Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
*📣 *Take Your IELTS Mock Exam at Innovative Centre! *📣***
Why Choose Us?
✔️Authentic IELTS Experience: Practice in a true-to-life exam environment at an official British Council-recognized venue. Benefit from genuine Cambridge Testbank materials that ensure accurate and effective preparation.
*☄️*Expert-Led Mock Exams: Conducted by highly trained professionals, including expert examiners with IELTS 7.5+ qualifications for speaking and writing. Get your results in just 12 hours for a fast, efficient testing experience!
✨ Exclusive Discounts: Register at least one day in advance to enjoy a 50% discount(for our students)! For external candidates or those without prior registration, the standard fee is 120,000 UZS. Don't miss this opportunity—secure your spot today and save!
🔗 Join Our IELTS Mock Exam Every Sunday at 10:00 with authentic Cambridge English TestBank files.
🖥 Register Now: Sign Up Here
Innovative Centre ✅ – Your Gateway to IELTS Success!
February 4, 2019. Exactly 6 years ago, do you why this day remarkable?
‼️IELTS is Going Digital – Are You Ready?
In Vietnam, paper-based IELTS will be completely discontinued from March 29, 2025. It’s only a matter of time before this happens in other countries. Are you prepared?
Our learning center is keeping up with the times!
💻We offer CD MOCK IELTS to help you get familiar with the computer-based format and avoid surprises on test day.
✔️ Complete immersion in a real test environment
✔️ User-friendly interface and timer
✔️Accurate results with quick turnaround
Register now and stay one step ahead! ✍️
📱 Registration: Click here!
Innovative Centre ✅ – Your Gateway to IELTS Success!
*? *Take Your IELTS Mock Exam at Innovative Centre! *?***
Why Choose Us?
✔️Authentic IELTS Experience: Practice in a true-to-life exam environment at an official British Council-recognized venue. Benefit from genuine Cambridge Testbank materials that ensure accurate and effective preparation.
*☄️*Expert-Led Mock Exams: Conducted by highly trained professionals, including expert examiners with IELTS 7.5+ qualifications for speaking and writing. Get your results in just 12 hours for a fast, efficient testing experience!
✨ Exclusive Discounts: Register at least one day in advance to enjoy a 50% discount(for our students)! For external candidates or those without prior registration, the standard fee is 100,000 UZS. Don't miss this opportunity—secure your spot today and save!
? Join Our IELTS Mock Exam EVERY SUNDAY at 10:00 with authentic Cambridge English TestBank files.
? Register Now: Sign Up Here
Innovative Centre ✅ – Your Gateway to IELTS Success!
*? *C1 Advanced Digital/Computer-based (CAE) imtihonini Innovative Centreda topshirish imkoniyati!!!
? C1 Advanced (CAE) imtihoni Cambridge English tashkilotining ingliz tili bilish darajasini aniqlovchi imtihonlaridan biri bo'lib, dunyoning minglab ta'lim muassassalari, shuningdek, O'zbekistondagi oliy ta'lim muassassalari (bakalavriat, magistratura va doktorantura yo'nalishlari) tomonidan qabul qilinadi.
*✔️ *Imtihon kunlari:
➡️ 27-noyabr - ro'yhatdan o'tish va to'lov qilishning oxirgi kuni: 22-noyabr
➡️ 4-dekabr - ro'yhatdan o'tish va to'lov qilishning oxirgi kuni: 29-noyabr
➡️ 11-dekabr - ro'yhatdan o'tish va to'lov qilishning oxirgi kuni: 6-dekabr
? Imtihon narxi: 2 090 000 so'm*? *Manzil: Samarqand shahri, Gagarin ko'chasi 95A (Innovative Centre)
*? *Ro'yhatdan o'tish uchun: @innovative_exam yoki +998557010106
? Ro'yhatdan o'tish uchun havolaFollow us for more:? Telegram |? Instagram |? Facebook |?
*? *B2 First Digital/Computer-based (FCE) imtihonini Innovative Centreda topshirish imkoniyati!!!
? B2 First (FCE) imtihoni Cambridge English tashkilotining ingliz tili bilish darajasini aniqlovchi imtihonlaridan biri bo'lib, dunyoning minglab ta'lim muassassalari, shuningdek, O'zbekistondagi oliy ta'lim muassassalari (bakalavriat, magistratura va doktorantura yo'nalishlari) tomonidan qabul qilinadi.
*✔️ *Imtihon kunlari:
➡️ 26-noyabr - ro'yhatdan o'tish va to'lov qilishning oxirgi kuni: 20-noyabr
➡️ 3-dekabr - ro'yhatdan o'tish va to'lov qilishning oxirgi kuni: 27-noyabr
➡️ 10-dekabr - ro'yhatdan o'tish va to'lov qilishning oxirgi kuni: 4-dekabr
? Imtihon narxi: 1 900 000 so'm*? *Manzil: Samarqand shahri, Gagarin ko'chasi 95A (Innovative Centre)
*? *Ro'yhatdan o'tish uchun: @innovative_exam yoki +998557010106
? Ro'yhatdan o'tish uchun havolaFollow us for more:? Telegram |? Instagram |? Facebook |?
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago