ENGLISH: Michael & Carolyn Roads - Spiritual Teachings

Michael Roads is an internationally known spiritual teacher, speaker, author and a modern mystic with a special focus on nature. His motto is Choose Love and Be and Live it. Here you find all the texts that he posts on social media.
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8 months, 2 weeks ago

I feel you all more and more in me - our beautiful Family of the Heart - as the days go by the deeper I go and the more I connect. Together we live Divine Alchemy unfolding as our experience . . . and trusting it! It’s all good (. . . even if it doesn’t sometimes feel that way!)

May all Beings be free. May all Beings be healed. May all Beings be transformed by the miracle of Love. I’m hugging you with all the Love in my heart . . . ?

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi Everyone . . . Carolyn here. When Michael was first diagnosed over a year ago, both Pan and Hilarion were strangely silent, with little direction to offer. I wanted their advice and assuredness that Michael would heal, yet all they said was ‘Trust, trust, trust the process.’ Okay, I thought, I can do that . . . so I trusted that his health would be restored. Well, we all know how that turned out.

Months later, after we were told that the cancer had spread, I had a realisation in the still of yet one more sleepless night, that I was not ‘trusting the process’ at all. Not even close. I was trusting that what I wanted to happen would happen, and NOT trusting the divine plan of the journey of the soul Michael is . . . regardless of the outcome. I was not trusting Life. I thought I was. I even believed I was. But on deeper reflection, no.

Have I always done this? Well, yes, I think I have many times. I’ve often had expectations or attachments to an outcome, although not as glaringly obvious and certainly not about anything I cared as much about as Michael.

I realised that in the co-creation of our lives, God/Love/Source, from an obviously incalculable greater knowing than our ego/idenities, ‘edits’ whatever our desires are for the highest growth in consciousness of all involved, and that is what unfolds, even if it drags us there ‘kicking and screaming’.

I’m now so clear of the total perfection of this entire last year, the most difficult year of our lives. Michael and I grew in ways that could never have been possible otherwise. And that is our very reason for existence, to grow in consciousness. Why else would be be here?

Bibi recently sent me the following quote that Michael wrote in his book “Through the Eyes of Love, Book One.” It is something Hilarion said to him:

“The more you can trust in what you cannot see and feel, the closer that seeing and feeling will become. Over and over you tell others … trust. I say to you trust beyond trust. Trust when trusting seems hopeless and pointless. While you stand in the ashes of despair, trust. While your heart feels shattered and broken, trust. Trust will take you into realms you have not walked, and trust will reveal to you sights you have not yet seen. Trust.”

So what is it that we are trusting in?? God/Love/Source. We are, each and every one of us, the absolute ‘allness’ of Supreme Creation, and that Divinity of Self, that absolute Love within, serves us very well when in the driver’s seat. And giving ourselves completely to Love, to Source, often happens in our very darkest hours, when everything has been ripped away and there is nothing left but complete surrender. Not necessary because we want to surrender, but because we’ve tried everything else and there is nothing left to do.

The re-connection with our Divinity is made through the silent language of our heart . . . feeling, not thinking . . . feeling this profound, Loving, limitless, soft, pure frequency that is our essence, that has always been there and will always be there.

Michael would say that our senses are the walls and ceiling of the prison that keeps us locked in the illusion, yet the door is wide open to endless wisdom and wonders. As Hilarion said above, “The more you can trust in what you cannot see and feel, the closer that seeing and feeling will become.”

Together we walk as the Light of the World . . . not for any gain or expectation but simply because that is what we do. We are the way-showers, the map-makers for others to shine in their divinity, that we all may come naturally, easily and effortlessly into our true expression . . . the expression of God/Love/Source in human form.

A mantra I say, that came to me in meditation, is: “I AM the essence and expression of pure Divine Love, touching the hearts of all Beings I meet with the memory of their own divinity." Maybe that feels good for you, too.

9 months ago

Hi Everyone, Carolyn here. It was mentioned to me the other day that there are people who have commented about Michael’s passing in a way that reduced or judged him. In what way I do not know, but their expectations of how Michael should have transitioned, as a spiritual teacher, were obviously not met.
Michael and I pondered why so many spiritual teachers chose cancer as a vehicle with which to leave their bodies. I remember Gangaji speaking of her teacher, Ramana Maharishi. In his final days with cancer there were moments when he cried out in pain, and she said there were those who questioned that, as if it lessened him. She told this in a way that expressed her subtle amazement at this reaction. I remember this rather well, possibly because decades later I would feel amazed at the same thing.
How we ‘die’ is not nearly as important as how we live. Michael lived a brilliant life of service with a deep commitment to humanity. Of course we are entitled to our own feelings, yet would it not be kinder to remember him in a Loving way?
Michael, himself, would let any judgement of him roll off his back like water off a duck. But I’m humble enough to admit I felt sadness at hearing this. It came from someone (or someones) in our family of the heart. I know it’s not the first time he’s been judged, far from it. It is part of the experience of being a teacher. Not everyone agrees with you and that’s okay, they don’t have to.
But I’ve always felt judging, anyone in any way for any reason, defines the person who is judging far more than the person who is being judged. As soon as we expect someone else to be who we think they should be, we have not made peace with this person, so we have not made peace with ourself. All One. Is it not better to ‘live and let live’ . . . just bless them and walk away from people whom we do not resonate with? To me, that’s choosing Love. Something to ponder.
I was going though writings the other day and came across this . . . which, although not marked as such, I’m pretty certain Michael dictated to me:
"My soul knows better and is taking me where I need to go, even if it feels like chaos to my mind’s desire for solid, reliable answers. . . . and to remember what is timeless and deathless. There’s no end, no closure, no resolution, no certainty, and wishing it were otherwise only brings suffering."
Michael’s consciousness was expanding into new horizons as he prepared to lay his body aside. Whatever realm or reality he now finds himself in, is very blessed to have him, and I’m sure ‘how’ he transitioned carries absolutely zero importance. I hope it does for you, too.
The below quote was always one of Michael's favourites. Please be kind. Be compassionate. Choose Love. I Love you all very much (. . . even if you judge! ? . . . how could I not? . . . you’re my very own Self.
Hugging you with all the Love in my heart, Carolyn ???

10 months, 3 weeks ago
ENGLISH: Michael & Carolyn Roads - …
10 months, 3 weeks ago

Hi Everyone, Carolyn here. When I saw this post on glow in the dark trees I thought to myself, ‘Oh my gosh! . . . here it is!!’ Around twenty years ago, in one of Michael’s books, he wrote about how he metaphysically visited a reality (which could have been our future) where they were doing exactly this. Working in harmony with Nature, creating beautiful and luminous living art, rather than exploiting Nature with so much environmental damage. This is our future, working in unity with the Natural World which is every bit as divine as we are. All life is One with God. And God is Love. Every form of imbalance is overcome by the conscious realisation of the presence of Love in our hearts, making all ‘the crooked places straight’ though spiritual illumination.
Speaking of Michael’s metaphysical traveling, he had a recent question regarding this: “Maybe you want to share why you never wrote about traveling through dimensions on Facebook.”
Michael’s reply: “To me it was inevitable that people would see complication where there isn’t any. In any case, the first step is to negotiate your own house. Not many people are ready for that. Negotiating the universal house becomes secondary. First we must learn to negotiate our own house. (you’d be surprised how few notice I don’t mention Pan on Facebook.)”
Michael’s purpose is to help people move from fear to Love, in the most basic sense. This is what enriches people’s daily lives. Whereas his ability to travel beyond time and space is hugely fascinating and often mind-blowing, it doesn’t help people live their lives in peace and harmony. It certainly opens the door to the limitless realities in the multiverse, expanding our knowing of what is, but as far as helping people ‘negotiate their own house’, not so much, if at all.
I’ve heard Michael say a few times over the years that if he was able to levitate several feet above the ground, he would draw huge audiences as people flock to see phenomena. But to speak on Love, sadly, that can be a difficult and misunderstood topic for many to embrace. But times are absolutely changing. A revolution of Love is sweeping the planet and we are all a part of this awakening by radiating the divine Love we feel flowing endlessly though us, and though this spiritual alertness we are re-igniting the spark of divinity in every heart we meet.
And as Michael would be quick to add here . . . regardless of the reality you are exploring, choosing Love is the only choice. Whether we choose Love now, or a millennia from now, we will choose Love . . . because there is no where else to go.? Hugging you with all the Love in our hearts, Carolyn and Michael

10 months, 3 weeks ago
ENGLISH: Michael & Carolyn Roads - …
10 months, 3 weeks ago
ENGLISH: Michael & Carolyn Roads - …
10 months, 3 weeks ago
ENGLISH: Michael & Carolyn Roads - …
10 months, 3 weeks ago
ENGLISH: Michael & Carolyn Roads - …
1 year ago

Once again I apologise for the long delay. No excuse other than sheer fatigue. It has become the name of the game. A morning shower and breakfast causes me so much exhaustion that I need an hour or two of sleep to recover.
My friend, Bruno, called in to see me recently. As a retired Swiss doctor and still practising homeopathy, he is not afraid to look at illness from a non-logical, more metaphysical perspective. He asked me if I had made a definite choice whether or not I wanted live in the physical world/body or transition back to the greater reality of the metaphysical world. This came as quite a surprise to me as I immediately realised that I had not clearly made this decision on a cellular level. I remembered when, a few hours after the shock of being told that I had terminal cancer, thinking “This is not so bad . . . I can go Home.' Although I do not look forward to the dying process, transition holds no fear for me. I know there is no death, no endings; life is endless continuity. So although I set out on a journey of healing, I still had not made a definite decision, even though I thought I had.
Bruno suggested that my body was not clear on whether it should live or die, so it was caught in a type of limbo created by my mixed feelings. On one hand, I had chosen to heal, and on the other hand I knew I did not what to go on living in the reduced and limited way these past many months have so often afforded me. Bruno went on to say he had a vision in meditation where there were two hands pulling on a rope in opposite directions on each side of me, which is exhausting my body. This made sense to me. After he had gone, I had a good think about it. Most of my physical life is behind me now. Transition may not be in my immediate future but it is not too far ahead of me. I am in no hurry. So very clearly I chose my Love for Carolyn, my Love for my biological and spiritual families, my passion for being a spiritual teacher, and my deep desire to see the BIG Change that is taking place in the human consciousness for those who are ready leap into a new expression of human life.
In other words . . . I CONSCIOUSLY choose to continue physically living . . . in Love!

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