dollars. This isn’t good for my name.”

2 months, 2 weeks ago
【家和】 2024.12.14 (Sat) 新移民家庭節日火雞派發活動 (國、粵、英語 )

【家和】 2024.12.14 (Sat) 新移民家庭節日火雞派發活動 (國、粵、英語 )
查詢: 416-979-8299 Ext. /
報名: https://forms.gle/DWP1yB64StNkJnDa7

2 months, 2 weeks ago
【家和】 2024.12.14 (Sat) 整合人工智慧:求職的智慧策略 (英語)

【家和】 2024.12.14 (Sat) 整合人工智慧:求職的智慧策略 (英語)
查詢: 416-979-8299 Ext. 247 / [email protected]
報名: https://forms.gle/rmcLsRhoLsjNxB6J8

2 months, 3 weeks ago
2 months, 3 weeks ago
CAD$34 50GB 全加拿大數據

CAD$34 50GB 全加拿大數據
+ 1000 分鐘免費國際長途電話

立即用 【家和】專屬優惠碼 DCC7901,於 www.koodo.com/newcomerprogram 登記。

登記後可到【家和】辦事處取 SIM卡,或接受郵寄到加拿大或香港地址。


4051A Gordon Baker Road, Unit A, Scarborough ON M1W 2P3
星期一 & 五: 上午9點至下午5點

2 months, 3 weeks ago
【家和】 2024.12.03 (Tue) 公民入籍班 - 網上講座 …

【家和】 2024.12.03 (Tue) 公民入籍班 - 網上講座 (英、粵語 )
查詢: 416-979-8299 Ext. 262 / [email protected]
報名: https://forms.gle/6KTwLLf4fhaJVjRt5

2 months, 3 weeks ago
【家和】呼籲各 SHOPPING 達人! ***?******?***

【家和】呼籲各 SHOPPING 達人! ??

又到年尾係喇! 我哋需要添置玩具及書籍,為參與特殊需要或復康服務嘅小朋友服務。?

喺大家開心購物嘅時候,不妨睇吓我哋嘅 REGISTRY,睇下有無邊幾件心水可以送比我哋用喺小朋友服務身上。?

祝福大家,及所有小朋友大朋友都有個快樂嘅佳節 ❤️??


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Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago


周一 - 周五 发视频教程 周六 - 周末 发电子书教程


聊天群: t.me/+F_Gq4SGhsyAxOTNh

文字版教程:https://t.me/yanzhex 全部放到这个频道了


Last updated 2 months ago

联系管理员: @losmyanger @dibaihaowan
狼友内部讨论群: https://t.me/+QINz1zuTRj0yMDk1
中圈频道: @modugmdjjzy 大圈频道: @mdgmddaquan 魔都群一键添加:https://t.me/addlist/yE30JrGJX8M4NDg9

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago