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Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market
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Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 2 Tage, 5 Stunden her
New versions of Extras For AA and Extras For AA (LEGACY) have been pushed to GitHub
Check out everything that's new with version 7.0 in the release notes here:
If you like my work and want to support development consider a donation, even a small amount will be appreciated ?
You can donate to me via PayPal or by sending cryptocurrencies to one of these addresses (click to copy):
BTC (BitCoin - BTC) address: 359WzuKWBXr5hRKSwFv8dMCrimqA8kxhnF
ETH (Ethereum - ERC20) address: 0x5BedDf03b642CF60A0708c9780a859da9b9Dd67F
LTC (LiteCoin) address: MB9prkVDiAKSNewciTe2Pk4mkSzen6oFTN
AAVE (ERC20) address: 0x5BedDf03b642CF60A0708c9780a859da9b9Dd67F
CGLD (Celo gold) address: 0xfF7784185Fc4807Bc560afb78918690Af1dcd929
BAND address: band1qrswrktalw79gwvr99sa9c9qyt9ltn8pq6y8au
- 1247712562
DOT address: 1PbvMPUtj2ck5sVWcGQh3T6EDaKSGNazf4Vntt1kLcANEbp
SHIBA (ERC20) address: 0x5BedDf03b642CF60A0708c9780a859da9b9Dd67F
USDT (ERC20) address: 0x5BedDf03b642CF60A0708c9780a859da9b9Dd67F
LUNA address: terra1e8zul28wl8nzj9dvnw82lww7kkw3ypt04xgf2p
- 77113799
THETA address: 0xbC179D18f6519B8131D93e61bf2E9c6Ac000f65a
DOGE address: D842YEtVvBSCqdwYqwXBKda6qTiheouqtQ
Extras For AA 7.0
Heya! New versions for Extras For AA and Extras For AA (LEGACY) are live on GitHub! Changelog: FIXED: Fixed compatibility with newer Android Auto versions REMOVED: SecondSpace coloring in misc coloring has been removed due to deprecation of old widescreen…
About Android Auto 6.4 support:
seems like some things changed and Extras For AA might have trouble working on this new version. First of all, remember to do a clean install of all the options built in Substratum. If you have issues, report them.
I'll try to rollout an update for Extras For AA as soon as possible.
I'm also very proud to make an announcement of a new upcoming app today.
For the most part, my apps are usable on rooted Android devices, representing some unique solutions to customize the Android Auto experience to a very advanced level.
My efforts in reverse-engineering Android Auto are always very strong, and they resulted in solutions that over the months were hugely appreciated. And that's all thanks to your support. I've received a lot of love and respect for my work and, my willing to always do more for Android Auto keep the spark alive for developing my apps.
In the past couple of days I've been working really hard on a new app for my friends out there running non-rooted Android devices.
For many years the only way to have custom apps on Android Auto was given by apps running root permissions, such as AA Unlocker, AA Phenotype Patcher and AA AIO TWEAKER. This will change soon, and I'm proudly announcing a new app for installing 3rd party apps such as Fermata Auto, Screen2Auto, CarStream, directly installing them from the phone. Rootless.
No pc needed. No developer options here and there. Just one app to conquer them all.
Stay tuned at @AAADUpdates
New version of Animations For AA is now live on GitHub!
Version 1.1 contains a total of 30 new animations and introduces new items to apply animations: Notification center and Notification cards!
Check out everything new in the release notes and preview all the available animations on the dedicated telegram channel @aaanimationspreviews
If you like my work and want to support development consider a donation, even a small amount will be appreciated ?
You can donate to me via PayPal or by sending cryptocurrencies to one of these addresses (click to copy):
BTC (BitCoin) address: 39bdKem8taTZvm2WeyH8wwDhYKzZ2PzhGn
ETH (Ethereum) address: 0x3D9e6862590622245875B5b202b53E14E8052FA8
LTC (LiteCoin) address: MHff2pPF4YHafcFYEVG55yFbx3yGXDBh1T
SNX address: 0xA25aFED131D856121b7a5821f215F7929D44f39d
MKR address: 0xfeb551F1Eb00e803dBa99637d29FdA2aB669C552
AAVE address: 0x2F7e7e731c9a9934b2Dc00104E1c47a7f0f61cDe
CGLD (Celo gold) address: 0xfF7784185Fc4807Bc560afb78918690Af1dcd929
BAND address: 0x2e445f1C65496E27BeBA9F726B708b771f722dC2
Animations For AA 1.1
Heya! New versions for Animations For AA is now live on GitHub! Here's the full changelog: NEW: Introducing animations for Notification Center and Notification Card! Notification center will apply to the whole panel background. Notification Card animation…
Live right now on @aaanimationspreviews : fresh new animations that will be coming very soon into Animations For AA next update ?
Community chat:
Last updated 3 Monate, 1 Woche her
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market
Last updated 3 Monate her
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 Tage, 5 Stunden her