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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Shaykh Abdur-Razzāq al-Badr [may Allāh preserve him] said:
“Do not let your greatest concern when reading the Qur’ān be, ‘When will I finish this surah?’ Rather, let your concern be, ‘When will I become guided by this Qur’ān? When will I truly benefit from it? When will I become among the people of the Qur’ān?’”
Translation: Authentic Quotes
TN: The people of the Qur’ān refers to those who recite, understand, act upon, and uphold the teachings of the Qur’ān in their daily lives. They are those who live by its guidance, embody its morals, and prioritise it in their beliefs and actions. It emphasises not just memorisation but also implementation of the Qur’ān’s teachings with sincerity and adherence to the way of the Salaf.
-Authentic quotes
*📌Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaq Al-Badr حفظه الله stated:*
"When a person is reading a Du'ā from his phone while at the same time he is reading messages, this is from the heart being distracted (which causes the Du'a not to be answered)."
*📙【Ta'liq 'Alā Jawami' Al-Ad'iyah An-Nabawiyyah】*
This fajr prayer is my morning meal. If I do not take it I lose my strength.
✨Ibn Taymiyyah
This fajr prayer is my morning meal. If I do not take it I lose my strength.
✨Ibn Taymiyyah
Are you obeying your nafs ,or is it obeying you ?
قال ابن القيم رحمه اللہ
النفس كالعدو إن عرفت صولة الجد منك استأسرت لك، وإن أنست عنك المهانة أسرتك
Ibn Qayyim رحمه الله said:
"Your soul is just like your enemy, once it finds you serious, it obeys you. If it finds weakness from you, it will take you as a prisoner."
● {بدائع الفوائد ٣/١٢٠٢}
✨The Best Day - Friday ✨
?Quick Reminders
• Ghusl
• Jumu'ah Salah
• Recite Surah Al Kahf
• Lots of Durood
• Lots of Du'a
• Seek Last Hour.
✨The Best Day - Friday ✨
?Quick Reminders
• Ghusl
• Jumu'ah Salah
• Recite Surah Al Kahf
• Lots of Durood
• Lots of Du'a
• Seek Last Hour.
To the person holding the phone and reading this right now... ??
One day you will wake up and see your Dua getting accepted right in front of your eyes. You will cry tears of joy. Allah knows what your silent heart wants. Soon Allah will give you so much that you will smile and say "Ya Allah! This is more than what I prayed for, Alhamdulillah."
Hot water in winter is a blessing. Eating and drinking whenever you want is a blessing. Going out on your own vehicle is a blessing. Getting to wear clean clothes everyday is a blessing no matter how old you think they are. Being able to walk, talk and see is a blessing.
Sometimes in search for big blessings we often forget about the small ones which are actually not very small. Life gets beautiful when we enjoy and be grateful for the little blessings. Say Alhamdulillah always ?
You’ll be hurt, you’ll be in pain. Your heart will be broken. You’ll fall. That’s part of life. But as long as you get hold of yourself and get back up again, you’ll be fine. Don’t waste time. Don’t dwell too long on your mistakes. Learn from them and keep going. Life goes on.
Perhaps what you're praying for, is just a tear away, just a prayer away. Perhaps Allah has already written it for you but He just wants you to get a bit more closer to Him. ?✨
Wallahi sometimes the heart desires something so intensely, it becomes so hard to wait patiently for it. Sometimes we make dua for something endlessly and wake up everyday waiting for it to be accepted but remember Waiting for your dua to be answered is part of worship. Every minute, hour and day you spend not losing hope in Allah raises you in rank and if you had so much passion and have begged for something in dua so much, it's only because Allah decreed for you to want that and to make that dua. And never would He make you put your hands up and beg for something that He won't give you. I pray today's the day that you all get what you have asked for from Allah, and if it’s not, may Allah reward you as long as you wait. Ameen
Make this blessed Day of Arafah, a day of renewal of faith in your heart and actions. Make it a day of repentance and a day to get closer to the Almighty. May He accept it from us.
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago