Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement
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Last updated 11 months, 1 week ago
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
? On June 17, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov chaired the 26th regular meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Russian Federation for the Council of Europe Affairs.
☝️ The participants gave a principled assessment of the Council of Europe’s role as a tool of the US and its allies to promote the collective West’s hostile policy towards the Russian Federation, and discussed ways to counter this policy.
They also considered the results of additional inventory of Russia’s participation in the Council of Europe conventions open to non-member states. Further interdepartmental policy on this issue was agreed upon based on an individual approach to the council’s each specific treaty, considering its practical significance for the efforts to ensure Russia’s national interests.
*⚡️ Comment *by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on the Ukraine conference in Switzerland
? The other day, Burgenstock, Switzerland, hosted the so-called Ukraine peace summit.
Kiev and Western capitals did their best to present it as a universal event. However, this wishful thinking has ended in a complete fiasco. Contrary to the attempts of Zelensky and his Anglo-Saxon masters, almost half of the 160 invited guests refused to engage in political tourism. A striving to involve as many countries of the Global South as possible has failed. <...>
The failure of the Swiss “gathering” was quite predictable. This was bound to happen because the Nazi Kiev regime and its Western masters did not intend to search for ways of resolving the Ukraine crisis by peaceful means from the very beginning. They are not interested in peace in Ukraine, they need further confrontation, escalation and expanded hostilities to implement their unrealisable dream of inflicting a “strategic defeat” on Russia. According to well-informed sources, Andrey Yermak, Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, discussed with foreign delegations in Burgenstock additional weapons deliveries for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The Anglo-Saxons and their Ukrainian puppets are trying to camouflage their aggressive intentions by using the completely bankrupt “Zelensky formula.” Its authors in the United States and on Bankovaya Street are trying to portray it as the only foundation for a peace settlement. They are insistently imposing it on the international community, while disregarding the opinion of other parties and their desire to make their own contribution to resolving the crisis. The same happened in Switzerland.
Cynical manipulations with seemingly nice-sounding (but absolutely inappropriate for the Burgenstock meeting) provisions of the “Zelensky formula,” including nuclear security, for obtaining support from Asian, African and Latin American countries, failed to help the organisers of the “summit.” This substandard ploy and open quackery highlight the real intentions of the West and the pro-Bandera regime in Kiev once again.
The lack of consensus among participants also confirms the zero result of the Alpine “get-together.” Far from all delegates agreed to support the openly anti-Russia concluding communique. At first, 12 delegations refused to sign it, and later their number reached 14 [now 15], including India, Indonesia, Jordan, Iraq, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, the Republic of South Africa and other influential states. Quite possibly, the number of these countries will increase.
❗️ It has become completely obvious that the Global Majority rejects the options of Kiev and the West for resolving the Ukraine crisis. It perceives their far from peaceful essence and does not want to be guided by the United States and its satellites.
We are confident that the world will continue to realise more clearly that the peace initiative, voiced by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in his June 14 remarks at the Russian Foreign Ministry, shows a real way towards a sustainable peace settlement.
The West and Kiev should stop their eyewash and trickery that aim to channel the discussion along false lines by misleading the international public and tampering with and misplacing the cause and effect of the Ukraine crisis. They have to understand that there is no reasonable alternative to the Russian President’s peace plan. The sooner they comprehend this, the faster the real process of resolving the conflict and ending hostilities will begin.
☝️ Otherwise, the terms for launching talks will be much worse for them.
Events similar to the Burgenstock “gathering” cannot create favourable conditions for truly serious dialogue to attain a truly comprehensive, sustainable and equitable peace; nor can they serve as a platform for such dialogue.
❗️Продолжаются систематические нарушения международного гуманитарного права со стороны Украины, берущие начало еще в 2014 г., когда ее властями была развязана настоящая война на уничтожение жителей Донбаса.
▪️С 2014 г. по январь 2022 г. на территории ДНР погибло 4 374 человека, в т.ч. 91 ребенок, ранено – 7 819 человек (469 детей).
▪️С 2014 г. по февраль 2022 г. на территории ЛНР погибли 1527 мирных жителей, включая 38 детей, ранено – около 1432 человека, в т.ч. 34 несовершеннолетних.
??От всей души поздравляем всех наших сограждан в России, в Швеции и по всему миру: с праздником, с Днем России!
??Свое поздравление с Днём России также прислали проживающие в Швеции соотечественники!
✍? В СМИ периодически появляются публикации о случаях признания недействительными заграничных паспортов из-за неверного написания в них имен граждан, содержащих буквы «е» и «ё».
По данной тематике в МИД России поступают и обращения граждан.
С чем связана эта проблема и как её избежать — рассказали в нашей статье.
О написании букв «е» и «ё» в заграничных паспортах
В СМИ периодически появляются публикации о случаях признания недействительными заграничных паспортов из-за неверного написания в них имен граждан, содержащих буквы «е» и «ё». Проблема вызвана тем, что, с учетом свойственной русскому языку факультативности…
Avslöjande: så döljer Sverige rysskräck och hyckleri bakom
”yttrandefrihetens” och “självständighetens” mask
Den svenska ledningen är van vid att stoltsera med ”yttrandefrihet” och hävda att samtliga statliga myndigheter och massmedier är självständiga i sitt beslutsfattande. I själva verket är denna högstämda retorik icke mer än en täckmantel.
?Vi har naturligtvis lagt märke till en såpopera om ”ryska spioner” i Sverige som sändes 2023 bland annat på SVT <…> Allt detta har resulterat i det genuint ”avslöjande” filmmaterialet där diplomaterna idrottar, rör sig inne på Ambassadens territorium eller vägrar att svara på frågan ”Säg bara, är du verkligen en rysk spion?”
?Den här ”oberoende granskningen”, som samtidigt sändes även i övriga nordiska länder, är i sig ett bevis på att detta är en samordnad kampanj beställd av den politiska ledningen och underrättelsetjänsterna.
?Idag såg vi att de europeiska massmedierna däribland SVT och ”Göteborgs-Posten” lyckats fullfölja en ny ”instruktion”, nämligen att diskreditera den ryska Stiftelsen för stöd till och skydd av rättigheter av landsmän bosatta utomlands (”Pravfond”).
?Den ryska landsmannaföreningen ”Ryska riksförbundet i Sverige” och dess enskilda företrädare har utsatts för en ordinarie förtalsattack, vilket endast bekräftar att ryssarnas rättigheter numera behöver skyddas mer än någonsin förut..
❗️I ”yttrandefrihetens kungarike” Sverige glöms denna frihet ögonblickligen bort så fort någon skulle önska använda den för att uttrycka sympati för Ryssland.
?Här finns det en enda slutsats att dra. I sina försök att på alla möjliga sätt demonisera vårt land och skylla alla synder på Ryssland har Stockholm avslöjat endast sitt eget hyckleri och lögnaktighet. Och tvivla inte, mitt herrskap, om att Ryssland kommer aldrig att lämna ett sådant agerande utan svar.
Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement
MyGov homepage: mygov.in
MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in
MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi
Last updated 11 months, 1 week ago
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago