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~The City of Ahlulbayt~

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3 months ago
***?*** *"The Issue Of The Duality …

? "The Issue Of The Duality Of Existence - The basis of the objection of the dualists and their supporters is that if existing things in their essence are of two types-good and evil-they must necessarily originate from two types of sources, so that both goodnesses and evils relate to a separate creator. In reality, the dualists wished to exonerate God of evil, and ended up charging God with having an associate.”

#AyatollahMutahhari #ShaheedMutahhari #MurtadaMutahhari #DivineJustice

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3 months ago
3 months ago

*? *[10] Sleeping While Awake | Ayatollah Jawadi Amoli | The Ethics of Obedience*What is the opposite of wakefulness?

And is it possible for one to be awake, but be asleep at the same time?

How is a person considered to be truly awake?

And what is it that if one has found, they have found everything; but if they have lost, the have lost everything?

Ayatollah Jawadi Amoli speaks about how some of us are "Sleeping While Awake".

This is a series from the Ethics lessons of Ayatollah Jawadi Amoli.*Duration: 02:25

qomtv.org | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp

3 months, 1 week ago
***?*** *"Preservation of one's (integrity of) …

? "Preservation of one's (integrity of) being is related to an individual or to the mass. It is related to the elimination of needs and dangers to the satiety of hunger, thirst, and sexual desire. It is related to the fulfillment of the instinct to defend, escape and take revenge and to the satisfaction of familial and social sentiments.”


#AyatollahMisbahYazdi #SelfRecognitionForSelfImprovement

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3 months, 1 week ago
***?*** *"What would be contradictory and …

? "What would be contradictory and an invalidation of justice or wisdom is discrimination, not differentiation and what exists in the universe is differentiation not discrimination.”


#AyatollahMutahhari #ShaheedMutahhari #MurtadaMutahhari #DivineJustice

qomtv.org | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp

3 months, 1 week ago

? [9] The Influence of Satan | Ayatollah Jawadi Amoli | The Ethics of Obedience*What is the severity of the greatest enemy that humanity faces?

And how did human devils come about?

Via what means does Satan tempt and misguide human beings?

Finally, how can one protect themselves from the insinuations of Satan, the wretched?

Ayatollah Jawadi Amoli speaks about "The Influence of Satan".

This is a series from the Ethics lessons of Ayatollah Jawadi Amoli.*Duration: 05:50

qomtv.org | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp

3 months, 2 weeks ago
***?*** *"The corollary of the world …

? "The corollary of the world having an order is the existence of multiple states and varying levels in being, and this is the basis of the appearance of differences and variations, and the appearance of defects and nonexistences. Difference and variation is not created, rather it is the inherent necessity of created beings, and it is an erroneous assumption that someone presumes that the Creator has discriminated between his creatures."


#AyatollahMutahhari #ShaheedMutahhari #MurtadaMutahhari #DivineJustice

qomtv.org | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp

3 months, 2 weeks ago

? "Normally, patience is defined as tolerant of unpleasant circumstances. This definition, the way it is to a larger extent is intermingled with ambiguities, justifications, opposing statements, and conflicts. For an oppressed and vacuous society steeped in corruption and decadence, patience as defined above will become the biggest tool and pattern for oppressors and corrupters for maintaining the status quo, by keeping the society in a state of backwardness. When poor and backward nations exposed to all kinds of problems and misery, or oppressed masses crushed under brute oppression, or societies faced with moral corruption, poverty and human suffering, or any individual or group trapped in a cesspool of misfortune and calamities are defined as being patient, the first result will be the taking of that bitter and fatal dose, i.e. to suffer with, and not to overthrow the existing state of oppression."


#AyatollahKhamenei #ImamKhamenei #TheLeader #DiscourseOnPatience

qomtv.org | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp

3 months, 2 weeks ago

? [8] Allah: The Softener of Hearts and Iron | Ayatollah Jawadi Amoli | The Ethics of Obedience*What are some interesting verses of the holy Quran regarding Prophet David (A)?

And what are the steps to reach to the tranquility which comes about via the remembrance of Allah?

Who is in control of the positive spiritual inclinations that one feels?

And in the heat of the most fiercest of battles, who did the believers seek refuge in?

Ayatollah Jawadi Amoli speaks about "Allah: The Softener of Hearts and Iron".

This is a series from the Ethics lessons of Ayatollah Jawadi Amoli.*Duration: 05:45

qomtv.org | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp

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