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Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
Why we wear masks
A video to share with those in the mainstream who believe the false narrative that those who wear masks are feds or bad actors.
Unlike the freaks on the left whose instinct is to carry out political violence and who have nothing to lose, our only crime is to speak the truth in a culture built on a foundation of lies.
Unprotected by a partisan judicial system which looks the other way when violence is perpetrated against us and in which employers can be harassed into firing good employees over their political opinions, the only protection we enjoy is that afforded to us by anonymity.
*?WLM does not condone violence.?*
WLM is a peaceful, legal & anonymous initiative. Apolitical and non-religious, upheld by freedom of expression and of self-determination.
Any deviation to the above is not to be considered part of this initiative started in April 2021.
Any one person not acting in line with the manual is not part of WLM.**@WhiteLivesMatterOfficial
If you've NEVER met another of us in person, make your new years resolution to meet up with some of Our People you know online. Doesn't have to be in a group or any sort of formal occasion. It doesn't have to be to do activism or make any plans. Just get together, have a drink, talk about about the struggle. Take the step out of your comfort zone.
*?*One thing is certain, and we want you all to believe in it and transpose it into action:
There is no doubt that the White Flame rises more and more every second. Because of our determination, it is only a matter of when. The more of you who are awake who join in pro-White action, the lesser our losses in this ultimate battle for our existence.
For if we are united, there is nothing they can do to stop us. NOTHING!
For the heroes in the trenches, ave! Eternal glory is your reward, the 14 words is your duty!
Get involved at @wlmcontactbot.**@WhiteLivesMatterOfficial
On October 21st, 2023, White Lives Montana assisted in the largest Nationalist demonstration in the Northwest Region in years. Alongside the Big Sky Active Club, Evergreen Active Club, Wyoming Active Club, and the Vinland Rebels, our coalition marched into the heart of Missoula, Montana for four demonstrations in one day. Overcoming BLM and Leftist aggressors, confronting Jewish power, and proclaiming White Unity to the entire town, this is a story too large for a single post.
Therefore, we have published the whole story with pictures, video, and commentary on our brand-new Substack account and Twitter profile. Check out these links for the events of the day. Check them out, share them, and get active yourselves. We Are Everywhere.
White Lives Matter Montana
Demonstration Report: Northwest States Coalition
Missoula, Montana - October 21st, 2023
*?* 11.11.23 Warsaw-Poland.
White Man Zone. Here to defend White Europa!@wlmcontactbot to get involved.**@WhiteLivesMatterOfficial
They really do not like the "No More Wars for Israel" message.
? Neo-Nazis are exploiting the Israel-Hamas conflict to stoke another crisis: a ‘race war’
*?*Of all the issues that our race faces, and there are many, it is without a doubt that the most crucial to our very existence is our demographics.
We have raised this numerous times, and most of the pro-Whites are aware of our overall numbers being less than 8% of World's population.
However, when it comes to White Children, which are less than 3% of the World children population, it is when it truly becomes paramount that we are on the brink of extinction if current trends continue.
There should be nothing else on the discussion table for pro-White activists other than stopping White Genocide. Nothing else matters. The only options for our survival are:MAKE WHITE BABIES!
@wlmcontactbot to get involved.**@WhiteLivesMatterOfficial
Live By Your Ideals & Join Your Local Active Club
DM: @NAC_VET To Get Started
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Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks ago