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2 months, 1 week ago
Our souls have descended from spiritual …

Our souls have descended from spiritual realms into earthly planes and we have lost the memory of our origin.

We face the trials and tribulations of our karma until we respond to the call to our soul to begin the ascent back to God.

The Father-Mother God chooses the precise moment for each soul to come to earth, to take part in the divine outplaying of the decades and the centuries.

This timetable of the conception and birth of every child is part of God’s grand design of life—a design so exact that at the moment of conception the genes in each tiny embryo are already suited to the specific soul who will inhabit it.

Our Father-Mother God ordained our conception, our parents, our purpose and our reason for being.
Each one of us has been endowed with a distinct blueprint.

When we are not striving toward goals that lead to our soul’s divine blueprint,, our soul is discontent.
The discontent of our soul can manifest in any perversion of light, even illness.

Our soul may impress upon our outer awareness, “You are stifling me. You are not fulfilling the purpose for which I was born. And I will not leave you in comfort.

The answer to “Why am I here?” is to find God—in ourselves, in our calling and in our service to life. It is to endow everything we do with God’s Spirit.

“Where am I going?” The soul is the living potential of God—the part of us that is mortal but can become immortal. She gains immortality through her journey.

The goal of each soul’s journey is to permanently unite with her Higher Self and I AM Presence in the ritual of the ascension. This is the integration of the three levels of consciousness shown in the Chart.

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2 months, 1 week ago



FREE Online Zoom Workshop in English
SUNDAY 23rd June at
4:00 pm UK time (17:00h CET)

In this workshop we will:
💜Learn little-known secrets about Saint Germain
💜Understand How the Violet Flame Works to Change our World

Practice using a powerful technique to create change in ourselves so we can:
👉Have Better Relationships
👉Be Happier, Healthier and more Harmonious.

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📱Contact us here: www.ourdivinepotential.org/contact-us to save your FREE spot.

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2 months, 1 week ago
During this age, Saint Germain especially …

During this age, Saint Germain especially extends his heart to humanity, offering to help each of us toward our soul’s victory and the ascension.

In a 1975 dictation he offered himself as our teacher:

You are mortal. I am immortal.

The only difference between us is that I have chosen to be free, and you have yet to make the choice.

We have the same potential, the same resources, the same connection to the One.

I have taken mine to forge a God-identity. For long ago, the still small voice within spoke the fiat of Alpha and the living God: “Children of the One, forge your God- identity.”

And in the stillness of the night, I heard the call and I answered, “I will!”

And when I said, “I will,” all of cosmos echoed, “I will!” The will to be summons the vastness of the potential of being. . . .
I am Saint Germain, and I have come to claim your soul and the fires of your heart for the victory of the Aquarian age. I have set the pattern for your soul’s initiation. . . .

I am on the path of freedom. Take that path, and you will find me there. I am your teacher if you will have me.

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 18, no. 30.

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2 months, 1 week ago
In 1961 Saint Germain contacted the …

In 1961 Saint Germain contacted the messenger Mark L. Prophet and established the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity.

His purpose was to quicken all who had originally come to earth with the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, to keep the flame of life on earth.

The fraternity was intended to restore the memory of their ancient vow and reason for being on earth
today—to serve as world teachers and ministering servants in their families, communities and nations at this crucial time.

Through this fraternity Saint Germain is calling to the original keepers of the flame to reconsecrate their lives to the rekindling of the flame of life—the threefold flame in the heart—and the sacred fires of freedom in the souls of God’s people.

Read about the story of Sanat Kumara:

More information on the Keepers of the Flame:

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2 months, 2 weeks ago

THE CALL of HELIOSEvent June 29 - July 4
Online and in Montana

Experience the uplifting power of our official theme song, "Aspiration of the Soul's Soaring Sunward," created for "The Call of Helios: Unite with Your Sun Presence—Light Up the World!" event. Join us in this musical journey of spiritual ascent and divine connection as we prepare for our quarterly spiritual gathering from June 29 to July 4, 2024, at the Inner Retreat in Montana and online.

Together, We Create a Spiral of Light
Our Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet has told us:
“As the world is getting darker and darker, we must become proportionately lighter and lighter and lighter so that we have tremendous cords of light and white fire to raise ourselves upward and to be in upper levels of being.”

Beloved Helios dictating at this conference reminds us of our greater goal as we come together and strive to shine forth our inner light and rise to greater levels of God-realization.

“Let your sunshine be every quality of the seven rays and of the twelve solar hierarchies. Let your sunshine be the hope of a new day. Let your sunshine be the expansion of intelligence, of heart, of spirit, of vajra. Truly, let the Diamond One come into your being. I say, in the twinkling of an eye you can be all that you are.” ~Beloved Helios, July 4, 1991

Join us for this extraordinary six-day event and let the music elevate your spirit!



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The Summit Lighthouse

"The Call of Helios" – Essentials of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters

Join 'The Call of Helios' from June 29-July 4, 2024. Experience deep spiritual growth with the timeless teachings of the Ascended Masters.

**THE CALL of HELIOS**Event June 29 - July 4
2 months, 2 weeks ago
**Saint Germain’s Offices in Cosmic Hierarchy**

Saint Germain’s Offices in Cosmic Hierarchy

Presently, Saint Germain holds a number of spiritual offices in cosmic hierarchy, which include:

⚜️ Knight Commander of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity;

💜 Chohan of the Seventh Ray, an office received in the latter part of the eighteenth century from the Ascended Lady Master Kuan Yin, who was the previous seventh-ray chohan;

✝️ The seventh angel spoken of in the Book of Revelation who is helping to disclose the mysteries of God to earth’s people;

🤴👸Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius. On May 1, 1954, Saint Germain and his twin flame, the Ascended Lady Master Portia, received the scepter of power from Sanat Kumara and the crown of authority from Jesus to direct the consciousness of mankind for the next 2,000-year period.

As the New Age dawned, the Lords of Karma also granted Saint Germain the opportunity to release the knowledge of the violet flame outside of the mystery schools and retreats of the Great White Brotherhood.

This dispensation allows humanity to invoke the violet transmuting flame, thereby purifying the divine energy mankind has misqualified for tens of thousands of years and cutting the human race free from fear, lack, sin, sickness and death to walk as God-free beings.

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4 months, 2 weeks ago
In the name of the I …

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I reject the mediocre,
I reject the ordinary.
I refuse to be a lump of clay,
Disturbed, diseased, degenerate, unhappy, unfulfilled.
In the name of Almighty God,
I claim my soul liberation in this life,
And I refuse to come back again and again
Into physical embodiment to struggle against the same odds,
Each time coming to the same position,
Face to face with the question:
Will I win my Victory?
Will I make my determination?
Will I accept the pressures of Light,
Or will I go back into the dark
Or the realm of mediocrity?
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I call forth the Light of God and I declare,
I will win my Victory!
I will make my determination!
I will accept the pressures of the Light
And I will go forward into the Light
And into the realm of excellence and the exalted ones!

Excerpt from
Affirmations from “The Victory Way of Life”
Decree 22.04

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4 months, 2 weeks ago

I AM the Flame of Freedom,
The Freedom Flame I AM!

Of course, the flame is the violet transmuting flame.

This short song is set to a marching beat.

Remember, when we sing along we are helping to bring about freedom in our lives and world.

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Copyright © 2024 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.Join this channel 👇👇👇

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Copyright © 2024 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 months, 3 weeks ago

This is the keynote of the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet .


Beautiful Dreamer, Mercury’s Star
Welcome to Terra thy dream from afar.
Borne on the Light winds, God’s holy ray
Waken the world to the breaking of Day!

Angels of vict’ry, trumpet the sound
Sanat Kumara, thy triumph abound!
Borne of the Cosmos, God’s secret rays
Waken the world to the breaking of Day
Waken, O world, to the New Golden Day!

Beautiful Dreamer, flame of God’s heart
Teach all the nations, thy peace now impart.
Gentle the zephyrs, Light’s dawning rays
Whispering hope for the New Golden Day!

Beautiful Dreamer, beautiful friend
White fires of Micah thy unity blend.
Seamless the garment, robe of pure white
Blaze forth protection, God’s blue cosmic Light!

Beautiful Dreamer, Mercury’s Sun
Twin flames descend from the Great Central Sun. Alpha, Omega, beginning and end
Helios and Vesta thy purity blend!

Beautiful Dreamer, flames now descend
Herald the Bright Star, the Saviour of men.
Come, Divine Mother, come, Holy Child
Come, Holy Spirit so gentle, so mild!

Final refrain:
Angels of vict’ry, trumpet the sound
Herald the message the whole world around!
Born of the Cosmos, God’s holy ray
Waken, O world! ’Tis the breaking of day
Waken, O world, to the New Golden Day!

Melody: “Beautiful Dreamer” by Stephen C. Foster

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4 months, 3 weeks ago

Come and join Steven, our Touring Heaven guide as we gaze on the golden (Etheric) Rhine river and stroll through the beautiful and fragrant gardens of ascended master Lanello's etheric retreat above Bingen in Germany.
While we walk, let's listen to him tell us of Lanello's varied embodiments and find out the origin of his name.


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Touring Heaven Ep 13 Lanello and the Retreat at Bingen

We begin our second season in a celestial place of light overlooking the banks of the etheric Rhine River at the same location we know in our world as Bingen, in Germany. This is the heavenly home of the ascended master Lanello and his twin flame Elizabeth.…

We recommend to visit

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