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On Guelphs, Ghibbelines, and European Flags
In the European Championships today England plays Denmark. One could make plenty of references to Shakespeare’s (Francis Bacon/Edward De Vere) Hamlet here. But let’s avoid that and take a look at the flags of England and Denmark…
England’s flag is a red cross on a white background. This is the flag used by the pro Papal Guelph faction.
Denmark’s flag is the opposite, it is a white cross on a red background. This flag symbolizes the pro Imperial Ghibbeline faction.
The Guelphs wished for the Pope to have supreme power. The Ghibbelines wished for the Holy Roman Emperor to have supreme power.
A simplification of all European conflicts since the 1100s would be that it all comes down to the papacy vs the monarchs.
After the fall of the Ghibbelines, the Guelphs split into two factions.
The White Guelphs (of whom Dante Alighieri was a member) supported the independence of city states like Florence. The Black Guelphs (that form much of the Black Nobility) continued to support the Papacy.
How do we know stuff?
Every person should have a system and method by which he can verify knowledge in order to distinguish justified and valid beliefs from opinions and conjecture. What makes something true? Why do we accept certain matters as fact and not others?
In this blog we explore Islamic epistemology.
The Kaafiyah Channel
How can we know stuff? (The Nasafi Creed)
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Peace and blessings be upon His chosen servant, the paragon of human perfection, Muhammad, as well as his household and companions. Every p…
Shaykh Hasan Spiker on Abbas Ahsan’s terrible project.
“This only forms part of his larger "project" of subjecting the certainties of our dīn to the ideological "uncertainties", the "epistemological humility" (really extraordinary epistemological arrogance), of metaphysically-rootless modern logic and analytic philosophy. The nastiest form of taqlīd of modernity. He blithely assumes the existence of "Islamic theological contradictions", which is straightforwardly tantamount to affirming that aspects of the creed are not true. He then "solves" this, not by showing that they are not really contradictions, but by affirming that they are irrevocably contradictions, and invoking an imaginary logic which purports to (imaginatively) accommodate contradictions.
فَمَاذَا بَعْدَ الْحَقِّ إِلا الضَّلالُ فَأَنَّى تُصْرَفُونَ
وَمَا لَهُم بِهِ مِنْ عِلْمٍ ۖ إِن يَتَّبِعُونَ إِلَّا الظَّنَّ ۖ وَإِنَّ الظَّنَّ لَا يُغْنِي مِنَ الْحَقِّ شَيْئًا “
The structure of the Marja` system (yes, it is a Sunni concept)
This layout has been drawn up from Imam Muwaffaq ud-Din Ibn Qudamah’s Al-Mughni: Sharh ul-Mukhtasar il-Khiraqi, vol.10, pp.46-58 and vol.11, pp. 380-391; Imam Abdul Qadir ibn Umar At-Taghlabi’s Nail ul-Ma’arib bi-Sharhi Dalil -it-Talibi Li-Nail il-Matalib, pp. 434-435
Credit to Shaykh Abu Ja’far al Hanbali
Before any moronic brainwashed neo-Nazis trot out the usual “But Hitler arrested the Rothschilds!” line… Baron Louis de Rothschild wasn’t really “arrested”. He was kept in an extremely luxurious hotel. He was then ransomed off for $21 million. Hitler had…
Before any moronic brainwashed neo-Nazis trot out the usual “But Hitler arrested the Rothschilds!” line…
Baron Louis de Rothschild wasn’t really “arrested”. He was kept in an extremely luxurious hotel. He was then ransomed off for $21 million.
Hitler had close dealings with several other Jewish banking houses.
Hitler had many Jewish officers close to him.
Hitler and his officers were involved in occult practices (look up the Thule Society) and this is why the swastika was chosen as the Nazi symbol. Many of Hitler’s officers were homosexuals as well.
The Nazi party was as degenerate as they come.
After World War II ended, over 1,000 top Nazi scientists were given American citizenship and they helped build up NASA, look up the declassified CIA papers pertaining to Operation Paperclip. Wernher von Braun is considered as the true founder of NASA as it exists today!
Many other Nazis actually helped set up Israel’s Mossad. The most famous example of this is the top Nazi general Reinhard Gehlen. Gehlen was awarded by the Pope and made a Knight of Malta. Gehlen would also found the German Federal Intelligence Service.
“Wild Bill” aka Bill Donovan, the head of the OSS which eventually became the CIA, was also awarded by the Pope and made a Knight of Malta. At one point there were so many papal knights in the CIA that it was jokingly called “Catholics In Action”.
(He was involved in helping out Chairman Mao as well, that’s another story.)
The Nazis, Fascists, Soviets, and the Allies were all evil. Don’t fall for any propaganda about them. As usual, we shouldn’t be taking either side.
The likes of Churchill, Hitler, and others all had a love/hate relationship with Jews. The Jews alone are not the main power in the world.
Ex-Nazis ‘gave Mossad the edge in Six-Day War’
Israel was able to launch its surprise attack against Egypt and Syria at the beginning of the Six-Day War thanks to information provided to Mossad by an intelligence network of former Nazis, according to a book by an Italian who claims to have played a role.Adriano…
Since today is his birthday, one of the best books to read on Hitler, is Guido Preparata’s “Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich.”
Building up on Dr Antony Sutton’s “Wall Street and Rise of Hitler”.
Most people today don’t know that Hitler’s earliest support came from Jewish banks and from factions of British aristocracy. The entire Nazi war machine got its oil from the Rockefellers and their Standard Oil company.
World War II was a dialectic, both sides were evil.
Imam al-Bayjūri wrote:
"Hope is defined as your heart attaching itself to a particular state of affairs, while you engage in acts that are necessary to bring about this particular state of affairs.
If hope is had while no action is undertaken, it is not really hope, but actually a delusion."
Bayjūrī, Al-. (2002). Tuhfat al-Murīd 'alā Jawharat al-Tawhīd. (Ali Gomaa, Ed.). Cairo: Dar al-Salām, p. 63.)
A wonderful opportunity to improve your Arabic under the instruction of Shaykh Mahdi Lock.
The spring semester resumes (إن شاء الله) on Monday (15 April) and two new LIVE levels are starting:
Elementary 2 (Arkview Arabic 103)
Pre-Intermediate 1 (Arkview Arabic 211)
Please click on the link for further details:
Check this link below for a placement test that you can do now to check which level is right for you.
If your grade is:
Well below 70: Starter Level
Between (roughly) 70 and 130: Elementary 1
Between (roughly) 130 and 195: Elementary 2 (starting live 15 April, Insha'Allah)
Above 195: Elementary 3
If you ace it, please try Elementary 4 or maybe the exam that is offered at the end of Level 4.
And with Allah alone is every success!
ARABIC | Arkview
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Last updated 7 months ago
Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.
For paid promotions and feedback contact us at: @CEOofBelarus
Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago
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