WLM Washington

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1 month, 3 weeks ago

The first function of leadership is discipline, and that discipline starts with yourself. It is us.

We have to train. We have to prepare. We have to harden ourselves through suffering.

And while it hurts, discipline is what will ultimately bring us excellence.

1 month, 3 weeks ago

“The sickest, cruelest trick of the will-to-replace is to tell us we deserve it. It's not enough that it's actually happening and we all know it's happening; it's not enough that those who are doing it have the power to do it either, despite our protests; it's that we deserve it and have welcomed it through some mistake we made but weren't clever enough to identify ourselves.

“We've seen this over Christmas with the H-1B debate, where Americans were told they deserve to be pushed out of the job market in their own country because they spent too much time having sleepovers and thinking Zach and Slater from Saved by the Bell were cool and Screech was a whining loser who deserved to be stuffed in a locker until he grew a pair.

“But this cruel trick is used across the West. It's used, in the UK for example, to justify the abandonment of white working-class girls to r*pe on an industrial scale at the hands of foreign grooming gangs. You had the misfortune to be born white, working-class and female; your objections to being captured and treated as a sex slave are an impediment to the multicultural project.

“People who use this "logic" and make this "argument" must never be trusted. It cannot be unsaid.

“When people say this, they aren't just endorsing the replacement of some particular group in a single country: they're endorsing the wholesale replacement of Europeans in their own countries.”

1 month, 3 weeks ago

The struggle for Whites anywhere is the struggle for Whites everywhere. We in the states cannot do much other than aggressively post on social media about the genocide in England, but post me must; and do what we have to—and what we can—in our own backyards.

And it really is a genocide, what's happening in England. Between the obvious phycological harm inflicted on a woman who suffers rape, there is the documented psychological damage from having multiple partners—not just for pair-bonding with future spouses, but bonding with future progeny. (And there's bound to be psychological damage from the fact the rapists are pakis and jannies, since miscegenation is an aberration from the human default). Studies have also shown women carry the genetic information of all their past partners.

Think about how few of these women will have the wherewithal to marry and have children—White Anglo children—and from there have the wherewithal to build stable, emotionally/psychologically healthy households for their children—who are somehow informed by the genetics of their mothers' xeno rapists.

Even after the xenos are purged—if the English have the will and strength for it—they are looking at a generation of childless women and two generations of broken children after that, plus the stain on the English genepool from the sheer volume of rapes.

All taken together, deportations of the bioweapons and imprisonment of the quisling powers-that-be will not be severe enough.

5 months ago
WLM Washington
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