Halend Metsk

Halend Metsk ("Christ Mithras")

This is a channel devoted to the cultic worship of the God of the Mysteria Mithrae with a Germanicized interpretation!

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1 month, 2 weeks ago

Mithraism Amongst Aryans

"Mitra's religion prevailed for some 2000 years among Aryans. In 66 CE King Tirdad introduced it to Nero and up till 325 CE it was the official religion of the Roman Empire."

Source(s): Iran Chamber Society

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Halend Metsk: A New Path
(Some Notes on Religious Progression and Regressive Thought)

A lot of modern-day Pagans shoot their own revival efforts in the foot by not allowing their traditions and religious systems to be continuously developed as they are resurrected. They often may claim that "old is better, original is better", and so on. In their minds, the face of pre-Abrahamic traditional religions are static expressions of the human race with unmoving pieces – similar to a broken clock that never gets repaired, that never sees the light of day on architectural progression and advanced sophistication.

But traditions in and of themselves are not static, not permanently stuck in a timezone. Religions are meant for progression: traditions as the base, which become the core essence of what is deemed most meaningful, while the external applications become added or subtracted, enhancing the richness of the spirituality attached to it. Not all Pagans are thinking regressively, but this sentiment is nonetheless too common. Something new is not necessarily subversive. Something old is not necessarily of the richest purity.

The path of the Metskish-Runen is something forward-thinking, rather than a changeless orthodoxy. However, its basis lies in the past, as the form of a faith being resurrected from the faith those many Hellenized and Romanized Teutons (Germanics) would have held many centuries ago. The impurities are being put through a machine of purification. A new voice is being ushered. An emanation of the divine Mithraic spirit, once more, has been presented. The gospel is slowly arising.

This is what it means to be pious.

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Unlike what is depicted in Western Mithraism, in no way, shape, or form in the Iranian myths do we find an instance of Mithra slaying a bull. Source(s): Biblical Archaeology Society Library

6 months ago
Halend Metsk
6 months ago
This is the Villa del Mitra, …

This is the Villa del Mitra, the ruins of a Mithraic sanctuary from the old Roman city of Licabrum in modern-day Cabra, Spain. Excavations originally began in 1972-73, but the ruins were found last year by a team of Spanish archeologists.

6 months, 1 week ago

Persia was often at war with Rome and considered a significant rival; nonetheless, the "Persian" identity of the Mithraic cultists, which they did not attempt to conceal, was tolerated by both the Roman authorities and fellow citizens.

Source(s): Encyclopædia Iranica

6 months, 1 week ago
**A Forgotten Faith**

A Forgotten Faith

Once the Christian churchmen and theocratic leaders gained enough power and leverage over Greco-Roman society, they set out to eradicate every trace of Mithraism they could find. As a result of this suppression, the world of this religious devotion was nearly forgotten for almost a thousand years.

Source(s): Encyclopedia Masonica

6 months, 1 week ago
Although the incessant engine of Providence …

Although the incessant engine of Providence unilaterally determines the course of life for every disciple, what he can control is how he responds to the challenges of upholding Lord Metsk's will. He controls his conduct: what he eats and how much thereof, what he communicates to others and how he does it, whether or not a sexual act is licit, and so on. The disciple's path to exaltation is an ongoing struggle, and half of the battle pertains to his own habits.

6 months, 1 week ago
Halend Metsk
9 months ago

We may prepare for war just as often as we pray for peace.

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