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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
It’s crazy how during the 6 years from 2014-2019, Sam made an appearance nearly every single year as Falcon, but since he became Captain America, in 6 years he’s only had 2 appearances.
Duos of What If... Season 3
This season has an obvious pattern of some unique and unexpected duos in each episode:
1. Sam and bruce
2. Agatha and Kingo
3. Alexi and Bucky
4. The the ducks
5. Riri and ?? (Maybe this one's an exception)
6. Shang Chi and Kate
Which are your favourites, what other duos do you think might appear in next 2 episodes and what other duos would you like to see on screen?
I would love to see Spider-man and Ms Marvel team up in near future!
What If? Season 3 Episode 7 - Discussion Thread
This thread is for discussion about the episode.
# Insight will be on throughout the duration of this season of What If...?
When Project Insight is active, all user-submitted posts have to be manually approved by the mod team before they are visible to the sub. It is our main line of defense we have for keeping spoilers off the subreddit during new release periods.
We will also be removing any threads about the episode during the season's release to prevent unmarked spoilers making it onto the sub. Individual spoiler-tagged episode posts will be allowed starting 24 hours after the season finale airs.
Discussion about details of later episodes is NOT allowed in this thread.
Proceed at your own risk: Spoilers for this episode do not need to be tagged inside this thread.
|S03E07: What If... the Watcher Disappeared?|Stephan Franck|Teleplay by : Matthew Chauncey and Ryan LittleStory by : Bryan Andrews, Matthew Chauncey,|December 28, 2024|\--|\--|
Possible Background for What If S3 Ep. 5
Added spoiler tag because of the plotlines used the episode.
Personally I like having a clear explanation of how the universe in What If episodes came to be, but given what we have this is my best attempt of how this universe could work:
- The key thing that happens is the scepter goes to Asgard after Avengers 1. In AOU there was a dialogue between Thor and Tony where Tony asks Thor to hold on to the tesseract for a few days- in this universe Thor is adamant and takes it back.
- Because it does, the mind stone never creates Ultron, and the Avengers create White vision on their own.
- However, without Ultron there’s no Sokovia, meaning more people are around, meaning the Emergence gets sped up to during where Age of Ultron would be.
- Quentin Beck then gets control of Stark Industries, most likely by taking control normally and still being at Stark Industries during this time and cue the story
- Explains why we see Wong and Okoye, as Strange would still be a surgeon and Okoye would be the military leader, maybe T’Challa was outside Wakanda when the Emergence happens and he died
- Post-Snap, but pre- endgame where the wrong people got blipped.
- Thanos blips less Earth people (since technically he killed half of all life in the universe and not on each planet) and because he blips less Earth is prime for the Emergence.
- Also explains Wong/Okoye, with White Vision being Beck’s creation recovered from the Battle of Wakanda
Marvel Studios Eyeing Anya Taylor-Joy for Spider-Man 4 (Report)
Thoughts on my custom Leader from Brave New World
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago