
Adolf human female.

Talking about issues that affect women and girls of European blood.

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10 months, 1 week ago

There's a thin line between pickme energy and masculine energy. Women who spend all their time in male spaces in the hopes of being liked by them eventually emulate their aggressive behavior toward other women. It's why you see trad women influencers domineering over their audiences in a way that diverges starkly with their message for women to be soft, sweet, and likable.

Congrats, you spent so much time trying to “be one of the boys,” that now you are one. You can longer successfully communicate with women. And when something goes wrong in your life, there will be no one there for you (or worse the people who will be there for you will see an opportunity to try to get in your pants)

10 months, 1 week ago

"It’s a long and bitter story, in which Southern did her best to live a purist internet ideology to the letter – only to receive a grim object lesson in its shortcomings."


"All of this was, Southern tells me, difficult to square with her religious beliefs. She would pray by his bed when he was angry with her, hoping that if she gave him grace one more time he’d realise the depth of her love and be kinder. [...] She thought, she told me, that “as long as I put on the high heels and the lipstick when my husband comes home, as long as I cook the best meal, as long as I’m always submissive, and say yes, sir, whatever you want, things will go fantastic.” And if it’s not fantastic? The listicle version of traditionalism would just say she should make more effort."



Lauren Southern: how my tradlife turned toxic

"It’s a long and bitter story, in which Southern did her best to live a purist internet ideology to the …
10 months, 2 weeks ago

Ideally, he would provide an environment where the whole pyramid actualizes for you in your marriage, but that is neither here nor there. Ladies, you will be called "gold digger" for wanting your base physiological needs secured before you do something as vulnerable as get pregnant and give birth. And the same people will blame you if you do not. Better to embrace being a gold digger.

10 months, 2 weeks ago

I don't know who needs to hear this, but it is not normal to fight when you're dating. Dating is supposed to be easy. Struggle love is cringe. Opposites do not attract. Marriage is easiest when the couple is as similar to each other as possible

10 months, 2 weeks ago

The dissident right lost a significant amount of steam in courting the favor of normal White people, especially White women, when it became vocally pro Palestine, in addition to the kid gloves it was already treating Islam with for years before that point. And that has nothing to do with White people favoring Israel, as there is no evidence that Whites are anything other than ambivalent toward Israel (if anything there is a burgeoning resentment), even among young Evangelicals. Normal White people despise Islam and Arabs, however, as they should. Our countless negative interactions historical and modern with the Islamic world is basically blood memory at this point. There is nothing in being pro White that necessitates any form of third worldism.

10 months, 2 weeks ago

Lauren Southern nailed it when she pointed out that right wing women have been more consistent on the topic of Islam than right wing men. A considerable number of right wing men, including those on the Christian right, are openly jealous of the barbaric ways of Muslims/Arabs toward women. They frequently welcome them into their supposedly "White nationalist" chats. As I've said before, "White nationalist" groups and chats that are hostile toward White women become interracial 100% of the time.

1 year ago

I wish there were a different term for "birthing people."

Something more evocative of the tenderness that goes into bringing a baby into this world...?

1 year ago

A lot of women use the "crunchy" community and natural living ideals as another mode of intrasexual competition. And tbh the unnecessary mom shaming that comes from them is often embarrassing.

Being a mother isn't a competition. We should be trying to help each other with something so precious and important. Not shaming each other over raw milk, organic produce and baby formula.

1 year ago

As gender relations continue to degrade, Christian women on the right need to be aware of the practice of religion-trapping by RW men. They present themselves as pious while dating, and then after they get married or have a baby or both, they will decide that they don't believe in God anymore and are no longer beholden to the rules of their religion. Their faith ends when they've accomplished the goal of locking down the good Christian wife. While single, they will either search for a woman in Christian circles, or they will convert a woman. When she is fully dedicated to the dogmas that involve submission to him and are ideologically against divorce, he will suddenly decide that he's not sure he believes in God anymore, stop going to church, and degenerate behaviors will steadily creep back into his lifestyle. I have seen this bait-and-switch play out so many times, it's like these men were all made in the same factory. Christian single ladies, please watch out for these guys, for yourself and your friends.

1 year, 8 months ago

Reminder that pornography is literally a weapon.

It takes the bodies of women and the young generally and slowly tortures them to death for the pleasure of men who have been conditioned to such depravity by steady exposure to it.

Porn is torturing our daughters. It's warping our sons. It's killing our marriages. And it's making our entire culture and society sick and unsafe for our children.

Porn is why the invaders feel entitled to White women and emboldened to rape us.

Porn is how we've been conditioned to accept homosexuality and related sexual sickness.

Porn is why girls and young women are running from their femaleness and trying to become men.

Porn is why boys and young men are trying to become women and jerk off to themselves forever.

Porn is psychologically and sexually abusing children online every day.

We need to get rid of the porn and it's makers.

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