Folkish Aryan Pagan

A place for Folkish European (Aryan) Pagans to honor the Gods and Ancestral traditions
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1 month ago

^ same goes for universalists, platonists, perrenialists, evolians etc. The only major difference is that they don’t vandalize temples and openly oppose Paganism. The enemy on the inside is way worse though. Some have pointed out the convenience of universalists jumping the Pagan bandwagon just when it picked up real speed. It’s likely that their revisionist movement was organized by the powers that be to derail Paganism back into universalism of christianity. From using heretical teachings of first atheists such as socrates to promoting the common Indo-Afro-Euopean nature of traditional faith, universalism is poison and will hopefully be soon seen as a crime once again.

1 month ago

My prediction is that in 10-20 years most grifters will switch to universalism completely. They started with all Europeans are the same, now are working on incorporating pajeets (the Indo-European crowd) and the end goal is taking niggers in too. Then by the time Whites are 1% of world population the shills will still have plenty of Patreon support.

1 month ago

Stark sure loves shitskins (much like stj). From pajeets to niggers. What a fag. And he’s supposedly an expert and a true pagan to the unitards

3 months, 3 weeks ago
Varg needs to be stopped

Varg needs to be stopped

3 months, 3 weeks ago
Folkish Aryan Pagan
3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 4 weeks ago

If social media wasn’t lobotomized with censorship we’d beat leftists and grifters in about a week.

3 months, 4 weeks ago

There’s way more of us then it seems

The media’s narrative control is strong. They want you to believe that there’s only radical left and alt right (aka fake right) sellouts. But this channel is proof that one normal guy can get an audience. It’s only 5K and obviously I’d be shadow banned on YT or any other major platform, but people like you and me still exist in sufficient enough numbers for the jews to silence us and inflate their controlled opposition channels with bots.

3 months, 4 weeks ago

Funny how the millisecond modern Paganism began growing we got shills joining the club and redefining the term. Paganism is Folkish by definition, but they use old tricks (mostly christian ones) to change that. Be it open syncretists like Hammer and Vajra or closet ones like STJ, it’s the same push of anti-ethnic propaganda + subtle atheism (lol, you literally believe in gods? lol myth happened? etc)

4 months ago

Freedom of speech=freedom to subvert

Subverters always clamors for freedom of speech until he gets in power and then takes it away. Because they understand that a society needs strict rules and limitations. Back in the day sexual deviants and atheists were executed. Then they got freedom of speech and now impose their ideologies on our children in school.

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