Embassy of Russia in the USA / Посольство России в США

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Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago

2 months, 2 weeks ago
Embassy of Russia in the USA …
2 months, 2 weeks ago

Enjoy The Russian Embassy Weekly # 3️⃣7️⃣5️⃣ ⚡️

Main topics:

? Presenting Gold Star medals to Heroes of Russia
? Ceremony to present state decorations
? Meeting with chairmen of parliaments of CSTO member states
? AI Journey international conference
?Vladimir Putin attended a meeting of the 22nd Congress of the United Russia political party

?????? Press release on foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s participation in the ministerial meeting of the guarantor states of the Astana Process
? Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to questions at the 22nd Doha Forum session

⚡️ Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov inspects Vostok Group of Forces

? 25-th anniversary of the Russian Cultural Center in Washington, DC
? Russian Embassy in the U.S. organized a photo exhibition dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Eurasian Economic Union
?Lecture of William Brumfifield at the Russian Embassy in the United States

? ⚡️ December 12 is the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation
? A renowned Soviet writer Chingiz Aitmatov was born on December 12, 1928

2 months, 2 weeks ago
Embassy of Russia in the USA …
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Embassy of Russia in the USA …
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Embassy of Russia in the USA …
2 months, 3 weeks ago

Enjoy The Russian Embassy Weekly # 3️⃣7️⃣4️⃣ ⚡️

Main topics:

⚡️ Meeting with participants of the 4️⃣ Young Scientists Congress Scientists Congress
⚡️ Russia Calling! Investment Forum Forum
⚡️ Meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects
????Meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State

⚡️ Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the 31st Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council
? Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview to Tucker Carlson

⚡️ The drills in the eastern Mediterranean Sea
? Russian Aerospace Forces successfully launch Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket from Plesetsk Cosmodrome

✏️ On December 1, the Embassy joined #EcoDictation, the 6️⃣ educatorial campaign

? December 3 - the Day of the Unknown Soldier
? On December 1, 1896, the Marshal of Victory, Georgy Zhukov, was born
? On December 3, 1898 Mikhail Koshkin was born - creator of the legendary T-34 tank

? On December 5, 1924 famous painting workshop was established in the village of Palekh, Ivanovo Region
⚡️ On November 30, 1993, the Law on the State Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation was adopted

3 months ago

⚡️ Enjoy The Russian Embassy Weekly # 3️⃣7️⃣3️⃣ ⚡️


Main topics:

? A large package of documents was signed following the CSTO Summit
???? Press statements by President of Russia and President of Kazakhstan
? Vladimir Putin answered media questions following his state visit to Kazakhstan and the CSTO summit

? Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks during a meeting with participants of the Dialogue for the Future scientific and educational programme
? Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks during the 43rd meeting of the Foreign Ministry’s Council of Heads of Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation
? Joint meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, the Council of Defence Ministers and the Committee of Secretaries of Security Councils of the CSTO
? Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” newspaper

⚡️ On November 28, 1943, the Tehran Conference opened
? Maria Limanskaya – the Queen of the Brandenburg Gate
? On November 25, 1942 an agreement to establish the legendary “Normandie-Niemen” squadron was signed
⚔️ On November 26, 1812, the Battle of the Berezina River took place

☦️ On November 28, 1365 The Chudov Monastery was founded
? On November 25 1735 the mighty Tsar Bell was cast in the Moscow Kremlin
? On November 26, 1903 Yury Pimenov was born

3 months ago
Embassy of Russia in the USA …
3 months ago
***?******??*** 2 декабря [исполняется](https://mid.ru/ru/foreign_policy/news/1984648/) **20 лет** …

??? 2 декабря исполняется 20 лет со дня принятия резолюции 59/50 о предоставлении Организации Договора о коллективной безопасности (ОДКБ) статуса наблюдателя в Генеральной Ассамблее ООН. Документ заложил прочные правовые основы для развития взаимодействия двух структур в соответствии с положениями Устава ООН и, в частности, его Главы VIII.

За время своего существования #ОДКБ утвердилась в статусе авторитетной региональной организации, которая эффективно действует в сфере обеспечения безопасности и противодействия современным вызовам и угрозам. Значительный практический вклад ОДКБ отмечается в принимаемой на двухгодичной основе резолюции ГА ООН о сотрудничестве между организациями. Очередная резолюция была принята 18 ноября в ходе 79-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи.

Государства-члены ОДКБ со своей стороны также остаются привержены глобальным усилиям по поддержанию мира, в том числе в сфере предотвращения, разрешения конфликтов и миротворчества. В этом контексте особенно перспективным представляется задействование ОДКБ в миротворческих операциях ООН.

?? Российская Федерация выступает за углубление сотрудничества и координации между структурами ООН и ОДКБ, а также развитие прямых контактов между ними в областях, представляющих взаимный интерес, для продвижения целей и принципов Устава ООН во всей их полноте и взаимосвязи.

Россия рассчитывает на продолжение плодотворного практического взаимодействия этих двух организаций.

? Заявлениеминистров иностранных дел государств – членовОрганизации Договора о коллективной безопасности в связи с 20-летием предоставления ОДКБ статуса наблюдателя в Генеральной Ассамблее Организации Объединённых Наций (28 ноября 2024 года)

3 months, 1 week ago
***?*** [**VI Vladimir Krainev Moscow International …

? VI Vladimir Krainev Moscow International Piano Competition will be held from March 25, 2025 to April 1, 2025:

?to identify, support and promote talented young pianists;
?to maintain and develop the best Russian and international music art achievements;
?to raise the role of the music art in the society and among young people;
?to develop international cultural relations.

? The Competition is open to all pianists from 8 to 22 years old. Please note that there is no any participation fee or other payments for the participants of the Competition.

Laureates of the past competitions, special awards winners can take part in the Preliminary Auditions, skipping the Qualifying round.

? The application submission deadline is November 30, 2024.

Additional info and application submission:

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage: mygov.in

MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago