Light is Consciousness

The All is Mind — The Universe is Mental
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3 years ago

All major religions recognize Light as the source of all life and all things.

"Be a light in yourself" ~ Buddha

"God is light" ~ the Bible

"I am the light of the world" ~ Jesus

"Allah is the light of heaven and earth." ~ the Qur'an

"He who turns on the light of consciousness within himself obtains the true light." ~ Rig Veda

In theology, divine light (also called divine radiance or divine effulgence) is an aspect of divine presence, specifically an unknown and mysterious ability of human beings to express themselves communicatively through spiritual means rather than physical capacities.

The term light was archetypically used in spirituality. Bible commentators see the presence of light as a metaphor for truth, good, knowledge, etc.

In the first chapter of the Bible, God generates light at the beginning of creation. The Hindu Rig Veda includes numerous references to the sacredness of light. Buddhist scriptures speak of various light buddhas.

There are several local religious concepts:

Inner light - Christian concept and Quaker doctrine

Prakasa - concept of Kashmiri Saiva of the Light of Siva's Divine Consciousness

Um Noor - Islamic term and concept

Ein Sof - in Rabbinic Judaism

Theoria - In Christian Theology, Enlightenment on the Path to Theosis

Ayat an-Nur - in Arabic, the Sign of Light

Astral Light - in Magic is the Universal Agent

Light is the central concept of Iranian mysticism. The main roots of this thinking are in the beliefs of Zoroastrianism, which define God as the source of light. This same essential attribute manifests itself in various schools of thought in Persian mysticism and philosophy.

Although this school originated from Iranian culture and beliefs, it has spread throughout Europe and can be seen and traced back to the teachings of the Enlightenment era, the Renaissance movement and even the secret cults of the early "Illuminati".

"Light is the symbol of consciousness, and it can be understood through analogies with light" ~ Carl Gustav Jung in the interpretation of Taoist texts "The Secret of the Golden Flower".

Light is Consciousness. The Universe is Mental.

#AstralLight #LightIsConsciousness

3 years ago

To believe we are alone in the universe is called "cosmological solipsism", and it is a nescience (lack of knowledge) caused by an incapability of analyzing probabilistic data — mathematically we cannot be alone in the universe in any way.

To believe we are alone in the universe is equivalent to think you are the only being in reality, ignoring the existence of other quintillions and possibly other infinities of beings.

?Show this post to someone who thinks the earth is the center of the universe or that only humans are intelligent beings in the whole existence. Earth is not the center nor it is the only place with intelligent beings.

Consciousness doesn't exist only in a speck of dust in infinity — it's everywhere. Visualize the infinite worlds and infinite amount of beings in all dimensions of our fractal universe. What is universal in all beings? Consciousness.

We live in a reality with an immeasurable amount of conscious beings. The universe can only be experienced by a conscious being.

There is no experience of reality without consciousness. We are the universe observing itself.

Break free from cosmological solipsism and wake up to the transcendental truth of a conscious infinity.

(Obs: The estimated amount of galaxies has been updated some years ago to about 2 trillions, but as we look deeper into the cosmos, we always find more, so there is probably way more)

#cosmos #universe #consciousness #cosmology #universal #being #light #electromagnetism #physics #galaxy #telescope #hubble #cosmicweb #stars #galaxies #superclusters #philosophy #connection #conscious

3 years ago

"The elements of matter do not vary in substance. They vary only in their states of motion. All motion is periodic and evolutionary." — Walter Russell

There is only one substance recycling in its periodicity. All energy in the universe is the same, nothing was ever lost in reality, only transformed. Since the beginning of our known universe no energy was ever lost, all energy that exists right now within and without us, is the same energy that existed billions of years ago. The energy just transformed in cycles, like everything in reality — this is evolution.

All scales of reality are recycling forever and transforming itself into more complex systems through the same universal substance which is simplicity itself: electromagnetism, which is light.

The electrict and magnetic energies of reality, which in fact are a single phenomenon (electromagnetism/light) is the eternal energy that is simplicity itself, and from it all complexity of all systems emerges from.

We are but One Substance evolving forever in a sea of Universal Mind.

Light is not a dead substance. It is the source of all intelligence and power in the universe.

Rejoice in the universal truth that we are eternally bound as the same being experiencing infinity in the diversity of polarity within the perpetual unity that is REALITY.

#Metaphysics #Cosmology #Physics #Consciousness #Mentalism #Mind #Matter #Universe #TheAllisMind #TheUniverseIsMental #CosmicWeb #HermeticPhilosophy #Cosmos #Order #LightIsConsciousness #Electromagnetism #Evolution #Cycles #Energy #Life #Reality

3 years ago

The Law of Polarity coexists within a Unity. The Universal Substance (Electromagnetism) has polarity. The Ying-Yang, for example, is a symbol of Polarity in Unity. It is Not a symbol of Dualism (separation), but in fact a symbol of Monism (Unity), which reconciles the paradoxes between Unity and Polarity, demonstrating how these concepts are COMPLIMENTARY in nature and not SELF-EXCLUDING.

In a similar sense, both Darkness and Light are essential for Life and Mind.

One can make an analogy with Darkness with the contents of our Subconscious mind which are not clear as our Concious mind, the latter being analogous to Light.

The attention of our consciousness brings the contents of the darkness to light, revealing the deeper truths of our existence in both inner and outer realities, which are not separate from one another, just like the Yin and Yang.

We are all part of a single unified system which needs to work together in order to thrive.

We are separated by contrast but united as substance.

There is only One Mind, One Life, One Love in our Universe — it's the Ouroboros which consumes itself in eternal cycles, generating harmony and evolution through the transformation of the motion generated by the Polarity of the Unity Substance.

To bring this Truth to Consciousness is to bring Balance, Harmony, Health and Power.

To forget this Truth with Fear is to Divide through Imbalance, to cause Disharmony, Disease, Powerlessness.

The Forces must be BALANCED in order for HARMONY and EVOLUTION to take place.

Do you accept this truth?

#Light #Darkness #Unity #Polarity #LightAndDark #Nondualism #Monism #Monad #OneSubstance #OneMind #OneLove #OneConsciousness #Mentalism #Awakening #Consciousness #Shadow #Illumination

3 years ago

This is a list I personally made years ago with some important books and documentaries which highly inspired me in the creation of my page, many of them relate to the philosophy and cosmology of sacred geometry, hermeticism and fractals.

I will update this list with more books soon, stay tuned.


The Secret of Light;
The Universal One
(Walter Russell)

The Kybalion; The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians
(William Walker Atkinson)

The Secret of the Golden Flower; Man and His Symbols
(Carl G. Jung)

(Put together by John Martineau)

A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art and Science
(Michael S. Schneider)

How the World is Made: The Story of Creation According to Sacred Geometry (John Michell e Allan Brown)

The Hidden Geometry of Flowers: Living Rhythms, Form and Number (Keith Critchlow)

Timaeus et Critias; The Republic; Fedon (Plato)

Tao Te Ching (Lao Tse)


Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds; Samadhi Documentary (Daniel Schmidt)

Primer Fields Documentary Series (David LaPoint)

Black Whole Documentary (Nassim Haramein)

Thrive Documentary
(Foster Gamble)

Sonic Geometry - The Language of Frequency and Form

Sonic Geometry 2 - Communicating with the Universe in 432hz (Eric Rankin,Alanna Luna & Robert Grant)

Fractals - Hunting The Hidden Dimension

Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound

Fibonacci Sequence Documentary - Golden Section Explained

Fibonacci Sequence Explains Secret To Life

The Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio and the Fractal Nature of Reality

The Unity of Geometry (Jonathan Quintin)

Rule From the Shadows - The Psychology of Power

Kymatica (Benjamin Stewart)

Secrets in Plain Sight (Scott Onstott)

The Sacred Geometry Movie (Spirit Science)

Sex - The Secret Gate to Eden

The Global Brain

DMT: The Spirit Molecule

The Number 9 Code

Goethe - Light Darkness and Colors

Everything is a Remix

Solve et Coagula - The Great Work of Alchemy

Alchemy - Sacred Secrets Revealed

3 years, 1 month ago

Geometry and mathematics are part of the universal code that physics uses to form all processes, dynamics and structures in reality through a unified system of information that connects all that exists.

This knowledge has been known by the Pythagoreans, Alchemists, Hindus and many other ancient doctrines...

That is the reason why "Sacred Geometry" is all over the religious temples all around the world... It is a way to remind us through art how everything is interwoven through the universal laws of creation...

All of the principles of physics, chemistry, biology and cosmology are generated and ruled by simple geometric interactions which forms all of the complexity in all systems in the universe.

All of geometry emerges from a single universal substance: Light.

Electromagnetism is Light, and all that we see in the material universe is formed by electromagnetic interactions, which are ruled by simple mathematical laws of geometry...

This is the knowledge behind "Sacred Geometry", which is the basis of the ancient Greek Pythagorean Cosmology and many other doctrines of the past...

#Pythagoras #Mathematics #Cosmos #Geometry #SacredGeometry #Unity #Universe #Light #Monad #Physics #Philosophy #Pythagoreanism #Hinduism #Muslim #Christianity #Alchemy #Platonism #Harmony #Science #History #Consciousness

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