特朗普:將取消香港特別待遇的豁免政策 制裁相關官員
2020-05-30 03:07:46
【聯同大馬大專學界 聲援因太陽花學運而被判罪的青年】
【中方報復】要求《紐時》等美媒10日內交還記者證 禁在中港澳採訪
Hong Kong groups based in other places 其他地方的香港人團體:
1. NSW Hongkongers
2. Victoria Hongkongers Association (Australia)
3. Canberra Hong Kong Concern Group
4. Vancouverites Concerned About Hong Kong
5. Yellow Power NZ
6. The Umbrella Union
7. New Hong Kong Cultural Club Canada
8. Frankfurt stands with Hong Kong
9. Winnipeg Hong Kong Concern
10. Hongkonger in Deutschland e.V.
11. Alliance Canada Hong Kong
12. Vancouver Hong Kong Political Activists
13. Lancaster Stands with Hong Kong
14. Democracy for Hong Kong (D4HK)
15. Newcastle Stands With Hong Kong
16. Sheffield Stands With Hong Kong
17. BN6100HK
18. Comité pour la liberté à Hongkong
19. Action Free HK Montreal
20. Stand With HK@JPN
Others groups 其他團體:
1. Human Rights Foundation
2. Keep Taiwan Free
護台灣 保自由 系列活動
3. Students for a Free Tibet
4. World Uyghur Congress
5. International Tibet Network Secretariat
This open letter is jointly initiated by Demosistō, Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Delegation, Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong., Network DIPLO and Civil Assembly Team, and co-signed by the following groups (which are listed in the order of joining):
本公開信由香港眾志、香港大專學界國際事務代表團、Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.、民間外交網絡和民間集會團隊聯合發起,並獲以下團體聯署(以加入公開信的先後次序排列):
Hong Kong groups based locally 香港本地團體:
Hong Kong groups based in the U.S. 美國香港人團體:
The Honorable Mike Pompeo
Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
華盛頓特區20520西北區C 街2201號
The first annual certification of Hong Kong’s autonomy
under the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act (S.1838)
Dear Secretary Pompeo:
We are writing to humbly provide our inputs with regard to the upcoming first annual certification of Hong Kong’s autonomy as required by Section 4(a)(1) of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act (S. 1838, the Act).
The state of Hong Kong’s autonomy has a direct bearing on the well-being of 7.52 million Hongkongers and the national interest of the United States. The United States is a stakeholder in Hong Kong’s autonomy because of its extensive business interest (a total of 1,334 U.S. companies maintained their regional headquarters/offices/local offices in Hong Kong in 2019), direct investment (U.S. foreign direct investment in Hong Kong amounted to USD 41.7 billion in 2017), trade surplus (Hong Kong is the single-largest contributor to the U.S. trade surplus, amounting to USD 31.1 billion in merchandise trade in 2018), citizen community (an estimated 85,000 U.S. citizens live in Hong Kong), bilateral agreement enforcement (U.S. has signed more than 7 bilateral agreements with Hong Kong), military activities (U.S. Navy regularly makes port calls to Hong Kong) and strategic interest (Hong Kong is the Free World’s “transformative portal” to influence China).
香港的自治狀況,關乎752萬香港人的福址和美國的國家利益。美國是香港自治的持份者,涉及美國的企業(截至2019年,合共有1,334間美國企業在香港設立了地區總部/地區辦事處/本地辦事處)、投資(在2017 年,美國是合共在港作出了417億美元的直接投資)、貿易(在2018年,香港是美國貿易順差的最大單一貢獻者,涉及311億美元的商品貿易順差)、僑民(按統計約有85,000名美國公民在香港居住)、雙邊協定(美國跟香港簽定了多於7份雙邊協定)、軍事(美國海軍定期訪問香港)和戰略(香港是自由世界影響中國的「變革大門」)。
The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act provides a new, powerful policy tool to protect the U.S. interests within Hong Kong and to foster the autonomy, human rights and democratization guaranteed to the people of Hong Kong by the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law. In this regard, the upcoming first annual certification will be the best occasion for the U.S. government to demonstrate how the Act can be actually used to foster Hong Kong’s autonomy. Therefore, we like to suggest the following additions for your consideration to incorporate into the upcoming certification report:
《香港人權與民主法案》提供了一個全新的、強大的政策工具,以保護美國在港利益,並推動由《中英聯合聲明》和《基本法》所保證的自治、人權和民主化。而即將進行的首次年度認證,將會是最佳的場合,讓美國展示法案能夠真正地用於促進香港自治。因此,我們提出以下的建議供 閣下考慮,期望 您能加入到年檢報告之中。
(a) To bring universal suffrage back in the agenda of the Chinese and Hong Kong governments, full democratization should be explicitly featured as an important condition for future annual certifications: “U.S. future annual certifications of Hong Kong’s autonomy will be assessed based on the progress of full democratization of its government and legislature according to international standards”.
(b) To demonstrate a deterrent effect for further erosion of human rights in Hong Kong, sanction procedures should be formally commenced: “Formal investigations will be launched by the U.S. government to identify and consider sanctioning those Hong Kong government officials who are directly responsible for the extensive police brutality that grossly violated internationally recognized human rights since June 2019”.
We respectfully urge you, Mr. Secretary, to consider our recommendations for the sake of the common interests of the United States and the people of Hong Kong.
國務卿先生,基於美國和香港人民的共同利益,懇請 閣下考慮我們的建議。
Sincerely yours,你誠摯的,