Tommy John III

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5 Monate, 2 Wochen her

You do not want to fuck with your hormones with supplements, herbs, tinctures, medications or drugs. And you know when I swear I’m fired up. This topic fires me up.

Why? Because you cannot go onto any platform without seeing all these trainers, podcasters, trending holistic Krustys, holistic god sends, bearded scientists and people growing their beards or appear stronger healthier and smarter, naturopaths, functional MD’s, integrative MD’s, Tony fucking Robbins sells it now, and the most popular podcast and guests all coked out on it touting its salvation of benefits.

Body only heals. You’re grasping that. And if you haven’t fully locked it in you will have many opportunities coming. That means every responses is a perfect healthy healing response to your life. That means when the body chooses to shift hormone levels, it meant to, because it’s making massive deep plans in all systems to save your life for your choices and predicaments you’ve lived it into. Your choice. And you aren’t even supposed to know what levels of anything are because there is no instance where labs are healthy, a part of a healing path, useful, no medical profession can use them and call themselves health practitioners in any way, they represent nothing but the effect of your body on your life choices. No measured marker is ever useful and in fact the knowledge of any markers directly antagonizes your mind, your psyche, and you thought owning…not believing…fucking owning the body only heals was a tough one to swallow? Get labs done and know your values and you just made your hole deeper. Not impossible, but more work to reprogram your mind through your choices.

TRT is the equivalent to birth control for men and we all know how fucked up birth control is and was. Dabble in TRT and you are creating such a system wide Chernobyl that will force your body to need you to do some really serious changes and rigidity within your medicine in the future to offset what TRT and all other hormone therapies guarantee. And simply put…you will absolutely ensure your body’s natural production of any hormone gets thrown off forcing a very scary, uncomfortable, honest, and true healing response to TRT!

The truth will never be trending in healing. And I can promise you this, a simple way to see if there’s something you’re missing or need to add to your life regarding health, if the majority are doing it in the holistic world, if it’s trending in the organic world, if it’s sold by any practitioner who has a podcast, license or degree of any kind especially the natural holistic ones or even worse th health coaches…you don’t fucking want it.

5 Monate, 2 Wochen her

Sunset Minute Of Nature

Body only heals. No exceptions. Water warms before it boils. Body reacts the same way to the effects of our choices. Even during times of boiling water it’s still doing everything for you. If it didn’t your body never would’ve made the next second, minute or day. The body during times of warming water wants change. If the changes we made weren’t enough, and boiling appears in the form of an emergency, it’s still asking for the changes it wanted earlier in your life and progression of healing responses. Don’t forget that the elements that work when the symptoms are kinder, smaller, and less aggressive still work even when an emergency level of symptoms show up. Only now the effects are even more intense, more effective, more saturated and there’s less room for you to wiggle and break the rules. But the basics, the rules, the artistry still applies.

Emergencies don’t change the laws of nature the body has or abide by. And it’s these rules emergency medicine is banking on you healing from. That’s how medications even appear to have an effect…they need the responses of the body to play out their script. Even more proof the body only heals. The fuck you think a side effect is? It’s a healing response to drugs. The numbing co effect of supplements and herbs that directly antagonizes your progress? The healing response of the body to the ingredients. And then the body catches up again righting the ship with more symptoms requiring more changes it wanted years ago but never got.

Taking your medicine during an emergency is just as critical as taking your medicine when you’re symptom free, strong, and fearless. The medicine doesn’t change. It’s still every inch of your life.

Rules don’t change in emergencies. Remember that. Got to play by them even more rigidly.

Live in a way where you have ample opportunities to practice and test the healing response of your body to changes in your life and emergencies aren’t emergencies any more or you stay clear even when authentic ones do show up!

5 Monate, 2 Wochen her

Purple Crown material. My Subscription Page!!

Deeper dives into the general principles and concepts I share on main page as they relate intimately in my life, my symptoms, my injuries, my experiences with the rules and laws.

Recipes of foods I regularly consume.

Training movement I pick for my days.

Random stories of entertainment or connection with healing depth you might find valuable.

See you over there.

#youhealyou #truehealing #rulesofhealing #strength #health #healing #injuries #physicaltherapy #rehab #training #sunlight #nourishment #medicine #naturalhealing #orthopedic #trainforlife #spinalhygiene #spinehealth #lymph #movement #nature #housecalls

8 Monate her

You choose how you react and respond to years of life and your experiences. Your body only heals and that switch is always in the ON position. It’s not given to you by an organization or taken from you by anyone at any time. You are already as free in health as you desire to be. Just wanted to set that straight for the freedom crowds.

Everything you feel and sense is healing. And is for you. Not just the good stuff. Or the minor stuff. Sweating, muscle tightness, soreness, bone spurs, cardiac arrhythmias, tumors, cysts, emotions, scabs, blisters, sores, digestive changes, headaches, fat gain, muscle loss, bone density loss, herniated discs, posture changes, skin discolorations, hair loss, mood swings, appetite shifts, sleeplessness, incontinence, fevers, tears, muscle gain, bone strengthening, skin tightening, energy boost, deep sleep dreaming, peace, calm, speed, strength and power. All healing responses. All in response to every single choice you make in your life. From everything you think, do, say and absorb.

There is no process that is pathology. There is no time period where a healing responses is cued by years or time. The body is never wrong. It’s always for you. Helping you. Healing is not to be ignored, hidden, numbed, cut out or treated. No response is ever to be wasted.

Aging is beautiful no matter how you choose to live and what it looks like. But understand your role is 100% all that determines the outcome. Own your role. Own the expression. But regardless, it’s perfect.

Aging is whatever you want it to look like. If you want it bed ridden, afraid, painful, herbed supplemented treated and medicated just to sit and watch tv then have at it and live that way to the fullest. If you want to be chained and locked to a gym, confined to a diet, imprisoned by treatments bodywork and therapies with a bag full of holistic hacks, the appearance of free strong and able yet shackled to the “natural” ball and chain then have at it and love that way to the fullest.

But there’s more than those options. One of true healing freedom. One of true disentaglement from the trends, majorities. One where your body and you embrace knowing the truth behind healing.

8 Monate her

Funny but doesn’t have to be this way. And sadly this is a joke around the 30 year old crowd now. Accepting their fate being sold on every corner that dysfunction and degeneration and decline are a certainty, you get worse as you age, there’s nothing you can do about it, your vision of becoming a wise AND able elder will never happen…oh and you can’t heal once injured, at any level. You can only manage symptoms to feel better, change ever to part of your life to fit your symptoms ensuring you never heal, and buckle up for a weak, painful, gloomy future of pickiness, isolation, and imprisonment.

I’m not even slightly kidding.

Symptoms are the body’s way of guiding you to change. Even with joint pain. The tissue damaged doesn’t matter or determine your course moving forward. All tissues have stem cells. All tissues adapt. All tissues regrow. All tissue solidify and strengthen. All tissues repair. Even grief, stomach concerns, heart shifts, and headaches…body healing, guiding your next changes.

Every symptoms is not to be wasted and is an opportunity to change your life to improve all aspects of how you live. So much so that when living in this manner you will no longer remember your symptoms that got you to change rather you’ll bathe in the warmth of your new life and all I’ve created within it.

2 reasons we don’t heal: 1. Didn’t know we could. 2. Didn’t want to. And not wanting to is okay as well. But don’t blame your body or any element in your life. Own it either way. All in either way. But for the record, pain, weakness, inability, fear, and lack aren’t your fate, unless that’s what you want. All in.

Ignore nothing. Use everything. It’s all FOR you. Not against you. Change that story. And you know how to change your life. No symptom wasted. Every word your body hears and responds to. Every choice it outputs. Every thought it changes to.

There’s more life. Prepare to receive it. Prepare even more to go get it. Heal along the way. If you’re alive, you’re healing. There is no off switch.

Jokes aside…every symptom is an opportunity for more life. Reduce, hide, treat, manage, get rid of the symptom before you’ve changed and you missed the opportunity.

8 Monate her

Would never consider these my training inputs as they miss out on preparing me for more intense moments in life like sneezes, coughs, loving moments, slips, falls, reactions, clapping, or walking slightly faster than usual pace. Where true training is an opportunity to build castle walls up and out, these are the draw bridge to cross the moat to start to and continue to build my castle.

The “how’s why’s” we truly train will always trump the “what’s.” That why there are usually those coming from a gym, class, program, protocol, method or system environment in training and when injured don’t know where or begin or when injuries take on other symptoms in other systems like skin, heart, immune, hormones etc they’re lost yet again.

Training runs deeper than food and light in regards to preparation and change. Needs to be present at your lowest, highest, most symptomatic, least symptomatic, most busy, least cluttered, high energy, massively fatigued, in a hospital, or in a field. All times. All versions. All perfectly responding examples of YOU needing the single most important rule and essential we have access to at all times…training. Preparing the physical body to experience the emotional, intellectual, mental, spiritual and physical forces of life while simultaneously preparing the emotional, intellectual, mental, spiritual and physical elements of human to heal within the experience. Damn that’s good. Never said it that way.

True training prepares you for all levels of forces of life. True training allows all versions of you to be prepared. By you. For you. Only you.

#youhealyou #truehealing #rulesofhealing #strength #health #healing #injuries #physicaltherapy #rehab #training #sunlight #nourishment #medicine #naturalhealing #orthopedic #trainforlife #spinalhygiene #spinehealth #lymph #movement #nature

8 Monate, 1 Woche her

Your training needs to match your life. Simple as that. No not the actual skills like throwing, walking, or dancing. The intensity. Life is about force. Force and energy hit at different intensities. Falling in love to grief down to sleeping and going to the bathroom. The musculature of your body is always responding to these forces directly how well it’s prepared. And if it’s not prepared for a variety of reasons, the body will let you know change is necessary in many areas, not just training. You touch one you touch them all. That’s a basic rule.

If our training never exceeds life demands we can robustly survive for a while because even an unprepared human is a savage, but to sustain this level for years on end or repeatably within activities we love isn’t going to happen. Body will warn by warming the water with symptoms. We listen. Change. Or it starts boiling the water with symptoms in any and all systems, tissues, organs.

Training like nourishment has to be creative, personal, understood, intentional. Has to be accessible when we are lonely and depressed, swollen and in pain, fasting or bed ridden, to in love, not busy, supported, and uplifted. Our training is not an essential that is only touched when we have time, feel energetic, or feel strong. Since our physiology can drastically change by choice or reaction in one second and since so many things touch our physiology responses constantly guided or following a group won’t suffice. Body will tell the truth on this.

Only the individual knows where they’ve come from, where they are, and where they’re going in the deepest understanding of their life. Only they can prescribe their medicine. Same with food. Only more impactful as movement will always trump food regarding effect. Training is poetry, art, your language. Why you moved before writing or talking.
It’s a form of deep communication. Even the acts of love require language from our bodies, from writing a letter, singing a song, a dance, a stroll, a kiss, a hug, or being entangled.

Your training needs to match the intensity of your life. Accessed all within your life. Your life. You with you.

It’s your body language. Your letters. Your font.

8 Monate, 1 Woche her

Beef, heart, liver patties cooked in bacon fat. Tomatoes and garlic sautéed in bacon fat. Incredible Hulk veggies sautéed in bacon fat. Why Incredible Hulk? Green and purple colors:)

NPFW to drink over nugget ice.

Haven’t been hungry in days. Important to listen to that message from the body. One of the biggest mistakes we make we have to heal from and misread that as an entirely different problem all together is we eat when we are not hungry. Besides the missteps that we eat what people tell us, amounts people tell us, with ingredients people tell us, from sources people tell us, but eating when someone else tells us and we aren’t deeply connected or that person in the form of long term relationship of some kind makes no sense and the body never lies in the long run on that one.

Very easy to manipulate physiology and make it look like healing…especially with food, supplant, and herbs.

If this is you, change. Body won’t lie.

Someone said “yeah I know you get to eat whatever you want, but why support Doritos?” lol. She’s restricted so doesn’t know her comment wasn’t seen by anyone other than me, but it was deep what she said. Not the nonsense around Doritos. That’s answered all on its own if you think for just a fraction of a moment. But to think that when I post food, define nourishment, talk about, display it and concepts about it all over my office here and it comes down to I get to eat whatever I want. I must need to work on my delivery and clinical messaging. Not at all. I eat what I crave, what I can digest at the moment, what I can get, what I can prepare, what I can assimilate, and what I can void out clean. That’s completely different than “whatever I want.” Sometimes my mind wants what my body doesn’t want. Sometimes I pick that path. But it’s never a “fuck it, body only heals, no more shame, eat whatever, aging doesn’t matter, YOLO!!!” lol. Not exactly what I’m going for here if you’re actually taking in the information.

My body is different everyday. Some days it can’t digest fruit. Others it can digest sand, GMOs, toxins, colors, metals, bugs, and ???? Up to me to find out what it needs and what I want and dance that day. Many factors.

8 Monate, 1 Woche her

Having been in the business of performance, healing and medicine for 24 years now you notice trends. One of those trends is that there has to be a sacrifice of healing in order to perform at the highest level. For artists, musicians, sports performers, competitors in all fields. And this just isn’t the case. In fact, all the rules and law understood and followed by a human needing to heal, repair, regenerate and adapt apply to all humans, in all endeavors, no matter age, race, income, passions, interests or perceptions. And even more powerful is the sooner the participant understands this approach to life and how the body heals they can apply it not at the expense of performance but to enhance and uplift it to no limit.

The sport will be over. The passion changed. Desires vary. Focus shifts. And when this occurs for anyone, upon retiring, upon leaving the craft, upon taking on a new venture from music to gardening to travel to woodwork, you don’t miss a beat. The healing, understanding and way of life to heal any and all responses are exactly the ingredients to perform at the highest level of function.

Healing true helps you perform. Whatever it is you want to do today, tomorrow or in 90 years. True freedom.

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