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Ember mood
September 12
THE HOLY NAME OF MARYBecause he hath so magnified thy name this day,
that thy praise shall not depart out
of the mouth of men.(Jdt. 13:25).
The most sublime praises belong to Mary, whom all generations call blessed, and He who "has done great things in her and whose name is holy" wished to give her an intimate participation in that same holiness for the consolation and joy of those who invoke her holy name. This name is to be praised throughout the world because it instills courage and strength. The Mexican Indians learned it well from the mouth of the poor captive Spanish soldiers, who climbed the dreadful teocalli invoking: "'Ay, Santa Maria!" and with this name on their lips they expired.
Spain was the first to request and obtain from the Holy See authorization to celebrate the feast of the Holy Name. And this happened in the year 1513. But it was Pope Innocent XI who decreed, on November 25, 1683, that the whole Church solemnly celebrate the feast of this exalted name, to perpetuate the victory that the Austrians and Poles, commanded by John Sobieski, won from the Turks that year in Vienna.
The holy name of Mary, for those who fight in the field of life, is a motto, a shield and an omen. One of her devotees, St. Anthony of Padua, affirms it with this comparison: "Just as in ancient times, according to the book of Numbers, God appointed three cities of refuge, to which anyone who committed involuntary manslaughter could take refuge, so now divine mercy provides a safe haven even for voluntary murderers: the name of Mary. Most strong tower is the name of Our Lady. The sinner will take refuge in her and be saved. It is a sweet name, a name that comforts, a name of consoling hope, a name that is the treasure of the soul. Name kind to angels, terrible to demons, salutary to sinners and gentle to the righteous."
May the savory name of our Mother, united to that of Jesus, seal our lips in the supreme instant and both be the password that opens wide the gates of glory.
Sanctoral of Juan Esteban Grosez, S.J.
Oh. That's totally normal.
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Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago