Menebar Dakwah Sunnah Dari Bumi Serambi Makkah
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
C H O C O L A T E I C E ??
: ➛ ᴡhi?ᥱ ძri?ki?ɡ th⍺t ᴄοffᥱᥱ , ᴡh? ?οt ᴡᥱ t⍺kᥱ ⍺ ?οοk ⍺t ⍺?? οf thᥱsᥱ ᴄh⍺??ᥱ? ^-^
? ᝬ۪ @mixpollgames ⭑ ࣪
– ? ꉂ poll games with pictures here ! ⌑ ๋ ּ
? ᝬ۪ @ndyasyaz ⭑ ࣪
– ? ꉂ spread quotes | dakwah ⌑ ๋ ּ
? ᝬ۪ @aesfluffy ⭑ ࣪
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? ᝬ۪ @softiespastry ⭑ ࣪
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? ᝬ۪ @muslimah_co ⭑ ࣪
– ? ꉂ handsock murah & sunblock ⌑ ๋ ּ
? ᝬ۪ @universeshops ⭑ ࣪
– ? ꉂ ds needed in this channel ⌑ ๋ ּ
? ᝬ۪ @hijrahgadisquotes ⭑ ࣪
– ? ꉂ Let's Rechange Your Iman Here ⌑ ๋ ּ
? ᝬ۪ @manhwachalet⭑ ࣪
– ? ꉂ get your manhwa icon here ! ⌑ ๋ ּ
? ᝬ۪ @studywithcafe⭑ ࣪
– ? ꉂ let's study with coffee ⌑ ๋ ּ
? ᝬ۪ @berrytrendy ⭑ ࣪
– ? ꉂ build your fashion here ⌑ ๋ ּ
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Thank you order inai sahara. Yang paling penting mesra wuduk ya?
Thank you join ds?
Feedback sunblock ?❤️
INAI KON? Harga sama RM15.
✅ Colour : Maroon & red cherry shj.
Inai instant sama mcm dlm botol cuma packaging berbeza
Nak order? Boleh klik link dekat desc telegram ya?
For those yang nak beli sunblock, promo still ada yaa. And promo boleh tamat bila² masa jee?
Yang nak order handsock boleh order sekarangg?
Open booking with payment batch 04✅ Beli 5@10 pasang handsock dapat free post SM?
Nak yang boleh sabar shj, tak nak yang urgent²/rushing/push sy suruh post cepat². Hope faham keadaan sy as seller?
Thank you sebab bagi kerjasamaa.
Menebar Dakwah Sunnah Dari Bumi Serambi Makkah
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago