Intriga Tropical

From Oct. 31st, 2022, to Jan. 9th, 2023, Brazilians camped in front of military bases all over the country asking for help.

The Army washed their hands.
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EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago

5 months, 3 weeks ago

The big accounts are lying about what happened in Brazil today.

Please, rewatch this video here.

Bolsonaro is not in favor of any impeachment, and he forbade his supporters bringing any signs.

Whoever did it was subversive.

Please, wake up, the big accounts main goal is to farm engagement.

Brazil is doomed.

1) Some days before Biden took office = hundreds of arrests

2) Workers Party got in office in UK = thousands of arrests because of mean tweets + peacefully protesting

3) Venezuela, thousands of arrests on the day of the fraud.

4) Brazil, ten days after Workers Party took office = thousands of arrests.

See the pattern?

Meanwhile the big channels "boom" (they farted), "BREAKING", "Now it's our time"

And bla, bla, bla...

What I'm seeing is this: people justifying every setback as a win.

I'm really tired of this.

There are subscribers here that told me privately they know people or have relatives arrested on Jan 6th 2021.

How would you handle 3 years locked up, my brother?

In Brazil some people died already after being arrested last year. One had a heart attack, the other cancer.

All of them were forced to take the jab because of law 13979/20, born from Palacio do Planalto as PL23, and then signed into law after being voted in 24h.

One month BEFORE W.H.O declared the plandemic.

I return the question, my dear 17th friend:

When do coincidences get mathematically impossible?

Peace, folks ?

Time to sleep ?

P.S.: Please, get out of the news trance.

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Huge Protest in Brazil puts Patriots in Jail

Folks, as you can see in the video above, Jair Bolsonaro has been luring his own people to a death trap since 2021.

Probably today you are seeing some posts from the Brazilian channels about the "stunningly amazing huge protest happening for freedom" in Brazil, but here is the catch...

They will never show you what I'm showing in this video.

Please, you be the judge.

About two weeks ago, Bolsonaro and his minions started a convocation for a major protest today (Sept. 7th).

But it didn't received much attention like the older times because people are now aware of his true nature (see the video to understand)

He was very aware that the event can flop, so...
Breaking news! at this very moment I'm writing this post, Bolsonaro entered in a hospital feeling ill.

People compare him with Trump, but come on!!! I've never seen Trump back down as this man does.

Trump eats two McFish, two Quarter pound and two milkshakes, and then he gets back to work (amazing)

If Bolsonaro did that, he would say he had to take day off because of ~le tummy ache ? (I would too, not gonna lie ?)

And again... YOU BE THE JUDGE!


? - Watch it here:


Intriga Tropical *?*?****

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5 months, 4 weeks ago
9 months ago

We The People

All these videos were recorded in the beginning of May.

They show how the civilians were treated by the Army.

We are all by ourselves, folks.

Some of these areas are still underwater to this day, almost one month later.

And Matias, a Porto Alegre neighborhood, shown in the beginning of the video, is now isolated by the authorities.

People are reporting that there are dozens of thousands of dead in this neighborhood.

There are very few info about what's happening in the State of Rio Grande do Sul right now.

Please, share this far and wide.

No one will ever talk about this, but us.

We are the news now.

I understand the video takes a lot of space, so I've uploaded on my google drive


9 months, 1 week ago

Folks, Victor here

I had some problems since the rollout of social denounces by the federal government.

I'm having breakfast with the wife, and later today I'll upload a video explaining briefly about my situation.

Miss you all folks.

We are so back, ladies and gentlemen!!!!

The Maine Patriot sent a twerking video to the judge and I was set free ???

Just kidding ??

See you later today (now 7:30 AM in São Paulo Brazil)

1 year ago
Last night (Feb. 3rd, 2024) in …

Last night (Feb. 3rd, 2024) in Groningen, Holland, the farmers blocked the airport in a surprise protest.

The left's playbook against them, folks.

Whoever participated on a protest or whoever was a true leftist in the past, knows that these types of actions are a blast.

They are very effective, and they're usually coordinated by small groups with an intelligent leadership.

My analysis is that this will spread like wildfire in Europe, and then the police will start an investigation never seen before against these folks.

The paradox of this situation we are living is this:

If the farmers fight for their lives, they'll be labeled as criminals and lose all their assets.

But if they don't fight, they'll also lose all their assets + land, and also be labeled as a criminal by those confiscating their goods.

The situation is built like that to paralyze people.

As Grant Cardone said in the Millionaire Booklet: "How do you make sense of insanity? You don't."


1 year ago
Intriga Tropical
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Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago