Freedom Party of British Columbia

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2 months, 1 week ago
  1. Was a young global leader of WEF. Of course after people pointed out, he had his name taken out and is making a childish statement that no member of his cabinet will be allowed to attend WEF meetings. This statement is preposterous and full of holes, but let me not get distracted from the bigger picture.
  2. He supports Paris Climate Accord. But is giving the bullshit slogans like "Axe the Tax" to useful idiots, who are happy to chant them. Tax is a relatively minor thing, like a "penny", we need to pull out of "pound" of Paris Climate Accord, which he won't.
  3. He called Christine Anderson vile and not welcome in Canada. He didn't say those words because of his personal opinion. He was made to say it by his globalist masters. Christine is a member of German AfD party, which is far right and against Globalists. So obviously PP's globalist master had to have him make an official statement against us and distance his entire cabinet from her. This is one of the Globalists' red line, where they are not even allowed to pretend.
  4. He has been groomed for the past several years as a replacement of Trudeau, who had to eventually run its course, and now he has.
    All the PP's speeches were part of the grooming to make him popular. When it was time to be a real leader, like during covid, he turned out of be a coward. Actions speak louder than words.
  5. He took vaccines and promoted them that they save lives. His wife benefited from the part ownership in companies that profited during covid.
  6. His party is supported by Zionist Israel. For that matter, Rebell News is also supported by the same entity. They were doing all the activities during covid just to earn our trust and delegitimizing Trudeau so that they can put PP in his place. Nothing good comes out when a party is supported by a foreign power. As it is, Canada is infiltrated by Chinese government, and now Indian Government too. But by far, the Zionists are most dangerous. They own all banking, pharma, hollywood, media, porno, and everything else. They gave us Jeffrey Epstein, paedophilia and SOGI 123.

These are some of the promises he made, he need to start taking action on them from the day one.
1. Remove SOGI 123 and all gender related propaganda in Canada.
2. Reverse all Gun related laws or OIC that Trudeau brought in. He can do this on the day one.
3. Apologize for bill C-4, which he can do even now, and reverse the provision in it, where parents can be jailed for talking their children out of gender change surgeries
4. Apologize for covid tyranny and having participated in it. Open investigation on people who played a role in it and imprison it.

Above is just a short list, you can add to it, but if he didn't do these things right away after becoming PM, you should know that he is another traitor just like Trudeau. And you should start pressurizing your local MP right away.

2 months, 1 week ago
If you think that this punk …

If you think that this punk will Make Canada Great, I have a bridge to sell to you.
I am not a supporter of either of the Prime Ministerial candidates, but since PP is likely to be the next one, it's important to talk about him so that his supporters hold him accountable from the day one.

These are the things against him:
1. Not making a stand in the Parliament against covid tyranny. He had the most authority in Canada, as official opposition, to lead us, but he folded. Canada failed that day. Truckers did what they could, that's a separate story, but PP and his fellow conservatives in Parliament behaved as cowards.
2. Signing and cheering for bill C-4, which criminalizes parents if they try to talk their children out of gender transitioning. It's very hard to interpret this from the bill, which is termed as "conversion therapy"

2 months, 2 weeks ago
  1. who benefited from the sinking of Titanic 1912 (hint: something to do with US Federal Bank creation)
  2. who benefited from the creation of US Federal bank in 1913
  3. who benefited from the first world war 1914-1918
  4. who benefited from the Bolshevik revolution in 1917 in Russia where 30 million Christians were killed (Hint: Bolshevik's had 70% officers who were God's chosen people)
  5. who benefited from the weimer Germany hyperinflation in 1930s
  6. who benefited from the confiscation of gold in US in 1930s during the great depression
  7. who benefited from Pearl Harbour attack in 1941 (Hint: it was used to bring US into war who had no war policy)
  8. who benefited from the second world war 1939-1945
  9. who benefited from Nuking Japan at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  10. who benefited from Holocaust during second world war (hint: Israel was founded in 1948 after second world war)
  11. who benefited from the assassination of JFK in 1963 whose files are still not released
  12. who was supposed to have benefited from the failed attempt to sink USS Liberty in 1967
  13. who benefited from Nixon taking US off gold standard in 1971 (hint: bankers)
  14. who benefited when Soviet Union was broken in 1991
  15. who benefited from Breaking of Yugoslavia in 1992
  16. who benefited from creation of European Union in 1993
  17. who benefited from 9/11
  18. who benefited from destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Gaza, Lebanon
  19. who benefited from creation of Al-Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS, ISIL, HTS (Hint: they have been used to overthrow regimes)
  20. who benefited from persecution of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange
  21. who benefited from Oct 7 Hamas attack on Israel
  22. who benefited from Covid, vaccines, lockdowns, mandates, vaccine passports
  23. who benefits from SOGI 123 (hint: books on transgendrism and lgbtq were burned in Germany in 1930s)
  24. who benefits from Climate change fraud
  25. who benefits by owning Banks, Money, Media, Hollywood, Wallstreet, pornography sites, pedophilia, US government (hint: Jeffrey Epstein)
  26. who benefits from economic boom and bust cycles engineered by interest rate control via controlling central banks
  27. who benefits from having every country's policy of targeting inflation at 2% (as opposed to 0%)
    There are a lot more but you get the idea.
5 months ago
I (Amrit Birring) will be in …

I (Amrit Birring) will be in this Surrey-Newton riding debate with other candidates from the riding. Please come to support me, if you can.
Date: October 4th, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: KPU Surrey Campus, Fir 128

5 months ago
This Surrey debate was cancelled because …

This Surrey debate was cancelled because some of the Conservative BC candidates are English language challenged and also they are unfit to be able to speak for their party's platform.

5 months, 1 week ago

Surrey march coverage starts at 3:36 min mark.

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