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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
The official Yescoin™
Probably something.
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Player support: @yescoincare
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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
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Intent. Thats the question we must all ask ourselfs. What is your intent? In life. What is its purpose. What is your intent in other words. That thing you most wish to desire. In the end its just a thing. That which you wish to posses. It is the intent that drives you. Is it for mallis or rightousness? If you say righteousness is it for your rightousness? Is that in the end not just greed and the true meaning of selfishness? Rightousness is from the pure heart of selflessess. Not of ones self, but for what is right. Rightousness is for that which is right. Apart from ones self. So what is your intent in this life? Is it to finish with the self? That you may be looked aftet, that you may be waited on by your children? As slaves tending to their rightful master? You? Or do you serve? Do you take care of those in your charge with love and affection? Appart from yourself you serve. This is rightousness intent. To do what is right. Right by your God. Right by your own eyes. Right by your community. Even when everyone is against you. You must do what is right. So, intent. That was the question I asked myself tonight. No matter my goal, no matter my path. What ever I do I must ask myself this one question. What is my intent.
They leave me alone on the internet? What a horrible Idea. ?
Last night I had a life or death experience. You see I have asthma. I also caught the horrible cold going around. I was awoken in the middle of the night. My throat had gotten inflamed to the point my air way was restricted to what I can describe as wide as a straw. I did not panic. I stayed calm and focused. My throat hurt so bad. A tear came from each eye. Why Im not sure cause I was not emotionally up set. However there they rolled down my cheeks. I calmly got up after a few breaths and got my inhaler. 2 big puffs and i could feel my throat, although still in agony relax and open up. All the while I thought to myself. This is how people die. What if i didn't wake up? What if I just fell unconcious and died? Odds are not likely but....ya never know...took the day off of work and just life itself. A down day. Back at it tommorow.
Value...sorry taking notes
Ta wit ta woo ta wit da wee. Leave a comment if you please ?
When the Conservative/ alt media starts talking about safe spaces the pendulums swing can be seen. Isn't that what the woke left used to talk about? Didn't we used to make fun of them for it? That is the talking point I'm seeing from self help guru's and people like Jordan Peterson. Are you going to make sure I'm safe? Impose your Idea of saftey on me? Make sure I'm providing a safe enviroment for those who watch my content ect? No surprise the Conservatives lead by PP are bringing in their own internet censorship.
Some women have such a bias against men that they push them away to confirm their own bias against them. Stay strong my dudes. Its a them thing not you.
I'll take option 3 every fucking time.
Another day another chance to get heat stroke. Better than freezing my dick off I supposed.
BigotsCorner 2 s4 Cardio
K I know I'm early but I got a crazy day so here we go. Hey lets have some fun... Does a Bigot apologize for doing what's right? Hmm or should we stand tall in our convictions? No its not at any one r
📈 All the latest updates on the Stock Market: signals, news, and everything that might move the narrative — all in one place.
😉 We keep an eye on the price; you can just watch us do it.
Buy Ads: @JamesCookTg
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
The official Yescoin™
Probably something.
Play🕹️: @realyescoinbot
Player support: @yescoincare
Business: @advertize_support
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Fast transfers & trading, send meme gifts 🎁 and earn 100x returns — fun and flexible crypto app!
Incubated & invested by Binance Labs