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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage: mygov.in

MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 1 month ago

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Consciousness precipitates matter.
King of Kings

Then be done with it
Anoint the bastard
We Win
Why we not win?
Why is the world as is?
Why consciousness not change the world?

I’m going to SPELL it out for you clearly.
Our consciousness has been working for THEM.

We not think enough good thoughts.
We not pray enough
We not do good deeds.
King of Kings failed miserably.

No my friend.
Our COLLECTIVE consciousness and energy has been directed to THEM.

THEY hold the ace card.
Hijacked free will.
Our consciousness in the palm of their hand
Bend it to their will

All the lies
We bought into them all

We inadvertently cheered for the wrong team

Is why they tell us.
Have to
Need to
A world In THEIR image.

Bitch and moan all we like.
It has to be this way.

The Great Awakening.
We rebuild it
A world in OUR IMAGE

8 months, 2 weeks ago

First they came for the grandmas and pah’s , then the working population and children, then the bees, the sheep, the ants and soon the cattle -
All with their Pharmakia ☠️

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Just one of those lines that could mean very little, as it's perfunctory to have it in such an agreement for such a charge, or it could indicate certain emails and/or other data, servers, etc. have been turned over as of the signing of that paper. We'll see...

8 months, 3 weeks ago


This article features an astonishing coincidence.

Hannah Fry runs a simulated “pandemic” broadcast in 2018, with a mobile app representing a “virus”. Patient Zero was discovered to be in Haslemere.

In early 2020, during the “covid pandemic”, the claimed Patient Zero was…..in Haslemere.

What are the chances?

There’s much more to it than that, but I hope this tidbit is interesting!

Best wishes


Mucky Fingerprints: The BBC Pandemic.

How the BBC did much more than scare the pants off people in 2020.

This article features an astonishing coincidence.
8 months, 3 weeks ago

Neil Oliver: ‘…it’s time to STAND UP!!!’



8 months, 3 weeks ago

If Kary Mullis had still been alive, neither the fake corona pandemic nor the bird flu hoax would have been possible. This is an opinion you hear very often.

Mullis would have brought down the "Corona" narrative on his own. Everyone who has dealt with the PCR knew from the beginning that the Drosten-Corman paper was a fake that made the plandemic possible in the first place.

Source : https://suavek1.substack.com/p/the-pcr-test-and-bird-flu-scam-aimed

9 months ago

Sad face emoji reactions only for Michael Gunner.

9 months ago


AMPS and COVERSE sessions starting after lunch. Full schedule and Submissions available Here.

Read more on excess deaths from experts around the world...

? Denis Rancourt
"According to interdisciplinary Canadian scientist Denis Rancourt, all-cause mortality data shows that most countries experienced no excess deaths whatsoever until the mRNA injections started being rolled out." (Wide Awake Media)

? ‘The Dam Has Broken’: Mainstream Media Reports on Study Showing COVID Vaccines Likely Fueled Rise in Excess Deaths.
"Data from 47 countries in the Western world showed excess mortality has remained high over the past three years, according to a new BMJ study. The authors called for a thorough investigation." (WCH)

? EXCESS MORTALITY: When will they ever learn. There is no such thing as a safe vaccine. mRNA technology is deadly.
"We must call for a shut down of mRNA factories. The dream of mRNA has become a deadly nightmare." (Ian Brighthope)

? See pinned posts @thelightpaperaustralia for further links to Independent Media and resources!

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Stand-Up Australia

HAPPENING LIVE NOW ***🎥******👨‍⚖️*** Today the Community Affairs References Committee will hold public hearings into Excess Mortality. Senator Babet and his team worked very hard to get this hearing off the ground. ***🔔***You can watch live today from 10.15am here - …

***?*** **EXCESS MORTALITY HEARING IN CANBERRA TODAY!** [Here.](https://t.me/standupaustralia/2418)
9 months ago

We are rapidly approaching the ability for governments, big tech and the puppet masters who control them, to use technology in an all out assault on freedom of every kind. Every conversation listened to and recorded, every movement tracked, every transaction analyzed.

Advances in AI, robotics, weaponry and surveillance hardware combined with quantum level computational speeds and nearly unlimited data storrage means the wholesale replacment of the need for a human workforce to control populations. This is no longer scifi, it is our reality.

The technology is being deployed as we speak.

The war, really, will be for control of the technology.

Good leadership has become more important than ever.

11 months ago


It certainly is for some of the so called men in our society...
Maybe we will find out soon enough as the last of the simps are weeded out into the National Convid Guard...

...and then duely burnt at the town square for treason and criminal level idiocy no less...

We recommend to visit

Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage: mygov.in

MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 1 month ago