Discover all about CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution). The latest research, clinical protocols & testimonials. Professionally translated into English, Español, Italiano & Français with love & heartful dedication.
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Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 2 months ago

1 month, 3 weeks ago

?? El canal ha sido entregado a un nuevo propietario hoy.

?? The canal was handed over to a new owner today.

?? Oggi, il canale è stato consegnato a un nuovo proprietario.

*??*** Le canal a été remis aujourd'hui à un nouveau propriétaire.




Discover all about CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution). The latest research, clinical protocols & testimonials. Professionally translated into English, Español, Italiano & Français with love & heartful dedication.

***??*** El canal ha sido entregado a un nuevo propietario hoy.
1 month, 3 weeks ago

*?? *Chers amis et abonnés de cette chaîne,

Les derniers jours et les dernières semaines ont été un peu calmes ici sur cette chaîne. La vie a pris tellement de mon temps à tous les niveaux que je n'ai pas été en mesure de me consacrer au travail de la chaîne comme je l'aurais souhaité.

J'ai commencé cette chaîne avec la mission et la vision d'apporter des connaissances, des témoignages et des informations sur le CDS aux pays de langue allemande, anglaise, italienne, française et espagnole. Cette mission a été accomplie. Il existe aujourd'hui une mine presque inépuisable d'informations et de témoignages pour tous ceux qui sont intéressés, ainsi que des cours de formation et des groupes d'entraide avec des administrateurs qualifiés dans de nombreuses langues.

J'ai donc décidé de mettre fin au travail sur cette chaîne. Elle continuera d'exister en tant que source d'information pour vous, mais il n'y aura pas de nouveaux textes ou contenus.

Je me consacrerai désormais exclusivement à ma chaîne allemande sur l'eau de mer pour informer la communauté germanophone sur les bienfaits de l'eau de mer, qui vont bien au-delà de la simple baignade...

Je vous salue et vous remercie de suivre cette chaîne, de la recommander et de l'apprécier !
*?? MERCI ??
Cordiales salutations à chacune et chacun d'entre vous.


1 month, 3 weeks ago

*?? Cari amici e abbonati di questo canale*,

gli ultimi giorni e settimane sono stati un po' tranquilli qui su questo canale. La vita ha preso così tanto del mio tempo a tutti i livelli che non ho potuto dedicarmi al lavoro del canale come avrei voluto.

Ho iniziato questo canale con la missione e la visione di portare conoscenza, testimonianze e informazioni sul CDS al mondo di lingua tedesca, inglese, italiana, francese e spagnola. Questa missione è stata portata a termine. Ora c'è una ricchezza quasi infinita di informazioni e testimonianze per chiunque sia interessato, oltre a corsi di formazione e gruppi di auto-aiuto con amministratori qualificati in molte lingue.

Ho quindi deciso di terminare il lavoro su questo canale. Continuerà a esistere come fonte di informazioni per voi, ma non ci saranno nuovi testi o contenuti.

D'ora in poi mi dedicherò esclusivamente al mio canale tedesco sull'acqua di mare per informare la comunità di lingua tedesca sui benefici dell'acqua di mare, che vanno ben oltre il bagno in mare...

Vi saluto e vi ringrazio per aver seguito questo canale, per averlo sostenuto, consigliato e apprezzato!

*?? GRAZIE ??
Un cordiale saluto a ciascuno di voi.


1 month, 3 weeks ago

*?? Queridos amigos y suscriptores de este canal:*

Los últimos días y semanas han sido un poco tranquilos aquí en este canal. La vida ha tomado tanto de mi tiempo en todos los niveles que no he podido dedicarme al trabajo del canal de la manera que me gustaría.

Comencé este canal con la misión y visión de llevar el conocimiento, testimonios e información sobre el CDS al mundo de habla alemana, inglesa, italiana, francesa y española. Esa misión se ha cumplido. Ahora hay una riqueza casi infinita de información y testimonios para cualquier persona interesada en el CDS, así como cursos de formación y grupos de autoayuda con administradores cualificados en muchos idiomas.

Por lo tanto, he decidido de descontinuar el canal. Seguirá existiendo como fuente de información para vosotros pero no habrá nuevos textos o contenidos.

A partir de ahora, me dedicaré exclusivamente de mi canal alemán de agua de mar para informar a la comunidad de habla alemana sobre los beneficios del agua de mar que van mucho más allá de bañarse en el mar...

Me despido de vosotros y os doy las gracias a todos y todas, por seguir este canal, por apoyar, recomendar y apreciarlo!

Cordiales saludos a todos y cada uno de ustedes


1 month, 3 weeks ago

?? Dear friends and subscribers of CDS - THE GOLDEN SOLUTION

The last few days and weeks have been a little quiet here on this channel. Life has taken up so much of my time on all levels that I have not been able to devote myself to channel work the way I' love to.

I started this channel with the mission and vision of bringing CDS knowledge, testimonials and information to a German, English, Italian, French and Spanish-speaking world. That mission has been accomplished. There is now an almost endless wealth of information and testimonials for anyone interested in CDS, as well as training courses and self-help groups with qualified admins in many languages.

I have therefore decided to discontinue the channel. It will continue to exist as a source of knowledge for you.

From now on, I will devote and dedicate myself exclusively to my German seawater channel in my very own way to inform the German speaking community about the benefits of seawater that go far beyond swimming in the sea ...

I hereby bid you farewell and thank you all for being HERE, for your feedback, for your support and appreciation, for all your recommendations and referrals!!!

from the bottom of my heart


1 month, 3 weeks ago


COMUSAV MUNDIAL OFICIAL (Coalición Mundial Salud y Vida).

Nuestro objetivo es salvar vidas y despertar conciencias. Coalición Mundial Salud y Vida da cabida a todas las personas que defendemos la salud y la vida para hacer un frente unido por el bien de toda la humanidad. EN VIVO***⤵️***

4 months, 3 weeks ago

I would like to highlight some of the cases that have been cured by CDS:

A young man who was diagnosed with a brain tumour (did not receive COVID vaccine). He received radiotherapy but refused chemotherapy. Radiotherapy resulted in a 20% reduction in the size of the tumour, but his condition did not improve.
The patient then started to take 30 ml of CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) orally daily. After five to six months, he was essentially asymptomatic. His physical strength and stability were restored.
A further examination revealed that the tumour had further reduced in size. A year has passed since then and the patient is now completely healthy.

A middle-aged female patient diagnosed with lung cancer after two Pfizer vaccinations. The tumour was surgically removed and the patient received chemotherapy. Shortly afterwards, she experienced symptoms again and a new CT scan revealed another 3-5 cm tumour in her lung. A month later, he was given an appointment for a PET-CT scan.
The patient then started to consume 30 ml of CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) per day. After about two weeks, the coughing and pain stopped. After one month, the PET-CT scan showed no lesions in his lungs.
The patient is still asymptomatic after one year and has been consuming CDS in small maintenance amounts.

A 67-year-old female patient who has been a smoker for 50 years was diagnosed with small cell lung carcinoma in November 2023. At the time of diagnosis, there was almost no intact area on her entire lung lobe. Since 23 December 2023, the patient has been consuming CDS (chlorine dioxide solution), 25 ml dissolved in 1 litre of water per day. At the time of diagnosis his results were very poor and the disease was in stage 3. According to the oncologist, this tumor is one of the most aggressive types and is growing rapidly.
The patient received chemotherapy treatment prescribed by his oncologist. The treatment was given in 6 cycles, each cycle 3 times, every 3 weeks, for a total of 18 chemotherapy treatments. During the chemotherapy, the patient consumed CDS continuously, which was increased to 40 ml per day in the period of chemotherapy and in the following week, fearing that the chemotherapy might reduce the effect of CDS.
The patient consumed the CDS for 5 months. On 17 May 2024, his oncologist telephoned to inform him that the 20 further radiotherapy treatments prescribed did not need to be started as the tumor had completely disappeared from his lungs.

Regards, B [email protected] 29.05.2024 09:04

4 months, 4 weeks ago

La conferenza mira a fornire alternative alla medicina convenzionale, considerando che i medici della mutua sono vincolati ai protocolli ministeriali che talvolta possono essere influenzati da interessi esterni. L'obiettivo è dotare le persone delle conoscenze necessarie per prendersi cura di sé stesse in modo autentico, riducendo così la dipendenza dagli interventi medici e il rischio di cure inadeguate o complicazioni ospedaliere.
Sarà disponibile il libro originale “SALUTE PROIBITA” di Andreas Kalcker a soli 25€.
DOMANI 23 Maggio c/o Centro IGEA via Tosarelli 199/2 Villanova di Castenaso Bo
Per info e prenotazioni: 3203939394

4 months, 4 weeks ago

*??C0VID and FLU*??
Successfully Treated with CDS

Translation from Spanish

"Good afternoon:
I am more than a fan of Master Andreas; I have no medical proof for my testimonial because it all happened during lockdown in times of the Pl@ndemic.

In 2020 I was in Lima, Peru, with my brother (58), when they decreed the lockdown (we live in Brazil) and we could not leave the country. My brother, diabetic and hypertensive, had had heart surgery the year before. As a precaution, I got some CDS, because it was clear to me that if I took my brother to the emergency room he would not come out alive. It was in the month of September, being allowed to leave under certain restrictions, when my brother came to me one early morning, shivering and shaking, he had vomited and was looking very poorly, and he had a high temperature of almost forty degrees. I put 10 ml of CDS into 1 litre of water and I started to give him 100 ml every hour. By 8:00 a. m. he got out of bed completely cured and fresh as if we had not spent the whole night with fear of C0VID.

Back in Brazil he had two very strong episodes of flu and in both cases we resolved the issue within 3 days thanks to CDS.
I always have CDS in my fridge.
This is my recommendation to the people I talk to, I explain it all in detail and some of them have felt encouraged to try it.

I deeply appreciate Dr. Andreas Kalcker's courageous and unrelenting efforts, as well as his ceaseless endeavour to communicate his research findings about chlorine dioxide.

Yours sincerely
[email protected] 20.05.2024 16:05


#English #C0vid #Influenza #Flu


6 months, 2 weeks ago
***?*** [CONFERENZA e SEMINARIO]( in lingua …

? CONFERENZA e SEMINARIO in lingua italiana con
Dr.h.c Andreas Ludwig Kalcker
a Conegliano ?

‼️Novità: Andreas Kalcker prolunga il termine per il prezzo scontato fino al 14 aprile. ‼️

➡️ Conferenza “L’IMPOSSIBILE È ORA?“ Con contenuti attuali e nuovi risultati di ricerca …
Venerdì, 17 maggio 2024 ore 19.00
Sabato, 18 maggio 2024 dalle 10.00 alle 17.30

Posti limitati – iscrizione necessaria!!
*➡️ Prezzo scontato fino al 14 aprile
Informationi e iscrizione qui:

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 2 months ago