CARNIVORE (Swen Brandy)

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hace 1 año, 3 meses

Lack of Visual Understanding: Sometimes, a lack of knowledge about visual elements such as composition, colors, or visual language can lead to inaccurate interpretation.

Misinterpretation of Emotions or Intentions: It's challenging to capture the exact emotions or intentions of a person through an image. Misinterpreting the displayed emotions can lead to misunderstandings.

Change in Perspective: A change in perspective can lead to different interpretations. What's obvious to one person might not be as clear to another.

"In my playshootings as well as in artistic, erotic, and pornographic photography, it's often about authenticity. For example, if someone is crying in a picture, the person is indeed crying in that picture. However, it would be a flawed interpretation for the viewer to assume that the person is suffering or that things contrary to agreements occurred because of it. They're simply crying. Or imagine asking about the joke behind every picture where someone is laughing. A commonly expressed emotion in relation to pain is laughter. So, what does that tell us?

All these elements combined lead to you creating individual and personal interpretations of images, influenced by your unique experiences, perspectives, and emotions. To minimize misinterpretations, it's important to consider different viewpoints, seek additional information, understand the context, and be aware of how personal opinions and biases can affect perception.

Also, it's worth considering that secrets, manipulation, puzzles, and mystique are always an integral part of art. So, now let's ask ourselves: what do we actually know about a picture we're trying to interpret, and what do we know about the protagonists and the artist?

You know nothing about the backstory of the picture, the people involved, nothing about what happened before or after the picture, nothing about what people thought and did, and nothing about what happened outside the frame.

You know NOTHING!

You know squat.

Swen Brandy
Berlin / 12.12.23

hace 1 año, 3 meses

It's almost incomprehensible, isn't it? There's no certainty, only your interpretation

Read my (a) picture, and you know nothing, you know squat.

Light painting captures the moment when you press the shutter. Within this moment exist different worlds – the world of time and space with all its unreadable vibes, the inner mental world, the physical world of the light painter, the world of emotions and the physical presence of selected individuals, as well as the uninvolved ones around the creation.

Welcome to the chaos of worlds.
The chaos of worlds, where visible and invisible realities merge or detach from each other, is a fascinating concept. In this context, the dynamics between these worlds are crucial. They can work together, create harmony, and bring forth something new. Yet, they can also counteract each other or have no discernible connections. In all these situations, dynamics emerge.

The influence or control of this chaos often occurs through a conceptual framework or an idea guided by an individual – frequently, a light painter. This person, be it an artist or a creator, acts as a guiding star amidst this chaos. They provide structure, direct focus, and give direction to the dynamics.

The light painter, as a creator of images and moments, has the ability to shape this chaos. They can choose how to connect or separate the visible and invisible worlds. Through their concepts, ideas, feelings, love, and artistic visions, they can shape, steer, and somewhat orchestrate the chaos.

The creator of the moment, along with the participants, has the ability, through consent forms, concepts, and artistic forms, to dive into different existing and yet-to-be-discovered worlds. This interaction creates dynamics because we see, feel, react, and act.

In this complex interplay between the creator, participants, and the chaos (often the chaos of tranquility), a unique dynamic arises, forming the basis for creativity, discovery, and innovation. The light painter and the participants, as navigators between worlds, draw attention to the interaction of these dimensions, bringing forth new facets and insights. A lot of complexity is at play, even the participants find it challenging to describe.

The picture is taken.

And now, you as a viewer come into play. You're the one who sees this momentary, super small light moment. All interpretations that arise in your mind are based on the following pillars:

Visual Elements: Colors, contrasts, shapes, lines, textures, and composition are essential visual elements that influence our perception. They can strongly shape our emotions and interpretation of an image.

Past Experiences: Our personal experiences, memories, and backgrounds play a significant role in interpreting images. What we've seen, experienced, and learned in the past influences how we understand new images.

Cultural Backgrounds: Our cultural influences, traditions, and norms strongly impact how we interpret art and images. Different cultures have different visual codes and symbols that affect our interpretation.

Emotions and Moods: Our current emotional states and moods can influence how we perceive and interpret images. Someone feeling happy might view a picture differently than someone who is sad or stressed.

Personal Perspectives and Preferences: Our individual preferences, opinions, and perspectives shape how we interpret images. Some people prefer certain types of images or have specific views that can influence their interpretations.
Errors in interpreting images can arise for various reasons:

Lack of Context: Without enough background information, an image can be misunderstood. Insufficient context can lead to false conclusions.

Personal Biases or Prejudices: Our biases, opinions, and personal experiences can influence our perception of an image, leading to incorrect interpretations.

Cultural Differences: Different cultural backgrounds can lead to misunderstandings. Symbols or actions that hold meaning in one culture might be interpreted differently in another.

hace 1 año, 3 meses
CARNIVORE (Swen Brandy)
hace 1 año, 4 meses
CARNIVORE (Swen Brandy)
hace 1 año, 4 meses


To the final on December 7th, 2023. I am pleased to have been chosen as one of the 22 artists at the big opening ceremony of the into gallery berlin. With the topic of “approaching the human body” I will make a small contribution with a small photo series.

Into Gallery / Kant Garages / Kantstrasse 127 / /6-10 p.m. / 10625 Berlin

hace 1 año, 4 meses

I would like to recommend this book to everyone who is concerned with their own body, with sexuality, with BDSM and bondage.

Best Swen

hace 1 año, 5 meses
CARNIVORE (Swen Brandy)
hace 1 año, 5 meses
CARNIVORE (Swen Brandy)
hace 1 año, 5 meses

BERLIN | Playshooting combines BDSM, fetish, and se+-positive scenarios with photography and film, capturing the raw emotions of the models through their journey contained by a consensual framework for play. The intention is to witness intra- and interpersonal experiences, usually as those involved in the play near an edge of their own, and to visualize the untainted authenticity of the moment in its purest form.
Essential and fundamental to his practice, Swen has developed a method of "consensual" play that integrates the camera as an element and a communication framework that allows those involved to communicate borders as they evolve over time before, during, and after a session. Consent is always in focus. The focus on safety and well-being is always placed above the desire and drive to create art.

Playshooting according to Swen Brandy’s method is real, emotional, authentic, consensual, romantic, nude, kinky, bdsm-oriented, fetish-oriented, p+rn, but also playful, creative, consensual, and at times se+ual. It is challenging, edgy, and raw.


Photography Art Exhibition / Video Screening / DJ Music / Shibari Performance with Saara Rei & Velvetine / Hook Performance with Sasha Shanti & chaoticclock
(Hook & Blood)

hace 1 año, 6 meses
CARNIVORE (Swen Brandy)
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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago

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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago