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8 months ago

I was patrolling the highway today. I saw a small truck parked up with some small children at the back of it an adult working at the rear of it. I tooted the horn and waved at the kids as I went by.

About a km or so up the road I got a thought to go back to the truck and see what was going on.

I pulled up behind the truck, the children there with their mum and dad was putting a tarp on some hay. (It was starting to rain).

I put the window down and said g’day to the kids and the mum.

A conversation started with general chit chat.

As most conversations go nowadays we ended up chatting about the state of the world which turned into home schooling and its benefits,

The Climate change agenda,

The WEF,

Furries and identity politics,

The Rain Making Control Act 1967,

Covid 19

And as it turned out I was talking with pure bloods, he an engineer and she an accountant come farmers.

The mum asked what could we little people do to stop the agenda.

My response is as always, #DoNotComply , if they tell you to wear a mask tell them to stick it up your…..?.


And that God was in control ultimately ?*?*✝️.**

Hubby came over and we spoke about faith and prayer and never giving up.

It was great to chat with them. I hit the lights and sirens for the kids and promptly left and drove to my RBT site.?‍♂️*?‍♂️*?‍♂️**

There were a lot of sicky people coming through.

I pulled over a lady.

She tells me to keep away from her as she had Covid and had had it for 10 days.

She told me it was worse than the cancer that she had some years ago.

I asked her had she been jabbed. She said she had had THREE shots.

I said to her that they clearly weren’t working. She agreed.

She told me that her kids weren’t jabbed but felt she needed too.

I told her I wasn’t jabbed and thought the whole Covid thing was crap.

Again she agreed. I told her to boost her immune system as that would be more beneficial than getting jabs that don’t work.

I wished her the best as she drove off.

I was chatting to an Inspector yesterday. We chatted about the job and its changes over the years.

I then hit the boss up.

I asked him if he had had any adverse reactions from the jabs? (mandated to get four as he was over 50).

His reply, the first two were ok the last two he had tingling in his arms and stated ‘He had never been the same since’. He couldn’t put his finger on it but just wasn’t right.

I told him straight not to get ANY more jabs for Covid or the flu or anything as they were very dangerous.

What’s the point?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions, to talk to people.


And our job is TO TELL people the truth.

As the above stories show people have questions, they may not verbalise it but they are there.

‘You are the light of the world’

Matthew 5:14-16

It’s a very dark world and people are lost. It’s TIME to shine the light.?*?*??**


8 months ago

This is part of what was cut from the spotlight covid program

8 months ago

You're on fire brother ???

10 months, 1 week ago

In 1989 medical encyclopaedia Coronavirus was also known as


10 months, 1 week ago

I walked back into the station on Tuesday morning. I was greeted by some hugs and some handshakes. Like the last 2 1/2 years never happened.

My kit was still in my locker, my magazines were still loaded and cuffs and batton still in their rightful place. My gun was still in the safe.

Did Covid really happen?

It’s like business as usual with most of the station OBLIVIOUS to our fight over these last 2 1/2 years.


I chastised a colleague whinging about his roster reminding him that people work for a living and some were living in tents in Brisbane CBD.

Another colleague I had not seen in close to 3 years (Task Force) was down.

Covid came up (that always happens) and he was telling me about all these people he knew having adverse reactions to the jabs? and still suffering from them. I told him of the excess deaths etc. a bit of red pilling.

The Sgt piped up saying he was angry because he didn’t want the fourth booster (First two he got no problem and was hesitant with the third) and was going to join the class action.

The following day an inspector from Ethical Standards was down doing an audit.

He came in and said g’day (I had never met him before, and I was wearing no name badge). A conversation started and I must have said something (don’t remember what) and he looked at me and said, ‘O your Thomo, I’ve heard a lot about you’’?‍♂️.

He then commented about his friend who was a ‘conspiracy’ theorist who believed chemtrails started Covid.

I told him I hadn’t heard of that but took the opportunity to introduce him to the Rain Making Control Act 1967. And there it was, legislation on the screen. Some red pilling was done.

Today one of the Detectives came in and we chatted about? Yep Covid.

He had a mate that was a pure blood who was re-intergrating as well.?*?***

He was livid with the QPUE actions during the Covid mandates and still angry with them.

What’s the point?

There are Police joining the dots.

Keep standing strong and telling the truth where you can, truth will prevail.

The best is yet to come.


10 months, 1 week ago

We are ONE

Great song above

We Will Remember Them.


1 year ago

Still relevant today.. in early 2022 I recorded a message for young Australians regarding the risks associated with the jab. Sadly too few knew the dangers... Just don't take any more????

1 year ago

I got myself a T shirt.


Make a statement without saying a word?


Go to Drifta on the web and get yours and support a freedom fighter.


1 year ago

Air safe space shield.

This THING is a cross between a bike helmet, safety glasses and face mask.

How to destroy your immune system.


Thomo ??

1 year, 2 months ago

Very important interview above about how our brain and cognitive function works.

An inquisitive mindset is they key to seeing through the lies & deception.
Harry Hatzikalimnios

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Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago