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om sai ram!
Don't allow yourself to think you are forever bound by karma. Deny it. Whether your karma is good or bad, don't accept any karmic limitation. You have to have good karma to destroy bad karma. Then rise above them both.
Give your karma to God. He will help you if you ask Him to. It isn't that we should seek special privileges, but if we have faith in God, all things are possible. It is His grace that counts, and that grace comes when we do our part to behave like children of God. Whenever you see you are not able to control your pains and troubles, keep trying. If you don't try, you will never get anywhere. Never yield to pain and trouble.
Every time something gets you down, get up again and say, "I am all right now." The minute you admit you can't do it, it is over. You have given the verdict that you are bound by karma. You are the judge. It doesn't matter what your troubles are. If you say, "I am all right," you can overcome. But if you say, "I can't do it," you remain jailed behind the prison bars of your karma.
Why be forced to change by repeated deaths and rebirths? Why not change now? Why not give up moods when you know they are wrong? Why not rid yourself of anger? When you get mad, it is because somebody has put salt on your wounded ego. You will be a much better and happier person if you remain calm. Let others slap you or hate you, but never show anger in return. You will see then that nobody can touch you inwardly. Whenever anyone points out your mistakes quietly correct yourself. That is the way to self-mastery.
Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.
The Divine Romance. P.206-207
The Deception of False Spirituality and the Hypocrisy Within
There was a time in my life when I was deeply captivated by the allure of spirituality and those who claimed to be its torchbearers. They presented themselves as enlightened beings, promising wisdom, peace, and moral superiority. However, my journey with them was far from enlightening. It turned into a harsh lesson about deception, the nature of true morality, and the disillusioning hypocrisy embedded in what is often labeled as "spiritual."
I encountered individuals who loudly proclaimed their spirituality, wearing it like a badge of honor. They spoke of universal love, compassion, and inner peace. Yet, as I observed their actions, I saw something entirely different. Beneath their facades of serenity and wisdom lay egos inflated by their supposed enlightenment. Their claims of selflessness were often accompanied by manipulation, arrogance, and judgment. It became evident that being knowledgeable about spiritual concepts is not equivalent to possessing good character. Knowing how to chant a mantra or interpret sacred texts does not inherently make one kind, just, or compassionate.
One of the most troubling realizations I faced was how these spiritual practices could create a sense of superiority. Many of these individuals had convinced themselves that their countless hours of meditation or adherence to esoteric rituals had elevated them above others. They looked down on those who didn’t follow their path, dismissing them as unenlightened or ignorant. This spiritual elitism was not a sign of evolution but of entrapment in their own self-righteousness.
I had long believed that meditation was a gateway to moral clarity and spiritual growth. However, I came to understand that prolonged meditation does not guarantee a higher moral standing. Some of the most self-proclaimed spiritual individuals I encountered spent hours in silent contemplation, yet their everyday actions contradicted the principles of kindness and humility. Meditation can calm the mind, but it does not automatically instill virtue or empathy. True morality is reflected in how one treats others, not in how long one can sit in stillness.
My disillusionment grew further when I compared my former disdain for religious people with the behavior of these so-called spiritual individuals. I used to view religious adherence as rigid and dogmatic, believing that spirituality offered a freer, more open-minded path. However, I eventually realized that many who call themselves spiritual are far worse. While religious individuals often strive to adhere to communal values and moral teachings, the spiritual hypocrites I encountered often lacked accountability. They used the vagueness of spirituality to justify their flaws, hiding their shortcomings behind a veneer of enlightenment.
Ultimately, I saw the hypocrisy within spirituality. Many of these individuals preached selflessness while clinging to their egos, touted love while harboring judgment, and spoke of humility while exuding arrogance. Spirituality, as I experienced it, became less about personal growth and more about performance—a hollow display of superiority masked as enlightenment.
Through this journey, I learned that true spirituality, much like true religion, is not about grand proclamations, elaborate rituals, or long hours of meditation. It is about humility, kindness, and a commitment to bettering oneself for the sake of others. The most spiritually evolved individuals are often those who do not even claim the title but instead live their values quietly and consistently. In the end, it is not the label—spiritual or religious—that matters, but the character that shines through one's actions.
The perpetrators of such an evil cannot even, with their diminutive levels of consciousness, fathom what shall befall them in this life, and even those after, for their actions. Vengeance is mine so sayeth the lord.
Be Kind to All
" How to become a king of hearts, loved by all?
Become more saintly, then you can sit like a true king on the throne of love in the hearts of others. Begin by being kind to all. Unkindness is a spiritual disease. If you indulge in unkind acts and feelings, you make yourself miserable and damage your nervous system. When you see others behaving unkindly, it should give you more determination to be kind. I practise this. "
Paramahansa Yogananda
What is the surest way to win the Lord’s Grace? Bhagawan Himself guides and instructs us today on the best way to please Him.
People have specialised in various methods of worshipping God; there are a host of rites, ceremonies, hymns, festivals, fasts, vows, and pilgrimages; but, the best form of worship, the one that will bring the grace of God in ample measure is to obey the commands of God. Adulation is poor adoration! Placing God at a great distance from you and praising Him as Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent will not please Him. Develop nearness, proximity, and kinship with God. Win Him by obedience, loyalty, humility, and purity. Make your lives simple; fill the daily tasks with love and mutual co-operation; be tolerant towards the errors and failings of others; look upon them with empathy and understanding; be calm and without agitation, under all conditions. Then, you can be happy and the country will be happy. Your sentiments will be unselfish and your emotions, tender. Envy, hatred and vindictiveness can gain no entrance into the stronghold of your mind, where mercy, benevolence and gratitude stand guard!
- Divine Discourse, May 12, 1970.
~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Revelation 21:4
"He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away".
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