Folkish Aryan Pagan

A place for Folkish European (Aryan) Pagans to honor the Gods and Ancestral traditions
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2 months ago
Child Heracles

Child Heracles

2 months ago
Some pre-christian Slavic names

Some pre-christian Slavic names

Istislav (honorer of truth)
Snovid (dream seeing or seen in a dream)
Ratibor (fighter of armies) Popular among modern Pagans
Nevid (unseen (for evil?) or unseeing)
Bogomil (beloved by God)
Medovnik (honey/sweetie)
Drochen (pampered)
Mal (small) A notable Mal was a X c. chief of Drevlian tribe
Mil (dear)
Odinets (first) Firstborn son
Vtorets (second) Secondborn son
Hoten (wanted)
Zhdan (long-awaited)
Ljut (angry)
Strahon (scary)
Radogost (happy guest)
Derzhimir (world holder)

2 months ago

1K subscribers. Thank you!

4 months, 2 weeks ago
Revivalism 122

Revivalism 122

Coming back home is like climbing a mountain. One suspects a direct route up the mountain would be the best way to achieve fulfillment. Those who have climbed mountains know the most direct route is not the safest and often leads to disaster. The safest way is a path, and a path can not be made unless it has been tread.
This mountain path has been tread by untold generations of your forefathers. The longer the path has not been tread, the more it is overgrown, but all is not lost. It takes fortitude, tenacity, and the tools able to clear the path once more so that you can tread safely. And that those behind you, your children, can walk the path safely. The ancestors left guide stones within your blood legends preserved through the fires of destruction. These are guidestones to make sure the path that is cleared remains true to the course.
Upon the summit, you will see why this path this tradition has endured. All we can do is thank our forefathers for everything they ensured for us!

4 months, 2 weeks ago

^ platonists are open about having a mystic monotheism instead of any form of paganism. Sadly, most e-pagans are too stupid to read platonic works (even plato himself) and realize that those guys are not our allies and their views are incompatible with any legit Pagan tradition.

4 months, 3 weeks ago

In teutonic theology, there is no concept of an omniscient God.

4 months, 4 weeks ago
4 months, 4 weeks ago

One of my main issues I take with Iceland's Asatru organization, Ásatrúarfélagið, has to do with the leadership. Allsherjargoði Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, through many interviews in the past, has revealed himself to be blatantly an Atheist and a hardcore Secularist. This leads me to believe that his motivations for joining (and leading) the group are more political than spiritual, particularly with the aim of ushering in multicultural, multiracial fellowship. Seriously, you can even be a Christian and join! Or Atheist! I remember when years ago they got immense backlash for their decision to bless homosexual and transgender weddings. Hate-mail, rightfully so, was sent from Heathens around Iceland, Germany, and the United States. People were right to be upset seeing the open, unashamed perversion of their revival efforts by a man whose loyalty seems to lie with only money and a subversive agenda.

5 months ago

Why some Americans mess around with or dabble in the folk traditions of pre-American religion is due to two reasons, which I will explain briefly below.

First off, they are dissatisfied with mainstream religious traditions, particularly Christianity. It has stripped them of their indigenous heritage and substituted it with alien notions and mores, to which they have rebelled and rejected. Secondly, because of their rootlessness, they wander, unable to locate the sources of their rightful self-identity, and look to animistic beliefs, but, once again, of a foreign people. They cannot or, at the very least, cannot yet fully come to terms with the fact they will never be allowed to become a Zuni medicine-man, to dance with the Nahuatl-speaking Mēxica in devotion to Huītzilōpōchtli, or to dwell as a respectable feathered shaman amongst the Lakhóta tribesfolk. So instead, they piece together whatever they can find suitable, and may have noble intentions, with ill execution, and practice an offensive form of eclectic, all-inclusive religion (if you can even call it that), and remain aimless.

For those with demonstrably sincere interest, but are heavily misguided, I believe it is part of my duty to help them if they so desire it. But they need to approach a rightful identity with the proper outlook and appropriate mindset if they are to succeed spiritually and grow. Should we cast all of them off as insincere pretenders and frauds? No, of course not. Some really just need help, and I believe it is up to us to guide them straight and to rediscover what they personally have lost.

5 months ago
Maxim Tesak would have been 40 …

Maxim Tesak would have been 40 today. Happy birthday.

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