Pokud chcete podporit moji praci, preklady a zpravy: 123-4977710207/0100 KB UVEDTE pouze slovo DAR. Predem dekuji
Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago
you WILL NOT ask people for directions to your house even though you already know them perfectly
you WILL NOT look around before jerking off even though you live alone
you WILL NOT go to the woods 2 and a half hours past midnight to scream for help even though you're completely safe
you WILL NOT turn off the router and then genuinely wonder why the Internet isn't working
you WILL be rational, and you WILL be happy
The person of kuz are gone, and he is not counted among the living. Logan Cooper and froot, who professed themselves allies of kuz, and swore by his deeds that they knew, even the evil ones, now claim to know nothing of them. Kuz has had his reckoning, and his punishment in the hereafter is indeed horrible. But do not be deceived by caricatures, as Logan and Marco are among the evil cabal, who protected and indulged in the crimes kuz was charged for.
Yes, the dark kuzist movement does not exonerate the crimes of its namesake, but will reveal the crimes of the accursed fruit man and his minion.
Kolyma continues with the forebearship of its two leaders, lolwut and maximov.
Pokud chcete podporit moji praci, preklady a zpravy: 123-4977710207/0100 KB UVEDTE pouze slovo DAR. Predem dekuji
Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago