Victims & their stories..

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2 months, 2 weeks ago


Hi All, AGAIN because people aren’t not listening to the chat rules. When you are posting links in the chat, PLEASE include a brief description. Links without context will be deleted going forward to help us avoid spammers and to enable search of our vast archives. I have asked multiple times already and we keep seeing the links without descriptions. We want you to be able to share, but if you don’t include a description other followers will not be able to find your link by topic.

For example: If your link includes information about fertility after the Covid jab by a specific doctor, than you would include that specific information. This will help people looking for information about fertility following the jab. They can use key words to search the chat to find this information quickly. Without that, it’s just a random link that no one will click in fear it is spam.

Thank you!

JM(Adamin) ❤️

3 months, 1 week ago
5 months, 2 weeks ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago


Hi All, when you are posting links in the chat, please include a brief description. Links without context will be deleted going forward to help us avoid spammers and to enable search of our vast archives. I have asked multiple times already and we keep seeing the links without descriptions. We want you to be able to share, but if you don’t include a description other followers will not be able to find your link by topic.

For example: If your link includes information about fertility after the Covid jab by a specific doctor, than you would include that specific information. This will help people looking for information about fertility following the jab. They can use key words to search the chat to find this information quickly. Without that, it’s just a random link that no one will click in fear it is spam.

Thank you!

JM(Adamin) ❤️

7 months, 3 weeks ago
Please help me in wishing the …

Please  help me in wishing the founder of Covid Vaccine Victims, J.M., a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! She works tirelessly to bring this channel to all of you.

We appreciate all you do J.M.  You are an amazing sister and friend with the biggest heart.

May this special day, and the year ahead, be full of  Love, Light and Blessings!

11 months ago
Hi All,

Hi All,

Just FYI, a troll who doesn’t understand the difference between “your” and “you’re” sent this email via my website. If you have a truck with my website on it, and something has happened to it, feel free to let me know. I’m happy to let authorities track this basement dwellers IP address 😉

On another note, whoever has this truck, I love you. Keep sharing!!!

With love, Admin(JM) ❤️

1 year, 1 month ago

Hi all,

Myself or anyone else would never send a DM. Please be careful of scammers and trolls.

You can clearly identify which is real or fake by going to the top of the group and page.

The REAL pages are: @covidvaccinevictims AND @covidvaccinevictimschat

Clearly there is some sad soul out there desperate for attention or out to scam you. Don’t fall for it. I have said this to you many times. They are using my logo. Please be mindful of who you DM with.

Be careful! Much love, JM(Admin) ❤️

1 year, 1 month ago

Hi all, this is very important. Please share.

Much love, JM(Admin) ❤️

Will you please spend 30 seconds sending with ONE CLICK this short letter that auto-emails YOUR senator and house rep in WDC asking them to vote NO on restrict act and WHO pandemic treaty?

If the US legislature doesn’t stop the treaty by November, we are bound by it and globalists control our next plandemic.

Follow: @covidvaccinevictims
Follow: @covidvaccinevictimschat

Take Action For Freedom

Please Vote Against WHO Pandemic Treaty and Restrict Act - Take Action For Freedom

Send this letter with one click, to your U.S. House and Senate representatives, to express your opposition to the WHO Pandemic Treaty

Hi all, this is very important. Please share.
1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
It is with great sadness, I …

It is with great sadness, I learned this morning of the sudden and unexpected passing of one of our truth family members. I have been following Dr. Rashid Buttar for years and we shared mutual friends in the “real world”. My heart breaks today knowing we now have one less good one with us in this fight for truth. He was very outspoken at the beginning of 2020 and I had so much respect for his work and fight for truth and holistic health. He was against the vaccines and spoke out early against them.

We love you Dr. Buttar and we will certainly miss you. May you rest in eternal peace. Sending love and prayers to Dr. Buttars grieving family and friends -JM(Admin) 🖤🙏🏽


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