The Gnostic Takeover Channel

«The Gnostic Takeover» is about Activation of Natural Intelligence and Transcending the Matrix Control System.
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10 months, 3 weeks ago

Hello to everyone here at «The Gnostic Takeover» !

I am sharing with all of you a «special Episode» of «The Takeover»-Series. Not taking place in the usual Surroundings of Nature - «The Gnostic Takeover» did the Walk-and-Talk in the City of Linz this time. And this gave me the Opportunity to Take all of you back to the very Origins of when the Idea of «The Takeover» was born and where all of that took place.

It was after the 3rd «Fest Linz» - The Festival for Freedom in Linz - when the Idea of «Taking the Planet back» arose in my Mind. That later morphed into what became «The Gnostic Takeover» - The Intention of «Taking back the Earth by Taking down the paedo-satanic-criminal Control System». And Whaaat a Journey we have been on ever since !!!

From the streets of Linz to the streets of Vienna, then finding out that ALL protests movements were 100% run by the criminal cult, to St. Corona rescuing Liz and her wonderful daughter Leonie from the Grips of this satanic cult, to brewing our very first «Ayahuasca and Datura Wisdom-Cocktail» for the most powerful of all «Trinity Ceremony» in November/December 2022, to landing in my Parent's House for the last one-and-a-half years to discover that they run this control system as the hidden High Priest and High Priestess at very Top of this Pyramid of Control. Just about reaches the Definition of "Mind Blowing" - don't you think ?

Is it all true ? Is this «The Truth» that's stranger and more outrageous than any Fiction ? Well, I will let all of you find it out for yourself.

I let myself be judged by the Outcome that's gonna come soon from this moment now. The Clock is ticking, but the Bubble has already burst. Watch out what's going to happen next... «The Gnostic Takeover» may just be seen in the full Public Mainstream Media very soon !
Stay tuned, only here at «The Gnostic Takeover» !


«The Takeover» [Part 7]: Where it all started for «The Gnostic Takeover» right at «The End» of War.

11 months, 1 week ago


The Helicopters of the Matrix-Control-System can't stop «The Takeover»

11 months, 3 weeks ago


The greater Vision: «The Gnostic Takeover» is going on Prime-Time-Television

It's happening. I create Reality.

11 months, 3 weeks ago

Hello and Welcome to everyone here, once again, to «The Gnostic Takeover» !

The Journey and Unfoldment of «The Takeover of Earth» is continuing here at «The Gnostic Takeover», and the Speed has been ramping up «on the Ground» of this War. Quite to the Amazement of most people, the «Epicenter of The War of all Ages» here on Earth is happening in a tiny little village here in Austria - with the Ukraine Proxy-War of supposed "enemies" of the US and Russia nothing but a Distraction from what's going on here. How many people have their perception - attention - locked on the War in the Ukraine, and how many are following «The Gnostic Takeover» Journey here on the Channel ? Archons - Masters of Distraction and Deception I say to that.

But who are you to say you are «Taking over the Earth» ? You are "so full of yourself", have a superiority complex or even a more inflated ego of white supremacy than Donald Duck Trump ! Well, who is anyone to tell ME what is real and what is not ? What I am documenting here - my Work - is the «Heart and Soul of me», and just as my Heart & Soul would never lie to, so would I never lie to my Heart & Soul and so I would never ever lie to any of the Followers here on the Channel. It may seem impossible - but that doesn't mean it can't be done. Only we ourselves are the Ones who set the Boundaries of "what is possible" based on what we perceive "to be real". Perception dictates Behaviour that dictates the Actions we are to take that dictate the Reality we experience. I don't see any "Limitation" in this Sequence, and I and Liz are Ones who «fully go for it». Only he / she who dares wins.

And things have shifted in a major way here at «The Gnostic Takeover» engaged in «spiritual Warefare with the Archon-Vampire-Empire». In the newest Video I go into all the Updates, the major turning points that have happened in this war since I last spoke to you - as well as «The Crescendo Moment of The War» that happened on the Day of the «Spring Equinox», this year on the 20th of March.

It all heated up with me and liz moving up the gears by Fasting for 52 (!) days from 21st of December 2023 to the 11th of February 2024 - with the Archons sending the Police Force every time as Intimidation with Bailiffs, Doctors and the Emergencies. We slayed them all with «The Truth» - The one and only Power in this world of lies and illusion.

Since «Breaking the Fast» me and liz have been building up Strength, decoding the most incredible and powerful Information that we only scratch the Surface here with the Videos - and this Decoding is leading to us «Synchronising with the Reality-Outcome of our Intentions». It's the «Looser Mentality of the Program» that says "The Gnostic Takeover is failing because they just don't fulfill the Commands and won't ever do so", as I explain in the video. It's all about «our Journey», «our Decoding of Reality» and our «Attitude and Endurance» that leads us to Victory - the «Outcome of our Intention of the Heart». It is and never has been dependent on the Archon-Vampire-Empire - they get «Taken Down» through our Sovereignty to manifest our own Reality Outcome.

This is a War - and we have already won the War. For we «know» we are in Command and create our Reality.
For more, go right ahead and watch the Latest on the Greatest Takeover Story here on Earth.

Only here on «The Gnostic Takeover».... Stay tuned...


«The Takeover» [Part 6]: The Sovereignty Heart-Mind-Coherence creates new Paradigm Reality on Earth

Hello and Welcome to everyone here, once again, to «The Gnostic Takeover» ! Everyone who wishes to send me an E-Mail: [email protected] Everyone who wishes to support our Work with a Gift here the Pay-Pal Details: [email protected]

1 year ago

Hello and Welcome once again to «The Gnostic Takeover» - The Channel documenting the unique Story of «How the Earth was Taken back» !

One would expect a LOT more Coverage and Attention IF «The Claim» that I am making were to be true, or were in the Process of becoming true. But it is to no Surprise what-so-ever to me doing «The Takeover» that there is such a «Black Out» on any Interest shown by anyone within the so-called "alternative media" or "Truth and Freedom Movement".

The extent of «Controlled Opposition» within this Matrix-Control-System is staggering to say the least. Whatever I have said or covered in that regard here on this channel can only ever be the «Understatement of the Century» when compared to the actual Reality of the Deception, Mis-Information and Mis-Direction that is happening here on Earth.

I don't care what anyone thinks about me or «The Gnostic Takeover» that I am transforming into. I am «it» - every day becoming it on a deeper and deeper level. It's full Transformation that is going on with me here, powered by «Plant Medicine Intelligence».

What does it take to «Take Over» an entire System ? What Level of Responsibility does it require ?
I was born to do this Job, and I am quickly becoming a «holistic Version» of a Mafioso, a Gangstar - an «Enforcer of Natural Law and Order».

I am «The Gangstar» Taking over your System - You in the Network are the Criminals.

Watch the latest Episode of the most incredible unfolding Story here on Earth. Feel blessed you're already following the Journey now, in the Future Mankind will come into the «Space of The Gnostic Takeover» to find out how «The Impossible was made possible».

Those with Eyes to see can already perceive this Future in the Now. Enjoy ! ?


«The Takeover» [Part 5]: The Pulse of the original Matrix is over-riding the Matrix-Control-System

Hello and Welcome once again to «The Gnostic Takeover» - The Channel documenting the unique Story of «How the Earth was Taken back» ! One would expect a LOT more Coverage and Attention IF «The Claim» that I am making were to be true, or were in the Process…

1 year ago

Hello and Welcome everyone once again here at «The Gnostic Takeover» !

It's the Beginning of Spring here in the Alps-Region Austria - and with that «Shift of Energy» comes a very powerful «Shift of Power», in other words «The Takeover» is right in the Middle of Manifesting as Reality.

For a very very long time in this extra-ordinairily & stunningly Breath-Taking «Journey with the Medicine» that we've been on since more than 2 years now, it looks like you are only continuously doing the «hard work» and it appears like Nothing is ever coming to fruition. You are planting seeds and Taking care of them all the time - but "where are the fruits of the labour ?" is the Question that seems to be «the splinter in your mind driving you mad» which the character Morpheos in the first Matrix Movie talked about.

Big Intentions require Big Hearts who have Strong Willpower and Long Endurance Levels - otherwise it's best to not even start.
I even do not recommend drinking the Medicine IF she has not appeared in your life through HER Will and chosen you, as I go into in this Episode of «The Takeover». Taking the Medicine Ayahuasca and Datura is the «ultimate choice» where there is no turning back afterwards. I can say from my experience it is the most amazing as well as the most challenging, if not overwhelming experience you can ever have. You really must have suffered enough in the Lie-Matrix of Illusion to really complete the distance, finish it to the End.

And this is where we are at. I can smell the «Victory and Glory» more intense than ever now. In Truth, I was never in any Doubt, all good and proper things take their time to unfold and manifest. It's Evolution.

Now, Enjoy the latest «Walk and Talk» with me - «The Gnostic Takeover» - who used to be called Steve.


«The Takeover» [Part 4]: The Medicine Guidance leads to «The 1» Taking Over the Archon-Matrix-Empire

For Pay-Pal Donations to support «The great Work» we are doing here the E-Mail is [email protected] and our bank details are the Following: Name: Lisandra Stadler IBAN: AT603293900001619931 BIC: RLNWATWW939 Thank you to everyone ! We are Taking…

1 year, 1 month ago

And «just like that» - «The Gnostic Takeover» is back !

FINALLY a very warm Hello and Welcome everyone here at «The Gnostic Takeover» !

It cannot be put into simple words here what has been going on here at «The Gnostic Takeover» over the last 3 months - that's as best as I can put it. It looked as if we've disappeared forever, gone - from one second to the other. But where did the «Idea» go? Energy, my dear friends and family of «Mankind of Morality Persuasion», never dies - it only gets transformed.

The archetypal Journey from the Caterpillar to the Butterfly

We've been in the «Womb of the great Mother Earth» in this time, and goodness Me it has been the most difficult and challenging time of our lives. And I shall guess every mother would agree that no birth is really a pleasant experience. But that is what Life is, we came here to face the challenge and now in exactly this time we are rising up to the Challenges presented - facing our fears, and they disappear and evaporate into the illusions they really are.

What stays is «The Absolute» - the all-pervasive, all-encompassing and ever-lasting Truth: That I am the «Force of ultimate Power and Intelligence». That is what awaits us all of Mankind who choose Morality for the Path to Freedom.

Enjoy this Video for the ultimate Update on «The Takeover» ! Finally !!! ?


«The Takeover» [Part 3]: Declaring the End of the War and Manifestation of the Reality of the Heart

Steven Whybrow and Lisandra Stadler are in Command, creating the «Manifestation of the Reality of our Hearts». I as the «General of the Plant Kingdom» and «Principle Commander of my Reality», steven whybrow, I command that all of the following 6 Commands…

1 year, 2 months ago

Hello everyone here at «The Gnostic Takeover» !

We've been way way away for some time now. Well - «The Takeover» needed our full Attention.

All I can tell you for now is that all is well with us, we are more than good and better than ever before. You'll hear it all in an Update mighty soon !

Till then, All the very best, Steve and Liz.

1 year, 4 months ago

Welcome once again here at «The Gnostic Takeover» !

«Life's like a Ride in an amusement park. The Ride goes up and down...» are the words of the late Bill Hicks, a fascinating comedian whose life ended much earlier than the Genius Spirit he often-times presented probably deserved.

And so it is here in the ever-unfolding Story of «The Gnostic Takeover». Everything has been turned upside-down again here after our «Pay-Pal Experience», and in this latest video I give you all an Update on that situation. All I can say for now is that Life is always full of surprises - especially surprise «Learning Lessons».

What are the «bad news» when all that "bad news" do is «trigger» unresolved conflicts and issues within ourselves - for them to come to the surface of my conscious Awareness to be processed and healed. Then "bad news" is only the ever-deepening of the «Awakening Process» that I chose to go through.

I did not come here on Earth to "only feel good" - I came here for «The Takeover». Taking back the Earth into the hands of those of Mankind who take Responsibility and Taking down the psychopathic criminals and their «Matrix-Control-System».

Enjoy the latest inspired «Flow of Awareness» right here at «The Gnostic Takeover» !

All the very Best,

steve and liz.


«The Takeover» [Part 2]: The Magic can be discovered any Minute Now

My Interview with Josh del Sol for The Event:\_6goZ3NkuKE My Interview with Gareth Icke on Right Now:

1 year, 5 months ago

There has been a major Development since the Recording of this Video this morning and I will share a new Update with everyone as soon as the full Decoding of what has happened since the Recording of this video has come in.

All we can say for now is that the enemies of life are trying to strike us, but we here at «The Gnostic Takeover» are not holding back one bit. It's the banking system that is dearest to them and they are not giving it away lightly. But they don't have any other choice, as the «Check-Mate» is set on them every single time they try to strike us. We keep going as «The Truth» always wins.

All we have to do is «Trust». The Truth is Invincible and that will be shown to be so.

Enjoy the latest video and All the very Best to all of you,

steve and liz.


«The Takeover» [Part 1]: Breakthrough for Mankind in Cracking the Matrix-Control-System

There has been a major Development since the Recording of this Video this morning and I will share a new Update with everyone as soon as the full Decoding of what has happened since the Recording of this video has come in. All we can say for now is that…

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