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Leading the way for New Earth Paradigms

- Victorious Faith Rose🌹, at Your Service

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Last updated hace 5 meses, 3 semanas

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Last updated hace 1 mes, 3 semanas

3 Jahre her

Have you seen it yet?⁣

Have you experienced that startling moment when you see your mind lobbying for your limitations?⁣

Have you watched your mind arguing to stay a victim?⁣

Have you witnessed your mind persuading you that you are disadvantaged and helpless?⁣

Have you seen your mind coaching you into feeling more and more powerless?⁣

Have you witnessed, first hand, the mind convincing you that you are 100% justified in your resentment, bitterness, anger, blame, and judgement?⁣

Have you observed the strange disappointing satisfaction that comes when your depressing or heart breaking conclusions are confirmed?⁣

Watching the inner workings of your mind operate in real time is the work.⁣

Turn the light of ????????? on.⁣

Watch what your mind has been doing in the dark.⁣

When you see the joy destroying, misery producing enemies in your own household, a new kind of journey begins.⁣

? ☀️ ?

3 Jahre her

Energy Update: Resistance energies might influence your wellbeing and trigger you / More loving support coming.

Many like me have been feeling the projection of dark energies these last 2 days trying to distract us. Be aware if you might feel this in your body or mentally by having body pains, negative thoughts and picking up other people are sending this to you.

A dear friend of mine who knows also told me some cities were under attack last night. We are being freed now.

We need to be aware we are multi dimensional beings and are grounding the 5th dimension energies into the 3D realm.

That does not mean 3D lower vibrational beings will just surrender without a fight, even though they know they already lost and are being exposed more and more. They do not like positive change and evolution and project their negativity onto us.

They try to steal your dreams, hope, love and light, do not let them!

Its is good we continue to let go of old identities, circumstances and even people who aren't reflecting our light so they can not enter our bodies and minds using shadow energies like fear against us. It is important to stay positive and do not fight this or take it personal, you are love, you are light and you are not alone ?

We, especially the empaths are now transmuting all into love simply by being love and connecting, grounding with nature.

Again an opportunity to see if you can stay in harmony and balanced in love, to be able to hold the 5D world you stepped into.

A good test to see if you still hang on to the past with low vibrational contractile energies and old hurt, fear and suffering or if you have let go of the old, opened up to the higher dimensional realms more, and create space for more light and love to come in.

We are receiving so much support in love & light we do not have to worry but it might help to have some insight of what you feel or if you start having negative thoughts.

To live happier and healthier lives with more ease is possible when we choose self-love and expansion ?

Do not doubt yourself, stay heart centered, this will pass fast, you are safe.

and new love portals opening Keep Faith, Choose Love, Stay Positive, Change Is Coming ?

Much love & Blessings ?
David Alexander Lightfoot

3 Jahre her

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever

PS: I wish everyone who reads it would paste it on their page. It's a world prayer assignment, a couple of minutes for the health of all the sick, weary, and heartbroken.
AMEN. ??
#BOOMchallenge ??❤️??

3 Jahre her

Whether we want to acknowledge and admit it or not, WE are currently living in the age of the anti Christ. Just like Jesus, the anti Christ is not coming. The anti Christ has already come here and is currently in CONtrol of our whole realm. The anti-christ could not take over and CONtrol our Creators realm so it had to create a new one and a deception to make us all "just beLIEve". Which is why there is so much deception before our eyes and ears. Which is why there is so much war, killing, disease and famine. Which is why WE are so divided and disconnected from our Creator and true power. It needed to create a world of hate, fear, ignorance and deception in order to exist and that is the current world we are living in. Those that have eyes shall see that. The anti christ created a master decpetion that fooled our eyes and ears while capturing our minds and attention. Creating spells that made us "just beLIEve" that divided us from each other and disconnected us from our Creator and true power withIN. The anti christ created an artificial light and illusion of dark in order to hide the TRUTH from us. It poses as the Light in its religions and beLIEfs while also being its evil self. Controlling both sides. Giving the people false hope of a false idol and savior coming to save them so they are always looking outward for something or someone to save them. It INfilitrates every country and group and destroys or CONtrols them from withIN to keep everyone divided and blind. It gives the illusion of freedom by giving us choices and using our free will against us to CONstantly be beLIEving IN and supporting evil without even realizing that WE are. Blinded by our ego, pride and ignorance while too busy being entertained by the anti christ network. Keeping us CONstantly distracted and dumbed down. Yes. WE are INdeed currently living IN the age of the anti christ. What is coming though and what is here NOW is US, The People. WE are so much more than what the anti Christ has led us to beLIEve. So MUCH MORE! The anti christ does all that it does because of WHO WE are and where WE are. It is the anti Christ because WE are the Christ energy, frequency and Light. Each and every one of us has access to the Christ energy and Light. WithIN our hearts lies our true power. Lies our TRUE connection to our Creator and realm. This is why the anti Christ works so hard to CONtrol our minds by deceiving our eyes and ears. To keep us from our heart and TRUE power. Our Creator knew the anti Christ would have its time and attempt to take over our Creators realm. Which is why our Creator INstilled the TRUTH withIN each of our hearts and gave each of us keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and access to the Christ Light, Frequency and Energy. WE are the Temples IN which Source God dwells and that is why WE are CONstantly under attack from the evil science to INject in our Temples and bombarded with mis, dis and false INformation to keep us down and from REmembering WHO WE are and REconnecting to our Creator and TRUE power to RISE up, unite and REclaim that IN which is ours. Our Divine Heritage and Idnetity along with our Divine Realm to create Heaven on Earth once again. For WE are the REturn of the Christ Light to shine upon the illusions of dark. WE are the REturn of the Christ frequency to RISE above the fear and WE are here. Getting close to RISING and SHINING my brothers and sisters!!

-Corey Ponder

3 Jahre her

Psalms 37:1-6

A Psalm of David. Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.

Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.

3 Jahre her
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Last updated hace 5 meses, 3 semanas

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Last updated hace 1 mes, 3 semanas