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Last updated 9 months, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 2 months ago
What has been described about America is true for the most of the World.
Our Rulers Engineer an Excess in some parts of the world & a Deficiency in other parts of the world to create the Hunger Games Society we live in.
This is the root cause of the Orchestrated Immigration Problem that the world is reeling from.
The following two videos are how our rulers are Mind Controlling us into Slavery, by controlling our environment early on in our life so that our worldview is poisoned so much so that we fear venturing into the unknown.
School system is pathetic disconnect from the real world, that most children released from the school system feel absolutely helpless & panicky to face the real world.
The following video is how Parents are destroying their Children while deluding themselves that they are helping them.
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Excellent post by JK - here.
Read that one first.
JK's post inspired me to write this, in response. I hope you find some useful gold nuggets in both posts:
Arguments About Truth
You will find 10,000 videos on youtube arguing about nothing-ness, everything-ness, something-ness. Videos about self-love, other-love, God-love. Video arguments about who has a better, more accurate understanding of actual reality, and about non-duality. And even more video arguments about ‘The Meaning Of Life… Here Are 10 Tips about How to Make Life Work for You!’ ?
The fact is as JK says, "Intellect stops here."
Bottom line: None of these discussions or arguments about the Essence/Truth of Life are ultimately true, because The Truth cannot be put into words, images or sounds by Intellect. Intellect can only dance around the Truth. Arguments about Truth are like satellites revolving (dancing) around the Earth, with all the satellites talking to each other. Since the human mind can only dance around the Truth, you can imagine that all the different egos dancing around the Truth will argue endlessly about what Truth is, and how to possess it.
The only way to experience Truth is by yourself, for yourself, and within yourself.
Even then, it will only be a small glimpse... a partial experience of the Full Truth... because our human ability to experience the Full Truth of Reality is inherently limited (i.e. each of us is only a 'tiny spark of God'). Only The Creator is capable of being, and experiencing the Fullness of All. If you were to be given a full experience of Truth, your material/biological perceptual apparatus (mind and body) would instantly vaporize, because it's material limitations cannot begin to hold or sustain the Immense Power of that experience.
Nevertheless, a partial glimpse by yourself, for yourself, and within yourself, for only a few moments, is easily enough to totally turn your whole world upside down, and set you on a totally different path in life. The sheer awe-full-ness of a partial Truth experience instantly shuts down your puny idiot ego... and your remaining innocent, authentic Self (spark of God) is immediately stunned into wide-eyed silence. ?
After the experience you will remain stunned for some time. Eventually it slowly wears off, and you are back in this Earthly reality. You attempt to process that amazing experience. Your idiot ego attempts to come back online, which it slowly does… but you can subtly feel that it has been changed in unknown ways. You make whatever sense of the experience that you can. The most important realization: “That is Home. There is More, much More, much Deeper. That is where I must go, with all my heart and soul and effort.”
Which is as it should be, because it keeps us seeking, moving forward, improving ourselves, evolving.
The more awareness of Truth/Reality we embody, through our own personal experiences (not books or youtubes, though they can be momentarily helpful along the way), the more we realize that co-creating and co-evolving with God/Source/Creator is, and will always be, the best path to take.
(IOW, salvation through technology is a dead end.)
Thus we see that in our Earthly lives, turning fully back to Nature, which on our planet is God’s fully integrated expression of life-evolving-itself-toward-ever-greater-awareness, is the only Path that is fully in harmony with our best interests; with All of Life’s best interests.
So, in the purely practical sense, as always, Nature is the Only Way Forward, and the Only Way Home.
Honor Nature.
? A shark in a fish tank will?grow 8 inches, but in the ocean? it will grow to 8 feet or more. the shark will never outgrow it's environment and the same is true about you. many times we're around small thinking people so we don't grow. change your environment…
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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
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Last updated 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Fansub sem fins lucrativos dedicada a dramas asiáticos! ?
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Last updated 2 months ago