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Last updated 3 weeks ago
*? Walmart & Government Team-Up: What’s Happening? ?***
Imagine your local Walmart transforming into a resettlement camp and processing center. Sounds like a scene from a dystopian novel, right?
But here's the scoop:
There’s been talk of Walmart joining forces with the government for some serious surveillance and control—think martial law meets the mega-retailer.
What’s the Consequence?
When that law passes allowing them to utilize the treasure trove of recordings and transcripts from your smart devices, things could get dicey.
Picture this: Your everyday conversations, captured by gadgets, turned into tools of mass incrimination. Big Brother meets Big Box Store ?.
• Massive Marshal Law Round-Up: The data from your smart home devices could flag you as a dissident.
Cozy kitchen chat? Not so safe anymore.
• Removing “Dissidents”: Using those recordings to track and charge individuals who don't toe the line.
Walmart Centers as Camps?
Your local store might soon serve dual purposes, groceries and government processing. Easy to access, plentiful in number—it’s a takeover with a retail twist ?.
So, what's the consequence? In a Walmart near you, privacy may just become the new poverty. No fear, just mental preparation. Know the puzzle pieces.
United Invasions - Destroying your country through mass collaborations with the worlds most wealthy and evil individuals in existence.
Is something big coming?
More CEOs and big tech people are selling their stocks specifically people who are known to make big moves and have them affect everybody.
Be extra vigilant
Disclosure Hub Content Map
Disclosure Hub FilmsVaccine Patch (Hydro Gel / Luciferase)
Everything on FEMADoctors on COVIDConstitutional LAW especially for Covid and Jabs:Vaccine Fraud ExposureTrump Q DatabaseAnti Lock Down and Protest DatabaseHuman trafficking and elite pedophilia evidence databaseGeorge Soros ExposureBill Gates Fraud ExposureJoe Biden exposureTony Fauci Fraud ExposureObama ExposureNew Word OrderRituals and Satanic CultsJFK Assassination ExposureExtraterrestrial DisclosureQuantum Human CapabilitiesALL 5G and Radiation9/11 DatabaseNEW ZOMBIE DATABASEFree EnergyCovid 19 Fraud ExposedGeneral Conspiracy DatabaseBig Tech Take OverCapital Rally TruthHealth and SurvivalFree EnergyProtests and RiotsThe Ukraine LieQuantame TechnologiesCloning and DroningMoney PoxWhere the Elites HideFight PropagandaOsama Bin Laden
Elon's Brain Chip in First Human 1/29/24 (Neuralink)
So you say you wouldn't get one? Apparently they are going to make people who have them have such an advantage it's literally going to push us out of society. Thoughts on that?
Watch this and challenge yourself.... In a crazy world, what if Elon musk were to be the one ushering in the Mark of the Beast? He's super cool and seems to be fighting for us against his rich friends, but what if... WHAT IF... that was too good to be true? What if he was planted here in order to capture some of the most awake ones? ALL OF US have been wrong before, what if we are wrong now? Includes Neuralink in a 2009 movie called "Hardwire" and a brief (relevant) dip into communism and the Chinese Social Credit System.
This is a great video to challenge yourself. Take some time and get out of your comfort zone and see what happens when you look at ALL facts objectively.
Aspects Covered:
- "Neuralink control your mind"
- How Neuralink is inserted
- Elon's AI Tesla Bot
- The New Goat logo
- Elon's Freemason "X" Logo
- Elon "Cell Phone radiation is safe"
- Elon's girlfriend ❤️ Baphomet
- Elon's Gf pushing AI communism
- Elon's GF masks before Covid
- Rat on his rocket while in space
- Elon's New world order Jacket
- Elon's Satanic Halloween Costume
- Elon's rockets hitting Firmament
- Elon Musk + Blackrock / Vanguard
- Elon origins - Reese Report
- Elon and Paypal
- Elon not founder of Tesla?
- Father had a child with Daughter?
- Way before "X" Elon had X .com (existed way before paypal) "X" was planned way before he bought twitter?
- Elon's CEO Replacement for twitter (X) was a chairman of the W.E.F.
- Elon's Mother has MANY obvious in your face symbolism on magazine covers
(Neuro Nero Nuro Neura Nera Nura Neurolink nerolink nurolink Neuralink neralink nuralink link)
Rumble link:
? (this was posted by someone trying to say trump is using the EOs for good but he can def use them for bad either way.)
1/13/2017 • Obama TSA chief announces he will not stick around for Trump Administration.
6/6/2017 • Trump endorses David Pekoske, nominates him to administrator of the TSA.
David P. Pekoske Background Check:
•Former Vice Commandant of the US Coastguard (30+ years in the service)
•Commissioner of the CyberSpace Solarium Commission that developed a consensus on a strategic approach to defending the US CyberSpace against attacks of significant consequence.
•Senior Official Performing the Duties of Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security from April until November 2019. [Chad Wolf takes over this position, keep this in mind]
8/3/2017 • Pekoske confirmed by US Senate, following his nomination by President Trump.
8/10/2017 • Pekoske sworn in as 7th TSA Administrator.
His five-year term will expire in August 2022.
Fast Forward right before Biden “Inauguration”
1/6/2021 • Capitol “Riot”
1/11/2021 • President Trump approves Emergency Declaration for DC.
Trumps 2018 EO on Foreign Interference in a US Election declared a National Emergency:
“...In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I Hereby Declare A National Emergency To Deal With This Threat.”
USC 50 War & National Defense
Chapter 34: National Emergencies
Title III— Exercise of Emergency Powers And Authorities:
Sec 301: “When the President declares a national emergency, no powers or authorities made available by statute for use in the event of an emergency shall be exercised unless and until the President specifies the provisions of law under which he proposes that he, or other officers will act. Such specification may be made either in the declaration of a National Emergency, or by one or more contemporaneous or subsequent Executive Orders published in the Federal Register and submitted to congress.”
FEMA Statement from 1/11/21:
“The President’s action on declaring an emergency in DC, under Title V of the Stafford Act, authorizes FEMA to coordinate all disaster relief efforts used to avert the threat of disaster in the District of Columbia.”
Following Trumps Emergency Declaration, Military Mobilizations begin to be announced and troops begin to be deployed to DC. FEMA is now authorized under a declared emergency.
1/11/21 (continued) • Acting Secretary of Homeland Security [Chad Wolf] resigns. Since there is a vacancy in the position of Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, Pekoske, the head of the TSA, (background check above) fills this position.
1/20/21 • Biden “appoints” Pekoske to Acting Secretary of Homeland Security (even though he was already in this position due to the vacancy by Chad Wolf resigning on the 11th) until the US Senate “confirms” Bidens nominee to takeover the position. (which wasn’t until Feb 2nd and is ILLEGITIMATE)
Since there was a vacancy going into the transition, Pekoske will remain Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, and continue his five-year term as the TSA Administrator.
?Based on the above information:
•Pekoske is loyal to Trump.
•Pekoske is Acting Secretary of Homeland Security.
•Pekoske is head of the TSA.
•Trump declared a state of emergency following the Capitol “riot” to prepare for the 59th Presidential “Inauguration.”
•We have been under a National Emergency since September 12, 2018.
•When Trump declared an emergency in DC on January 11th, under the Stafford Act, FEMA was authorized.
•Who Controls FEMA?
The Department of Homeland Security.
•Who is the Acting Secretary of Homeland Security due to a vacancy?
David P Pekoske.
? New Mission Impossible foretells a seemingly accurate list of events…
The “Mission impossible” series is probably one of the CIA‘s main sources of propaganda injection for society. In the latest mission impossible of 2023 they come right out and say exactly what Klaus Schwab and the world economic forum are saying..
Cyber attack, also a sentient AI attack.. as well as Civil War over lack of water air and energy.. don’t forget food
Check out these clips and send this to a loved one because I included detailed explanations via clips from “out of shadows”..
Link to this video off telegram:
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Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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