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1 year, 4 months ago
Frequency Codes
1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago

Virgo New Moon occurs on Sept 14th. This will be the first New Moon to occur on Sept. I4th in over 19 years making this the end of a Metonic Cycle. Without going into a winded explanation, look back at vour life 19 years ago.

What we're you going through?
What was happening in your life in 2004? This New Moon is very likely going to highlight something related to your life 19 years ago.

As with all things, to make way for the new, the old has to be released. This Metonic cycle ending can be a lucky time but you have to be willing to release what’s not serving you to receive it! New cycle. Find the pattern. On a societal level, change is coming.

Change doesn't mean bad. If you immediately go to "bad" scenarios, work on your mindset! - Erin

1 year, 4 months ago

Unfollow the chaos.
Unsubscribe from the circus.
Disconnect from the drama.
Cut ties with negativity.
Let go of the past.
Take back your thoughts.
Free your mind.
Reclaim your joy.
Find your why.
Part ways with fear.
Pay it forward.
Open your heart.
Slow down your breathing.
Eat better food.
Hydrate your body.
Cultivate intentionality.
Remember your truth.
Make peace your home again.

?️??— Erin

1 year, 4 months ago

Division lacks empathy and sympathy for others; its ultimate triumph occurs when we cease to recognize each other’s humanity. It dehumanizes, dismisses, and disregards the worth and rights of individuals, leading to the darkest chapters in human history, including wars, violence, and brutality.

Division instigates discord, influences disrespect and complete disregard for our shared humanity. It fosters judgment, anger, and detachment, and when it takes root, we tend to categorize individuals based on perceived differences, leading to prejudice and stereotypes.

This divisive mindset often fuels anger and amplifies hostility towards those unlike us, resulting in conflict and aggression.

We become indifferent to the needs and feelings of others, as division fosters an “us versus them” mentality that destroys our capacity for empathy.

Empathy and compassion diminish as we prioritize our own group's interests over the well-being of all, ultimately eroding our capacity for kind, respectful, and inclusive interactions.

Division, in essence, contributes conflict , perpetuating social discord and hindering harmonious relationships. It arises within the illusion from a limited perception.

Love is the remedy for division. At the core of our existence, there is only love. In that place we recognize unity and oneness, and any sense of separation or division is a distortion of this fundamental truth.

Our spiritual journey involves recognizing and transcending this illusion of division and realizing our inherent unity with all of creation. From this perspective we are encouraged to move beyond divisive beliefs, judgments, and behaviors, and instead, cultivate love, compassion, and understanding for all beings, recognizing that we are all expressions of the same divine source.

What we do to another we are doing to ourselves.

Division is the illusion held within lower #consciousness.

We RISE in Love. We FALL in Ego.

Recognizing and addressing the division within ourselves is essential for fostering healthier #relationships and a more balanced, harmonious society.

??️? —Erin

1 year, 4 months ago

Silence is not the absence of anything. It is the presence of everything.

I challenge you to sit in silence with yourself this week and breathe consciously. Slow deep breaths through your nose.

No phone, no music, no people.
Just you alone with your thoughts.
If you get distracted simply bring your awareness back to your breath (breathing in... breathing out…..repeat until centered)

Become aware of your thoughts but don't latch onto them.

Simply observe them. You only get distracted when you identify with the thoughts.

Remember, you are not the one thinking, you are the one observing. Do this for 10 minutes. If you don't have 10 minutes, do it for an hour!

If you find this difficult and can't get through it, a question you need to ask ourself is what are you afraid of? What are you avoiding?

If you can't be with yourself how do you expect anyone else to be with you?

The point is to become aware of the subconscious programs running in the background creating your life so you can make necessary adjustments.

There's never a "right" time, only a "ready" you.

All my love! — Erin

1 year, 4 months ago

Self-Reflection Questions

1: What practices or activities can you incorporate into your daily routine to strengthen your inner connection?

2: What activities or pursuits bring you a sense of deep meaning and fulfillment? How can you incorporate more of those into your life?

3: In what areas of your life do you feel misaligned with your spiritual values? What steps can you take to bring them into alignment?


1 year, 4 months ago


The ego is the self-constructed identity that we develop throughout our lives. It is a collection of thoughts, beliefs, fears, desires, and attachments that shape our perception of ourselves and the world around us. The ego constantly seeks validation, control, and self-preservation, often leading to suffering, dissatisfaction, and a sense of separateness.


The ego thrives on judgment, comparison, and the need to be right.

It feeds on external validation, material possessions, and a constant pursuit of success.

The ego resists change, clings to past experiences, and fears the unknown.


The true self, often referred to as the soul or higher self, is the authentic essence beyond the ego.

It is connected to a higher consciousness, guided by intuition, and aligned with love, compassion, and wisdom.

Knowing what the ego is, how it works and taking our power back from it is what will allow us to align with our true self and experience a deeper sense of purpose, fulfillment, and connection.


1 year, 4 months ago

Without comprehending the global strategy of trauma-based mind control, we fail to fully grasp our own involvement in the mechanisms designed to sustain it.

Unwittingly, we become contributors to the perpetuation of these systems. It is disheartening to observe how many individuals on the spiritual path, as well as many practitioners and therapy providers, possess this blind spot, preventing them from recognizing the widespread influence of this agenda.

To deliberately separate the existence of the mind from that of the soul has profoundly detrimental effects on all individuals. This reality contributes to the emergence of disconnected and persistently unhappy individuals who purposefully inflict harm without ethical consideration.

People whose have disconnected from their souls tend to exhibit behaviors akin to those of automatons driven by mass media influences. They tend to make decisions primarily based on survival instincts and self-centered desires, devoid of genuine thoughts or original emotional responses. This disconnection conveniently aligns with the fundamental objectives of Psychology, aiding the advancement of the Transhumanism agenda.

In the modern world and especially the current times, most individuals experiencing discontent and disconnection from their mental and spiritual selves are often prescribed pharmaceutical medications to regulate their bio-neurological functions. This reliance on synthetic drugs can lead to enduring pharmaceutical dependencies and addictive behaviors.

The administration of artificial substances to impair the brain's bio-neurological functions further compromises and harms the soul's essence, making it exceedingly challenging for an individual to achieve soulful embodiment or ever effectively and successfully grasp the true essence of their own soul.

Regrettably, if individuals are disconnected from their soul due to inflexible beliefs, they will not attain elevated awareness or heightened sensory perception. (Perception beyond the 5 senses)

To transcend the deceptions of the material realm or the third dimension, it is required that one is connected with their spiritual essence, their heart, their soul. To put it simply, you cannot perceive beyond the veil of illusions if you are disconnected from your soul. You cannot awaken to your true divinity.

— Erin

1 year, 5 months ago

Wisdom starts when vou realize you really don't know as much as you think you do, and start to be open to learning more, no matter what age you are. There is no excuse. Ignorance is a choice, a dangerous one at that. True for all time, especially the times we’re in now.

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