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⚡️Latest News From Around The World And Spiritual Knowledge in the End Times

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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

The Open Network (TON) memasukkan kripto ke dalam setiap saku. Dengan membangun ekosistem Web3 dalam Messenger Telegram, TON memberikan miliaran orang kesempatan untuk memiliki identitas digital, data, dan aset mereka.

Last updated 1 day ago

‧₊˚🖇️. "Dunia emang pahit, maka nya Tuhan ciptain kamu biar ada manis manisnya".

‧₊˚🖇️. Cr All sosmed

‧₊˚🖇️. Pfp or any? @feath_bot


Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago

1 month, 2 weeks ago

*❄️ Spiritual: Prayer so that your face will be radiant and will be liked by many people*

The following practices are also called general Mahabbah (LOVE), for general people because they are not specific to certain people. You can choose one of them that you think is easy to practice.




Prayer so that your face will be radiant and will be liked by many people – KANURAGAN

The following practices are also called general Mahabbah, for general people because they are not specific to certain people. You can choose one of them that yo

*****❄️*** Spiritual: Prayer so that your face will be radiant and will be liked by many people**
1 month, 2 weeks ago

*❄️ Beauty: Mix coffee with tomatoes - The secret that no one will tell you*

Use non-GMO coffee, Don't use it like the one in the video

*🔅Before* : Nanoparticles With Your Coffee? A Java-Infused Science Experiment!


1 month, 2 weeks ago

*❄️ AI gene editing tools have power to modify human DNA, say researchers | BBC NewsProfluent - OpenCRISPR-1 Gene Therapy*

AI gene editing tools have the power to modify human DNA
BBC News - June 7th, 2024 - Video 25 mins

AI-powered protein design company Profluent used AI to make an open-source gene editor called OpenCRISPR-1.

OpenCRISPR-1 can create molecules with the power to edit the human genome, according to Profluent.

Profluent's aim is to develop gene editors that are more operative than existing biological mechanisms, especially mechanisms that prevent illnesses like cancer and fight viruses.

AI presenter Priya Lakhani joins The Context to explain this development in health and technology.

*🔅What happens when you blend generative AI and CRISPR gene editing?*



1 month, 2 weeks ago

*❄️ *Generative Physical AI For Robotics

Using computer simulations to train our replacements.
June 3rd, 2024

@NVIDIAOmniverse is a development platform for virtual world simulation, combining real-time physically based rendering, physics simulation, and generative AI technologies.

In Omniverse, robots can learn to be robots – minimizing the sim-to-real gap, and maximizing the transfer of learned behavior.
Building robots with generative physical AI requires three computers:
- NVIDIA AI supercomputers to train the models.
- NVIDIA Jetson Orin, and next generation Jetson Thor robotics supercomputer, to run the models.
- And NVIDIA Omniverse, where robots can learn and refine their skills in simulated worlds.


1 month, 2 weeks ago


👆Because user share this post the Owner MasBennys got banned!!

Know that MasBenny is risking his life to provide you with information.

Ketahuilah MasBenny mempertaruhkan nyawanya untuk memberikan informasi kepada Anda.

1 month, 2 weeks ago

*❄️ THE NEW GROUP OF WORLD SERVERS by Prof Akyildiz *☠️ 👺👹There is a Plan**

Notice, at the top of the graphic, sits "ITU".
"International Telecommunications Union" of the United Nations.

Prof. Ian Fuat Akyildiz, is the head of that organization, and he is the #1 telecommunications expert, in the entire world.

ITU, is part of the "New Group Of World Servers", who work behind the scenes, to bring in, the new world to come.
Akyildiz is at the center of everything we are talking about.
He is the creator and visionary of IoBNT nano system, the Metaverse, Satellite and WiFi communications.

*🔅Before:*IoBNT - Internet of Bio-Nano Things

Internet of Space Things

Internet of Bionano Things = Injectables

Have you read Prof. Ian Fuat Akyildiz's work on the hologram people and 6G?


Antena Dalam Aliran Darahmu | Antennas In Your Bloodstream


7 months, 3 weeks ago
*****❄️*** Israel vs Hezbollah** **- 6 …

*❄️ Israel vs Hezbollah - 6 Des 2023*

Israeli Defense Minister:
If the political option does not succeed, Israel will use all the resources at its disposal to remove the Hezbollah threat through military means.

*🔅***Source : Sky News Arabia

*🔅Israel vs Hizbullah*

Menteri Pertahanan Israel:
Jika opsi politik tidak berhasil, Israel akan menggunakan semua sumber daya yang dimilikinya untuk menyingkirkan ancaman Hizbullah melalui cara-cara militer.


7 months, 3 weeks ago
7 months, 3 weeks ago
7 months, 4 weeks ago

*❄️ Proteus 2.0*

**This is unlike Black Goo. This is where an AI, mixed with human intelligence and a headset, control the ferrofluid. Not where the "fluid" itself is self-aware artificially intelligent.

Although, a third party could hack the headset and record the thoughts going through the user's brain as postulated by neuroethicists in these types of BCI applications.**

Ini tidak seperti Black Goo. Di sinilah AI, yang dipadukan dengan kecerdasan manusia dan headset, mengendalikan ferrofluid. Bukan di mana "cairan" itu sendiri memiliki kecerdasan buatan yang sadar diri.

Meskipun demikian, pihak ketiga dapat meretas headset dan mencatat pemikiran yang ada di otak pengguna seperti yang didalilkan oleh ahli neuroetika dalam jenis aplikasi BCI ini.



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📱 PM TG Admin


Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

The Open Network (TON) memasukkan kripto ke dalam setiap saku. Dengan membangun ekosistem Web3 dalam Messenger Telegram, TON memberikan miliaran orang kesempatan untuk memiliki identitas digital, data, dan aset mereka.

Last updated 1 day ago

‧₊˚🖇️. "Dunia emang pahit, maka nya Tuhan ciptain kamu biar ada manis manisnya".

‧₊˚🖇️. Cr All sosmed

‧₊˚🖇️. Pfp or any? @feath_bot


Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago