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Dr. Robert Sniadach Channel

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Feedback: @eggs_wisdom

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Last updated 1 month ago

1 month, 3 weeks ago
Dr. Robert Sniadach Channel
1 month, 3 weeks ago

Just for the fun of it, I thought I'd re-post this gem from quite awhile ago:

Didn’t ask for evidence when they told you to social distance.
You just did it.
Didn’t ask for evidence when they told you to stay home for two weeks.
You just did it.
Didn’t ask for evidence when they told you to mask up.
You just did it.
Didn’t ask for evidence when they told local businesses to close down.
You just went along with it.
Didn’t ask for evidence when they pulled your kid out of school.
You just went along with it.
Didn’t ask for evidence when they scared you with terms like “super spreader.”
You just went along with it.
Didn’t ask for evidence when they said you couldn’t visit the nursing home.
You just went along with it.
Didn’t ask for evidence when they said the funeral would have to be via Zoom call.
You just went along with it.
Didn’t ask for evidence when you followed the arrows on the floor at the grocery store.
You just did it.
Didn’t ask for evidence when they promised the shot was “safe and effective.”
You just believed it.
Didn’t ask for evidence when they said “Just the one shot.”
You just went ahead and got it.
Didn’t ask for evidence when they said “We meant two shots to get your life back.”
You just went ahead and got it…again.
Didn’t ask for evidence when they said “Our bad, you’ll need a booster every year.”
You just got back in line for more of it.
Didn’t ask for evidence when they said “We meant boost a few times a year.”
You just nodded your head in agreement because look how far you’ve come. You can’t go back now.

But if someone tells you all of that was horrible and wrong and it’s ruined millions of lives…
You’ll say you are going to need to see some “evidence” of that.

1 month, 4 weeks ago

People tell me that we need to go back to the old ways, to the old wisdom.

Q: Why do we need to 'go back'?
If we were once there, how and why did we 'lose it'?
If the reason for losing it is not diagnosed, understood and addressed, how can we ever get back?
If we want to fix our problem, we have to find that cause, and then fix it, yes?

If the brilliant thinkers and greatest awakened ones from the past are to be acknowledged, and their work re-instituted as the daily operating system for wo/mankind, we need to dig up their work, clean it, dust it off and set it on the table before us. Doing that with the best bits of wisdom available, we then synthesize and radically condense it to its bare essence.

As expected, the revealed essence of the ancient teachings are exactly what is already deeply inscribed in each of our hearts and minds. But most cannot find it within - it requires serious work. So, for those who have not personally found it, it must be spelled out for them.
The result?
Holy Books and Systems of Law... which... being not personally experienced and known in the heart, these man-made artifacts of the Truth will then proceed to be hacked and tampered with over time by ego-driven minds until it's perceived as the opposite of what was intended... which is exactly what we currently have today, across the world.

The bottom line, and the only workable response, IMO, is to do whatever we can to 'pry open minds and hearts'.

Unless and until God-Essence and Natural Law righteousness is personally experienced, felt and known in the mind and the heart of everyone, then everyone lives in the dark. Lamenting the state of things, grasping for truth. The substantial, organic, righteous rules of life become abstractions.
Believed mental abstractions beg to be manipulated and corrupted. Life-enhancing and self-governing truths are turned into punitive, restrictive commands from 'authorities'.

But when God-Essence and Natural Law is personally known, it changes you forever. Abstraction... gone. Authorities... gone. No need for any of it... for now you Know. You are now capable of self-realization, self-regulation, self-determination. You automatically and enthusiastically work toward helping everyone else reach the same place.

So... what does it take to 'open minds and hearts'?
Why should 'knowing what is already deeply inscribed in our minds and hearts be so difficult?
Why does spiritual self-realization require so much work?
Shouldn't all of this - open minds and hearts - be, like, obvious and available to everyone, all the time?
Were all human beings once like that, all the time?
If so, how did we lose it? Why did we lose it?

All cultural myths, legends and descriptions of the ancient state of humanity speak of an amazing time when the common state of human consciousness was one of bliss, wisdom, peace, abundance. Connection to infinite God-Essence was clear, clean, strong and constant.

Are all wisdom writings and spiritual practices of the last 10,000 years merely desperate attempts to try to get back to the state of consciousness that all our ancestors previously had?

Can we regain that State of Being?
Can you regain that State of Being?
Can Everyone?

2 months ago
Wow. First one down.

Wow. First one down.
This is exactly what TPPTB want.
I expect to see much more of this.
Soros and his paid armies of cultural disruptors across the globe are achieving success.
With hundreds of thousands of military-aged young men walking across the border into the USA every week, I expect pockets of similar violent outbreaks, then full-blown disruption.
Millions of weapons will quickly come out of closets, and it's gonna get ugly.

2 months ago
2 months ago

Many years ago I tried to tell Mercola to get off his 'fruit is bad, cuz it's loaded with fructose' schtick... that he was missing the obvious point that fruit is Nature's ideal food for human beings. Fruit looks good, smells good and tastes good, exactly as Nature gives it to us. No processing, spicing or cooking necessary. Delicious, as is. That can be said for no other class of natural foods.
He wanted me to give him TheScience that informed my conclusions.
I said science does not apply. Natural Law applies.
He blew me off.
Now he's coming around... after leading tens of thousands of people astray. For many years.
Left-brain-dominant skeptical science freaks can really be annoying.

*"When I first started keto, I was below 50 grams of carbs a day for about a year and then
for the next five years increased to about 100 grams per day. For the past few months, I
have increased that to 425 grams of carbs per day, mostly in the form of ripe fruit.
I have noticed dramatic beneficial changes in my blood work..."

"I believe the most prudent strategy is to listen and trust your body."*

His recent article is below. It's loaded with sciency mumbo-jumbo, none of it necessary to read or understand. The truth is that the deeper that health science nerds get into studying cellular operations, the more confusing and muddled the picture becomes.
(Of course, there's absolutely nothing confusing or muddled about any of it, inside your body, as monitored and run by your amaaing central nervous system. The Grand Intelligence that lives inside you knows what it is doing. Your very limited ego-driven left brain is your nemesis.)

Human science knows probably 5% of what goes on in the body (I'm being very generous). The net result of sciencey research are thousands of independent, dissociated stacks of arcane metabolic literature, each stack containing hundreds of huge holes in it due to incomplete or total lack of knowledge in thousands of areas.
Nevertheless, TheScience nerds love to proclaim that their latest discovery helps everything make sense, as they proceed to make the next diet or healthcare recommendation/pronouncement... that is found to be totally wrong some years later.

Well, at least Mercola 'fesses up to his previous ignorance and wrong conclusions. I'll give him a belated gold star for that.
"I believe the most prudent strategy is to listen and trust your body."
Dump your 'fruitless' obsession with science and follow your own advice, Amigo.

2 months ago

Voluntaryist says:
The notion of "consent of the governed" is every bit as absurd and morally indefensible as "consent of the raped"
The agreement of a majority of men do not override the non-consent of the individual.

2 months ago
Dr. Robert Sniadach Channel
2 months ago

OK... someone mentioned that yesterday was 'Super Tuesday', the day that many US states run their primary elections for president nomination for the two main parties.
At this moment, all the 'facts' point to Donald Trump winning the republican nomination, and probably he will become the next president... again.
Sure, plenty of things can happen btw now and then to change that, not the least of which could be a severe black swan event.
But just for the fun of it, let's assume Trump is elected prez again in Nov2024, and is sworn in Jan2025.
What might happen, just before the Nov2024 election... during the period after Trump is elected but before being sworn in come Jan2025, and after he is officially the new prez?
What do you think?
If you have spent any time looking into the whole picture of USA shenanigans over the past few years, you know that USA infrastructure, economy, military, border/immigration, techno-creep, transgender/transhumanist/transgenics, IRS/CIA/NSA/ETC, and most everything else about the institutions that hold the country together are all splitting at the seams.
Media, tech, medicine and education industries are all fully infiltrated and owned by hard-progressive/democrat/collectivist/socialist individuals.
The political left has already clearly stated that they will not accept Trump as prez, and will do whatever it takes to stop it or nullify it.
The political right, hoodwinked in the 2020 election, if thwarted again in this election... may explode at the grassroots level.
Anything could happen.
Which way will things go?


Black Swan Event: Definition and Examples - 2024 - MasterClass

Black swan events exist well outside the realm of regular expectations. When they occur, they make an indelible and unpleasant mark on history. These happenings seem to drop out of the sky, leaving experts and laypeople alike shocked at how such things could…

OK... someone mentioned that yesterday was 'Super Tuesday', the day that many US states run their [primary elections](https://edition.cnn.com/election/2024/electoral-college-map?game-id=2024-PG-CNN-ratings&game-view=map) for president …
4 months ago


Unplug it and break it. Problem solved.

People naturally believe that they should not destroy the property of others. Yes, good, correct. Respect the property of others.

But when that 'property' of others includes cameras, microwave towers, scanning equipment, etc, that means their property is harming you.

That is unacceptable, immoral and unlawful.

Unplug, cut, burn, destroy any equipment that harms you. NO ONE has ANY right to install and employ technology that hurts others.



2023 update - Digital ID or Digital Prison (& Five Pillars to Enslave Humanity) - by Aman Jabbi

Digital ID or Digital Prison presentation with updates for 2023. More discussion about the Digital Transformation, The Hegelian Dialectic for Climate Change & Global Warming, Tokenization of Assets, NetZero, UN SDGs, ESG, Manipulation of school children for…

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CHAT: @eggfightclub_chat

Tw: twitter.com/EggFightClub

Last updated 2 months ago

Official Trollmollywood Channel ,Movie Suggestions ,Reviews etc.🎬
Official Trollmollywood™️ Telegram Channel :

Instagram :https://instagram.com/trollmollywoodmoviemedia?igshid=xpziv23dfzq7

Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago

Feedback: @eggs_wisdom

NFT Eggs Wisdom

NFT Collection on GetGems, Opensea
Limited Edition NFT, Unique NFT



Last updated 1 month ago