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🔴 The Ruling on Praying in Shoes
Shaddād ibn Aws (may Allāh be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:
🟠 “Be different from Jews, for they do not pray in their sandals nor in their leather socks."
[Authenticated by Al-Albāni in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 652].
🔵 قال الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي حفظه الله:
Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli, may Allah preserve him, said:
أيضاً من الأمور المهمة جداً أن تربط الناس بالعلماء الكبار. من أساليب ذلك أن تسمعهم فتاوى العلماء الكبار. تأتي وتحضر كلمة يسيرة فيها فتوى تسمع الناس اسم العالم وفتوى العالم وتحبب الناس في العلماء وتقوي ثقة الناس في العلماء.
Also, one of the very important matters is to connect the people to the major scholars. One of the ways to do this is to let them hear the fatwas of the major scholars. You come and present a short speech with a fatwa in it, mention the name of the scholar, the fatwa of the scholar, and encourage the people to love the scholars and strengthen their trust in them.
مرة تأتي بفتوى لشيخ ابن باز رحمه الله،
On one occasion, you present a fatwa from Shaykh Ibn Baz, may Allah have mercy on him.
مرة تأتي بفتوى لشيخ ابن عثيمين رحمه الله،
On one occasion, you present a fatwa from Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him.
مرة تأتي بفتوى لشيخ الألباني رحمه الله،
On one occasion, you present a fatwa from Shaykh Al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him.
مرة تأتي بفتوى لشيخ مقبل بن هادي رحمه الله،
On one occasion, you present a fatwa from Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadi, may Allah have mercy on him.
مرة تأتي بفتوى لشيخ صالح اللحيدان رحمه الله،
On one occasion, you present a fatwa from Shaykh Saleh Al-Luhaidan, may Allah have mercy on him.
مرة تأتي بفتوى لشيخ أحمد النجمي رحمه الله،
On one occasion, you present a fatwa from Shaykh Ahmad An-Najmi, may Allah have mercy on him.
مرة تأتي بفتوى لشيخ زيد المدخلي رحمه الله،
On one occasion, you present a fatwa from Shaykh Zaid Al-Madkhali, may Allah have mercy on him.
مرة تأتي بفتوى للشيخ عبيد الجابري رحمه الله،
On one occasion, you present a fatwa from Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jabri, may Allah have mercy on him.
مرة تأتي بفتوى لشيخ صالح الفوزان حفظه الله،
On one occasion, you present a fatwa from Shaykh Saleh Al-Fawzan, may Allah preserve him.
مرة تأتي بفتوى لشيخ ربيع بن هادي حفظه الله،
On one occasion, you present a fatwa from Shaykh Rabee’ bin Hadi, may Allah preserve him.
مرة تأتي بفتوى لشيخ محمد بن هادي حفظه الله.
On one occasion, you present a fatwa from Shaykh Muhammad bin Hadi, may Allah preserve him.
تأتي بفتاوى للعلماء، من أهدافك أن تربط الناس بالعلماء وأن تجعل الناس يعلمون أن العلم إنما يؤخذ من العلماء لا من المشهورين ولا ممن يبرزون في وسائل التواصل. هذا دور للإمام والخطيب ينبغي أن يعتني به.
You present the fatwas of the scholars, and one of your goals is to connect the people to the scholars and to make the people realise that knowledge is taken from the scholars, not from the famous figures or those who appear on social media. This is the role of the imam and the preacher, and it is something they should take care of.
محاضرة: جهود المملكة العربية السعودية في مكافحة الإرهاب ودور منسوبي المساجد في ذلك | جامع الملك فهد رحمه الله بمدينة جازان | الخميس: ٣٠ / ٤ / ١٤٤٤
Lecture: Efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Combating Terrorism and the Role of Mosque Members in This | King Fahd Mosque, Jazan | Thursday: 30 / 4 / 1444
📌 Taken from the Telegram Channel:
Pearls of Ar-Ruhayli - دُرَرُ الرُّحَيْلِي
يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِك
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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