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ALL Official White Rose Stickers July04-2023
This sticker archive was brought to you by the global members of The White Rose. Created, drawn, compiled, edited, and translated by all of our international volunteers, in a selfless and caring manner, for the benefit of the Free People of Earth. Made with love, and offered freely. We are freedom of speech, of, by, and for The People. For more activist stickers, find us at @jointhewhiterose
We the members of The White Rose do hereby affirm the Truth that all humans have Freedom of Speech, and other inalienable Natural Rights by virtue of being born. If it isn't voluntary, then it's tyranny.
You are beautiful, you are powerful, you are free. Be ungovernable.
Thanks to all of YOU for making this possible. Together we are strong.
Resist The Great Reset, and New World Order.
Even you can make a difference. Don't be fooled by the immensity of the issues we face today. YOU are making a difference by standing up and using your voice.
We are The White Rose.
ALL Official White Rose Stickers July04-2023
This sticker archive was brought to you by the global members of The White Rose. Created, drawn, compiled, edited, and translated by all of our international volunteers, in a selfless and caring manner, for the benefit of the Free People of Earth. Made with love, and offered freely. We are freedom of speech, of, by, and for The People. For more activist stickers, find us at @jointhewhiterose
We the members of The White Rose do hereby affirm the Truth that all humans have Freedom of Speech, and other inalienable Natural Rights by virtue of being born. If it isn't voluntary, then it's tyranny.
You are beautiful, you are powerful, you are free. Be ungovernable.
Thanks to all of YOU for making this possible. Together we are strong.
Resist The Great Reset, and New World Order.
Even you can make a difference. Don't be fooled by the immensity of the issues we face today. YOU are making a difference by standing up and using your voice.
We are The White Rose.
A truly decentralized movement will do this automatically, and without any orders for headquarters. If communications or Telegram ever gets effectively shut down, it will be up to ALL OF YOU to do this on your own. Understand that the tool that we have all collectively created here is a very powerful one, and can be used to enable Freedom Of Speech all over this Earth, forevermore, and we should not take it's power and effectiveness for granted. As long as there is someone out there who wants to promote Truth, Love, and Freedom, this will ALWAYS be an effective tool that cannot be stopped, as long as even a single person is willing to act on it with a desire to counter deception and lies by those who would use these deceptions to rule and influence us.
Please keep using the free sticker bots to get free stickers all over the world! The bots are up and running, and working fine in most areas. We are alarmed that the sticker requests have been slowing down, and we want to stress more stickers in our deliveries that are more about a general sense of freedom and a counter narrative to The Great Reset, and The New World Order, that underlies, and always has, the COVID narrative, which is just a tiny part of the agenda put forth by the Globalists for over 200 years now. We will instruct our sticker suppliers to make sure there is a balance between COVID and the rest of our wonderful designs, so that we can help to get the message out about the other lies and untruths that the governments of the world are pushing onto us every single day, about everything.
Don't be fooled into thinking that The White Rose is only about COVID. It's a MUCH bigger idea than this, and it should continue into the future indefinitely, as long as there is a lie to be disputed, or another point of view to be highlighted. Which means....FOREVER.
"The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance"
~Thomas Jefferson
Hail to all of the brave and wonderful members of our White Rose global community!
As the situations and conditions in the world, The Great Reset, and the strategies of the globalists shift in order to manifest the New World Order, we need to be ever vigilant to realize that until this information war is completely won, and that all people everywhere are made aware of the full extent of the battle which we all face, which means a piercing knowledge of the plans and means for Globalism, International Banking, and all the other tools used by these satanic occult black magicians who have ruled us by stealth and hidden knowledge, kept from us, since the beginning of recorded history.
The decline and retreat of the COVID narrative, is just another fleeting moment in this greater battle for Liberty on the Earth, and as long as we have all of these oppressive and deceitful governments above us that seem to think that it is their right to rule us, and that they somehow have the "authority" to rule us, then our brand of Truth media, stickers, and this community, will continue to be needed.
As long as there are lies being put forth by any "official" agencies, then The White Rose will be a powerful and vital force to help disseminate the counter narratives, and to help spread the Truth across the world.
In an effort to keep ourselves growing and relevant, as these times progress, we may want to shift our focus somewhat to other aspects of Truth and Liberty free speech. The definition of freedom of speech, as put forth by the American founding fathers is this: "The free and public expression of opinions without censorship, interference, and restraint by the government". We clarify this here, as there is some disagreement as to what "free speech" means.
As long as there exists any mask or vaccine mandates ANYWHERE, then the need for the stickers that help illuminate the lies surrounding the COVID narrative will be a powerful weapon of Truth. However, when the battle retreats and it seems that we have had a victory, then we should be able and willing to shift gears at a moment's notice to put up stickers that pertain to highlighting all the other Globalist lies that threaten to oppress us.
We must be ever ready to shift our focus and tactics to adapt to and overcome any disinformation that is put in front of We The People. This may entail local stickers and local action to combat the ideas and deceptions put forth by more local politicians, and should be adaptable to any situation, depending on your own decentralized and personal idea about what is important to engage in order to manifest individual freedom, as our members feel is needed.
As always, while doing these kinds of stickers, we should strive to uphold the ideas and spirit of the mission statement, and embody general principles of freedom, sovereignty, self ownership of body and speech, inalienable Natural Rights for all humans everywhere, and the Voluntaryist ideal that all interactions between humans ought to be voluntary, between sovereigns, and not under the whims and dictates of any who claim that they have the authority to dictate to free humans what actions they may, or may not take, as long as the Natural Rights of others are respected and protected. The only legitimate function of government is to uphold and defend these rights, deriving their just powers ONLY from the consent of the governed.
The White Rose is a big idea, but it is just a model for everything else that we aim to build moving forward. We must quit depending on others to be our external saviors, and create the system we want to exist in. This is within our power, as we are extraordinary beings, some say, even made in the image of our Creator, whatever that may mean to you.
We hope that you have found some inspiration in these principles, and we sincerely hope that everyone be willing to step into the space of actual creation of our own Reality, instead of sitting on the sidelines waiting to be saved.
We are our own saviors. There was never any other.
If not us, then who?
If not now, then when?
We'd like to salute all of our members globally who have done our work. We really love and appreciate each and every one of you. We are not trying to be your leaders or authority, but we are inviting you all to step into your own leadership, sovereignty, and power as free human beings. If you have a better vision than us, then we invite and implore you all to create it.
Inalienable rights and freedom for ALL! Help us build the new Earth, and we can have a golden age like unto nothing ever seen on Earth before!
We'd like to point you towards our allies like The Freedom Cell Network, and the great work they have been doing, as a source of education and a model that has already been built. We appreciate those who have gone before us.
The White Rose wants YOU to be your own leader!
As we gain in strength and numbers, the globalist criminals and their minions are attacking us ever harder in the media (THE MEDIA IS THE VIRUS!) in an effort to discredit us and shut us down.
To avoid having a single point of leadership, and to encourage the true grass roots decentralization we require in order to be effective moving forward, we need to talk about how to make this movement truly invincible, until our battle for free speech and unalienable rights for the world is won.
While we are proud of our global chat and channel, the real solutions will be accomplished locally. To this end let's set forth some principles that make sure we can continue to be effective as individuals in our mission of creating and distributing White Rose media across this Earth, even if all communications are disrupted, a goal the powers that be would love to see made manifest.
Free speech will not be infringed upon, anywhere. Those who try to say that our free speech is illegal or unlawful are tyrants, and enemies of Liberty, and we do not recognize their authority. Any public place is fair game for officially approved White Rose stickers. There can be NO freedom without freedom of speech, and we will not comply with any suggestions to the contrary. Pay attention to those who say otherwise. Remember what they did, and what they did not do. Gather and store evidence for later on, when someday the proper trials can be commenced, and those who stated you may not speak freely can be held accountable, after the proper due process is followed, and fair hearings carried out by The People.
Our official sticker files must be archived and saved, on computers, thumb drives, solid state drives, and decentralized and distributed platforms easily available to all who wish to have them. It must be passed from hand to hand, in the 3rd dimension. This also applies to the necessary drivers and software required to run the printers from your computers and phones, if applicable. The official sticker images and files should be adapted to any and all available printers, modes, and ways that anyone anywhere might use as a way to get them out. Yard signs, posters, magnets, bumper stickers, and all other effective methods should be developed and shared, wherever possible. Be creative!
Printers and sticker tape should be stockpiled. If you've been getting free stickers, which we are still happy to provide if needed, or buying them, save your money and buy your own. If you have one printer, get another. If you have 1,000 ft of sticker tape, get another 5,000. Make provisions to have a power source to run this equipment, even if all power is shut down in your area, which could very well be a possibility as the globalist criminals become ever more desperate and reckless.
Adherence to our Mission Statement and principles will be KEY, as the establishment will certainly use the time honored and highly effective tactics of false flag attacks against us to make us look like racists and terrorists. To combat these inevitable operations, we MUST remain true to the idea of non-violence, and have respect for the boundaries of private property to avoid angering those who would be our allies. We must retain the moral high ground. Our mission is simply one of free speech, and any who act in our name without respecting the property of others do not represent us, and we do not claim them. People claiming to be members of the White Rose who engage in violent behavior, violations of the mission statement, or destruction of property should be filmed and outed as possible provocateurs and agents of The State.
Creation, distribution, and sharing of stickers should be done within your community. Set up local ways to share and get them out to people who want them. This is a critical area for keeping our activism alive no matter what restrictions or platforms we are active with.
WE ADVOCATE:- Natural law, according to which all people—by virtue of being born—are endowed with inalienable 'natural rights', conferred not by act of legislation (as with 'legal rights') but by "God, nature, or reason."
- Individual sovereignty/self-ownership - the natural right of every person to be the exclusive controller of one's own body and life.
- Bodily autonomy - the natural right of all human beings to self-determination over their own bodies.
- Freedom of movement.- Freedom of assembly.- Freedom of speech"The free and public expression of opinions without censorship, interference, and restraint by the government".
- The non-aggression principle, which asserts that no violence may be employed against a non-aggressor, in accordance with natural law.
- Non-violent civil disobedience.- **The Nuremberg Code.
WE OPPOSE:- Mandatory or coerced vaccination**, especially with experimental, gene altering mRNA technology, for which no long term safety data exists, and for which clinical trials are still ongoing.
- Mask mandates, which violate the principles of bodily autonomy and self ownership.
- Totalitarian lockdown restrictions, including (but not limited to): stay-at-home orders, forced business closures, forced quarantine of healthy people.
- Vaccine passports.- PCR testing for diagnostic purposes.- **The Great Reset.
WHY THE NAME?**Our name is an homage to the WW2-era underground resistance group—active within Nazi Germany—who at great personal peril published and distributed a series of leaflets calling for active opposition to the Nazi regime. The courage, wisdom and ultimate sacrifice of Sophie and Hans Scholl, and all of their brave student allies, continues to inform and inspire us nearly 80 years later.
* DISCLAIMER - We provide these stickers to you on the condition that you do not use them for any kind of unlawful purposes. If you do use them for unlawful purposes, we are not responsible or liable in any way. By using our stickers, you agree to these conditions. If you do not agree, do not use our stickers!
WHAT IS THE WHITE ROSE?The White Rose is a decentralized global network of independent activists—each a powerful one person operation—all working in unison to disseminate a much needed counter narrative to the relentless onslaught of fear mongering, lies and propaganda we've all been subjected to since day one of the Covid-19 "pandemic".
United by a common cause and methodology, our mission is to inspire healthy skepticism, critical thought and righteous dissent in the face of ubiquitous government and corporate media propaganda, mass authoritarian groupthink, and an official Covid-19 narrative riddled with logical inconsistencies, quasi-religious dogmatism and outright lies.
In an age of rampant internet censorship, where all dissenting voices are silenced, and only Big Tech approved viewpoints are permitted a platform, we have taken the immense power of memetic warfare to the streets, via the medium of stickers!
HOW DOES IT WORK?An archive of thought provoking sticker designs* is made available to download (for free!) on both our Telegram and MeWe channels:
Obtaining a thermal label printer is all that is required to begin mass producing and then disseminating the stickers*, in parallel with thousands of activists doing the same thing in their own local areas around the world.
The label printers we recommend (Brother QL series) are inexpensive to purchase (especially when purchased second hand on Ebay), do not require ink, and enable the mass, decentralized production of our stickers*, for DIRT cheap, from the comfort of your home.
Everything you need to know about how to print our stickers*, explained in simple step by step instructions, can be found within the free sticker archive.
New sticker designs, as well as photos of sticker "sightings", can be shared in our discussion group (
WHO WE AREWe are decentralized and amorphous. We have no centralized leadership, membership list or hierarchical chain of command. Each White Rose participant is an independent free agent, entirely responsible for his or her own actions. We do not exist as any kind of tangible organization, but rather as an idea; a concept; a methodology.
We are strictly non-violent. We do not condone any offensive acts of violence, nor the destruction of property.
We welcome all skin colors, races, creeds, and walks of life, so long as the individual's behavior and beliefs align with our mission and principles.
WHO WE ARE NOTWe do not subscribe to partisanship, identity politics, or the false left/right political paradigms created, by design, to divide and conquer us, and to attempt to subjugate us under the control of those who falsely believe they own our bodies, minds, and souls.
We do not condone, and moreover, we condemn racism of any kind. We believe that all individuals should be judged solely on the content of their character, not on any immutable genetic characteristics, or the actions of other members of any group to which he or she may belong.
We are inherently anti-authoritarian, condemning all forms of involuntary collectivism, including globalism, fascism, communism, National Socialism, Marxism, and all other doctrines that hold that any one group has the rightful authority to rule another, without the explicit consent of the governed.
OUR PRINCIPLESWe hereby summarize our principles, so that all who might act in our name can understand our ideas, goals, and means. Anybody purporting to act in our name whose actions and beliefs do not align with these principles, does not represent us, and we do not claim them.
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago